7 Major Mistakes To Avoid As A Digital Nomad

7 Major Mistakes To Avoid As A Digital Nomad

In this post, I will quickly share with you some of the most common mistakes which are made by most digital nomads – so that you can avoid them.

Thus, read till the very end if you want to learn more about this topic.

1. Don't Start Travelling Too Soon

This is probably the biggest mistake which most people make – due to lack of patience.

Once you have an appetite of travelling the world, your brain will tell you to start travelling ASAP – which isn't always a good decision.

Remember, this cost some lil bit of money – thus, you must be prepared for it – otherwise, you might end up struggling in a foreign nation.

For this reason, it's important to leave your country when your business is now making enough money to cover for your estimated expenses – consistently for at least 5 months.

Once you do that, you wont face any challenges related to finances i.e. in your nomading life.

2. Don't Travel Without An Emergency Fund

Another important thing is to travel with an emergency fund – just in case, something happens to your business.

This allows you to have something to rely on i.e. if something happens to your business – thus, allowing you to cover your expenses whilst trying to fix your business.

For example, let's say that you're an FBA seller, Amazon might shut down your seller's account – and at times, freeze your earnings i.e. if you violate their terms of service.

In such instances, that's where you need an emergency fund to sustain your lifestyle – whilst you're still trying to negotiate with Amazon.

3. Don't Lose Sight Of Your Main Goals/Priorities

One of the biggest mistakes which most beginners make is that, they lose sight of their main goals or priorities.

They go to a foreign country and they start flexing – forgetting that they still have a business to work on.

And if you're not careful, your business will crumble – and you'll be forced to go back to your country of origin.

I’m not saying that, you shouldn't have time for fun at all – NO!

But all lm saying is that, you should put 1st your main goals – and everything else comes after.

4. Don't Neglect The Importance Of A Daily Routine/Schedule

If you become a digital nomad, you wont have someone to tell you what to do & when to do it – because you'll now be your own boss.

This gives you more freedom from following orders or instructions i.e. as the case of most 9 to 5 jobs.

However, if you're not careful, you'll struggle to accomplish your tasks – because it's easier to procrastinate when there's no one who's holding you accountable.

For this reason, it's important to have a daily routine/schedule which guides you on what needs to be done & when.

Not only that, but you should be disciplined enough to stick to that schedule – so that you wont get distracted by other less potent things.

5. Don't Live Lavishly

Another mistake which most people make is living lavishly in a foreign nation i.e. living in expensive hotels, eating at exotic restaurants, drinking at fancy bars, etc.

By this, l mean that you should not live a lifestyle that's beyond your means i.e. trying to impress people that you're making a lot of money.

If you spend $5k per month – but your business makes 10x that amount, then there's no problem because you can afford to live like that.

However, the biggest problem comes when you're spending that kind of money whilst your business makes almost an equivalent of that amount – because all your income will be going towards funding your lifestyle.

Thus, you should try to live below your means – rather than trying to impress people with a ‘fancy lifestyle' which you can't afford.

6. Don't Over Pack

Another mistake to avoid is over packing.

Try by all means to travel only with the most essential things that you truly need – rather than moving around with a bunch of staff that you probably don't use.

Remember, luggage does cost some money on the planes – thus, you should try to minimise luggage expenses.

Not only that, but travelling with a bunch of staff is a huge burden for you i.e. it's stressful.

7. Don't Travel To Places With Poor Internet

Last but not least, you should travel to places with good internet speeds.

Remember, your business is mainly based online – thus, internet connection is key for your operations.

For example, if you're a freelancer, you need the internet to connect with clients, process payments, or even do some research.

For this reason, you should research about a place's average internet speeds – before you visit that place.


You Must Have A Place That You Call Home

As a bonus tip, it's important to have a place to call home – probably in your country of origin.

The reason being that, you might face some challenges regarding your paperwork – which might force you to go back to your nation.

Besides, if you're continuously travelling around the world, you might struggle to establish some strong relations with specific people – since you’ll be constantly moving.

But if you have a place that you call ‘home', you'll have a group of people that you can linkup with i.e. if you travel back to your place of origin.

Wrapping Up

So these are some of the mistakes that you need to avoid as a digital nomad.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any more questions.


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