How To Get More Followers On Facebook (5 Great Strategies)

How To Get More Followers On Facebook

Eager to grow your Facebook account?

I got you!

In this post, l will share with you 5 great strategies that you can use to grow your Facebook account – so that you can get more leads for your business.

Thus, you should read this article till the very end if you want to learn more about this topic.


Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Do Facebook Livestreams

The first strategy on our list is to focus more on Facebook livestreams.

The reason why this is so powerful is because, Facebook is trying to become more of a video platform – in order to compete with other platforms like YouTube.

For this reason, they're trying so hard to push this feature – and their algorithm has been adjusted to favour livestreams in recent years.

Thus, if you leverage these livestreams, you’ll have higher chances of reaching more people – hence, increasing your followers.

Now, lm aware that most people are afraid of doing livestreams – because they get some butterflies in their stomachs when they're in front of the camera.

I totally understand this – since most people have their own insecurities.

But it's important to build up your confidence – and just put yourself out there.

You'll get better with time – because practice makes perfect.

And most of the fears that you experience are nothing but just negative thoughts circulating in your head.

You'll realize that you were just overthinking about this issue i.e. when you eventually take the leap of faith – and you realise that it's doable.

2. Leverage Larger Facebook Groups

Another great strategy is to leverage existing groups within your niche.

Look; traffic already exists on the platform. You just have to figure out where it is congregating – then tap into those places.

For example, if you're in the fitness industry, there's literally hundreds (if not thousands) of groups – which have existing audiences of people who're interested in this industry.

Thus, these people are also your ideal audience since they’re already proven to be interested in that niche.

But the question is;

‘How can you drive them from those groups to your own profile?’

That's where most people gets it wrong!

Most people goes into large groups and they spam their links – hoping people will magically follow them.

But that's not how it works – and you can potentially get banned from those groups if you do any sort of spamming.

The best way is to provide value in those groups i.e. through posting helpful content – and through answering other people's questions.

If you do this consistently, people will start to notice you as a person of value – and they'll be interested in connecting with you on a more personal level.

That's when they'll check your profile – and hopefully, follow you.

3. Run Paid Ads

Another great strategy is to run paid ads to your account.

The truth is, Facebook has turned into a pay to play platform – since the platform now favours people who pay for eyebrows.

Back then, you would easily get more organic reach without any paid promotion – since there was only a few people running paid ads.

However, things has changed – and there's now more people who're paying for eyebrows.

Thus, Facebook is now prioritizing those people – at the expense of those who don't pay for clicks.

I understand that you might not have a budget to run paid ads – especially if your business is still small.

But if possible, you should try to get started even with a small budget like $5/day.

This is better than not running ads at all – since this allows your content to reach more people in a short space of time – and some of them might turn into followers.

4. Create Shareable Content

Another great strategy is to create shareable content.

This helps to reach people with minimum effort – because other people will help you grow through sharing your content.

For example, if you create a nice infograph, your friends will be happy to share it on their timelines – and your friend's friends will also share it on their timelines as well ....... the chain keeps going on & on & on.

In the process, your content will be exposed to a broader audience – and some of those people might turn into followers.

Thus, it's important to create shareable content if you want to reach more people – and eventually, get more followers.

5. Leverage TikTok

Last but not least, you should try by all means to leverage TikTok.

I can't stress enough how powerful this platform is – since their algorithm is a bit lenient.

It's easier to blow-up on TikTok compared to other platforms – thus, you must definitely utilize this platform to your own advantage.

In order to get started, you must post nice short videos on your TikTok account – then you incentivise people to click on your Facebook link to get more information.

This helps to drive traffic from TikTok to your Facebook account – thus, helping your account to grow much faster than when you're just relying on Facebook organic traffic.

Thus, if you're not utilising TikTok, then you're missing a lot of traffic.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained some value from this post – since l tried by all means to share my best knowledge.

Obviously, this post would have been a bit longer if l chose to mention each and every strategy.

But if you utilise these few strategies, you can grow your account much faster.


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