ClickBank Affiliate Tutorial: Everything You Need To Know

ClickBank Affiliate Program

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Overview Of ClickBank Affiliate Program

ClickBank is one of the leading platforms for digital products since this platform has managed to build some authority on the online space.

There are thousands of vendors on this platform who lists their products so as to leverage the organic traffic which visits this platform on a daily basis.

On this platform, you can find thousands of digital products in different niches i.e. make money online, weight loss, relationships, spirituality, amongst others.

This provides a wider choice to customers who may be interested in buying items from this platform since there is a ton of great products on this ClickBank.

But the key question is;

How Do Affiliates Fit In?

Most vendors are keen to find people who can promote their products on their behalf for a commission.

The commissions can be as high as 50% or more for some products since most vendors are willing to pay big bucks to their affiliates.

Wait a minute!

50% is not realistic for some people especially those who’re used to promote amazon products.

But let me shed some light for you!

Unlike amazon, most products on ClickBank are digital in nature.

This means that there is less overhead costs involved in these products since there is no need for shipping, inventory, etc.

Digital products are created once and they can serve a larger audience since they can be delivered through automated distribution systems.

For this reason, vendors are willing to pay higher commissions since they incur less costs in producing those products.

With that being said, the next question that comes into play is;

How Do l Become A ClickBank Affiliate?

This question will be answered in the next section.

How Do l Become A ClickBank Affiliate?

To join the affiliate program, you need to visit the ClickBank affiliate page and you SIGN UP as an affiliate.

You just need to complete the form provided through providing your personal details as well as some few extra details.

The ClickBank affiliate team is very responsive and they approve new affiliates within a short period of time.

Thus, in just a few hours, you can become a ClickBank affiliate and start promoting various products of your choice.

The beauty part about ClickBank is that once you get approved, you will get access to various affiliate offers and you can easily generate your hop links (affiliate links) without having to seek permission from the vendors of those products.

Maybe there is just some few products which requires vendor permission before promoting their offers.

Pro Tip

ClickBank provides useful data to their affiliates in order to help them in choosing the best products to promote.

For example, Gravity indicates the number of affiliates who're currently making commissions with that offer.

You should try to choose products with higher gravity since these products are proven to sell.

Another important factor is conversion rates since this proves the percentage of leads who actually convert into paying customers.

High conversion rate indicates that the offer converts better as to opposed to low conversion rate where a small amount of leads actually completes the check out process.

Thus, you should also consider this factor so that you wont waste your traffic on silly offers.

One last thing; Choose HIGH TICKET over LOW TICKET items.

The main difference between making $1000 per day and something like $30 per day is the type of products that you promote.

With high ticket items, you can easily earn high income since you wont necessarily need to sell a lot of volumes in order to earn big bucks.

However, with LOW TICKET items, you have to push for large volumes which might be difficult to achieve.

My point is, choose products which pays higher commissions with higher conversion rates as well as high gravity.

ClickBank Is Not Available In My Country🤦‍♂‍

I’m aware that ClickBank is not available in some nations like Nigeria, India, Pakistan, etc due to various rules and regulations which restricts this company from doing business in those countries.

For this reason, most people who comes from these nations are not eligible to apply for ClickBank affiliate program.

But do you know that there is a ton of affiliates from these nations who are making money with ClickBank Affiliate program?

I mean right now there's people from Nigeria, India, etc who're promoting ClickBank products and making money regardless of these restrictions.

How Is This Possible?

They use VPNs to access this platform so as to mask their real location.

In this case, they can change their device location to UK or US and they can login to ClickBank as US or UK residents.

But this is not possible with any kind of VPN since ClickBank might notice your strategy especially if you use those weak VPNs that comes for free.

So what's the best VPN to use?

You can try to use PureVPN

PureVPN is able to hide your real location and you can change your IP address to UK, USA, or any other country in which ClickBank works.

In this case, you can promote ClickBank products without any stress since you will be operating as a UK or US resident.

Is ClickBank Free For Affiliates?

ClickBank is 100% free to join.

They don't charge any fees to their affiliates since this platform was designed to help affiliates find the best products to promote.

Unless you're a vendor, you don’t get charged any fees if you're just an affiliate.

How Do You Make Money With ClickBank?

There are various methods which you can use to make money with ClickBank such as;

i) Running Paid Ads

This is the most common method which is used by most ClickBank affiliates whereby they run paid ads on Facebook, Google, YouTube, amongst other popular platforms.

With this method, affiliates creates a simple landing page which they use to presell the products to the customers.

Also, a landing page helps to collect customer's email addresses and you can send some follow up emails to those leads so as to warm those leads and hopefully, they will buy your offers anywhere along the email series.

The main reason for having a landing page is that most customers don't necessarily buy a product during the first time of encountering a brand.

It takes an average of 7 times for a lead to convert into a paying customer and this is possible if you connect with those leads through follow up emails.

Once you have a landing page connected to an email sequence, you can then drive your traffic to that landing page and the emails will be sent on autopilot.

You can use something like GetResponse for this whole process since you can build landing pages using this software as well as sending automated emails.

ii) Creating Blog Content

This is another great way to make money with ClickBank affiliate program.

The idea is to create a website and you start writing Product Reviews about various products.

The main reason why this method works is that customers are always doing some research about different products in order to get a better understanding about those product before making their final purchasing decisions.

For this reason, customers always land on Affiliate/Review sites and they end up buying through affiliate links on those websites.

The beauty part about this method is that its 100% free to use since organic traffic is free and highly targeted in nature.

Now l know that most people don't want to write articles by themselves since they regard this as ‘difficult' and time consuming.

If you're that kind of person, you can go to Fiverr and hire a freelancer who can write the articles for you.

Whether you hire a freelancer or you write the articles by yourself, the bottom line is that you should have some content on your blog that is optimised for SEO in order to increase your chances of ranking.

Now lm aware that most people don't want to create their own blog due to various reasons.

You can use platforms like Medium or even Press Release sites like apnews, prweb, amongst other related platforms.

The beauty party about these platforms is that they have higher domain authorities thus they rank naturally on Google.

Thus, you can use these methods for the short term if you want to make money in the short run.

But if you want to turn this into a long-term business, you definitely need to build your own website since these platforms are not reliable at all times.

iii) YouTube

YouTube is also a great platform to use for promoting ClickBank products since there is a ton of customers who uses YouTube to research about various products before making a purchasing decision.

The beauty part about YouTube is that its 100% free since it does not cost any money to start a YouTube channel.

Not only that, but YouTube traffic is 100% organic hence you can get your videos in front of many eyebrows.

Another cool thing about YouTube is that the YT algorithm recommends random videos on the side bar thus even a channel with zero subscribers can get recommended on that side bar.

But bear in mind that it might take sometime for your channel to gain traction since organic traffic is not an overnight thing.

But once you gain those initial views, it will turn into a snowball effect and you will start to see some positive results.

All you need to do is to create videos about various products then you put your affiliate links in the description of the video.

Try to optimise your videos for SEO so as to increase your chances of ranking for those search terms.

Also, you should provide some BONUSES to your audience so as to incentivise more people to buy through your links.

Now l know that most people don't want to get in front of the camera for various reasons.

You can use tools like InVideo so as to create videos without showing your face.

This technique works pretty well and this is proven by the huge number of channels with lots of subscribers who uses these kinds of videos.

How Much Do ClickBank Affiliates Make?

The sky is the limit.

There is a ton of affiliates who makes more than $30k per month from this platform since most ClickBank products converts like hot cakes.

There is a ton of money to be made on this platform since customers are always looking to buy these products.

If you know what you're doing, you can make as much as you want since there is unlimited opportunity on this platform.

The key is to find the right offers and you connect those offers to the right audience.

As simple as it sounds, we should not ignore the fact that there are other affiliates who're struggling to make a penny on this platform.

But if you do it the right way, you will earn big bucks from this platform.

(Focus on solving problems & Providing value, and results will come along the way)

Is ClickBank Legal?

ClickBank is 100% legal.

This platform operates legally and it is registered.

The fact that ClickBank has been around for many years proves that this platform is legit.

If that was not the case, ClickBank would have been forced to cease their operations a long time ago.


After reading this article, lm pretty sure that you're now equipped with some knowledge about ClickBank Affiliate Program.

Once you master the tips shared in this article, you can achieve massive success with this affiliate program.

But before l wrap up, always remember these key takeaways:

i) Promote HIGH ticket products with high gravity and high conversion rates.

ii) Focus on providing value to your audience through your content and people will naturally buy from you.

iii) Focus on solving problems rather than pushing for sales.

Once you master these 3 things, l guarantee you that you will achieve massive success with ClickBank affiliate program.

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