ShareASale Affiliate Program: How To Get Started For Beginners

ShareASale Affiliate Network

One of the most popular affiliate networks in the online space is ShareASale and this network has been around for quite a long time now.

For this reason, the network was able to attract a lot of affiliates and merchants since it has managed to build some authority over the years.

But the key question is;

What's really unique about ShareASale which differentiates it from other affiliate networks out there?

To answer this question, lm going to analyse some few important characteristics of this network, particularly addressing some of the most common queries that are being asked by most people.

Some of them includes:

Without wasting much time, let me jump straight into more detail.

What Is ShareASale Affiliate?

ShareASale is a network which was designed to connect product owners with affiliate marketers.

There is no doubt that most brands struggles to find affiliates who're willing to promote their offers since most affiliates likes to promote products that are already popular on the market.

For this reason, it might be difficult to find affiliates especially if you're a brand new merchant since your products will still be new and less popular on the market.

However, when you join a network like ShareASale, you can ‘easily' find affiliates who can promote your products through leveraging the built-in affiliates who uses this network on a daily basis.

Enough of this TEDx talk!

Lets take a look at the cost involved in using this platform since most people always ask about this issue.

How Much Does It Cost To Join ShareASale?

ShareASale is 100% free for affiliates since it was designed to help willing affiliates to connect with potential merchants.

For this reason, ShareASale is completely free on the part of affiliates.

However, the platform is not free for merchants since merchants are required to pay a certain registration fee in order to join this platform.

The fee varies from one category to the other since each niche has its own requirements.

But in my case, l was required to pay something close to 100 bucks when l wanted to register one of my products but l don't think that this fee is the standard for everyone.

You might need to contact the support team if you're a merchant who likes to inquire about the exact fees.

How Do l Become A ShareASale Affiliate?

All you need to do is to visit the ShareASale main website and you SIGNUP as an affiliate.

Once you select that option, you MUST provide some few details including your personal details, payment details, etc.

Once you submit your application, it might take some few days to get feedback and the affiliate support team normally replies through email.

Your application can either get accepted or rejected depending on various factors which they consider when processing new applications.

If you're fortunate to get approved, then congrats!

You can now login to your dashboard using the login details provided by the support team.

You will now have access to the main marketplace where all products/brand are listed.

You can browse through the marketplace and you can filter the listings by most popular, top selling, alphabetical order, etc.

In order to apply for a specific brand/product, simply select the brand name, fill out some few details, and submit your application.

Again, these brands may accept or reject your application depending on various factors which they also consider when processing new applications.

You might need to apply to as many brands as possible in order to increase your odds of getting accepted.

Once you get accepted, simply grab your promotional materials (banners, links, widgets, etc) and start promoting these offers on your website, YouTube channel, or any other platform you wish.

Now let's get to the worst case scenario i.e. let’s assume that your application was denied by the ShareASale affiliate team.

What might be the main reason why most applications gets rejected?

From my research, l discovered that you have to meet certain requirements in order to get accepted into the network.

Failure to meet those requirements might result in your application being denied.

In the next section, l will summarise some of the main signup requirements of this network.

ShareASale Signup Requirements

The major requirement of this network is a website.

It is common that most affiliate networks requires someone with a website since a website proves that you're someone who is trustworthy, legit, and also capable of promoting their offers.

When l talk about a having a website, l don't mean a static website which is a 1 or 2 pager site.

I mean a functional website/blog that has some content pages on it and this comes in the form of written articles.

Thus, before applying for ShareASale affiliate network, you must definitely have a functional website that has some content on it.

👉You can read this step by step guide in order to create your own website within minutes.

Other signup requirements includes your personal details, payment details, tax information, etc but lm not going to discuss about these basic requirements since most people knows about this staff.

ShareASale Affiliate Commission Rate

For most products, the commission rate is 20%.

This means that you will earn $20 in commissions for every $100 worth of sales that are generated through your affiliate links.

However, there are other affiliate programs and networks which pays a higher commission rate e.g. ClickBank products pays as high as 50% in commissions.

But still, 20% is much better than <10% which is being paid by Amazon Asssociates.

Wrap Up

By now, lm pretty sure that you've got some of the key information that you need to know about ShareASale network.

ShareASale is a great platform to connect with some of the bigger brands in the world since these brands might be difficult to approach as an individual.

Also, this platform gives you the ability to monetize your content through recommending various products and services to your audience through your links and you'll get a commission in return.

Thus, ShareASale can be a great platform to consider if you wish to connect with brands and refer their products to your audience.

But before you leave this post, always remember that a website is a pre-requisite for getting approved into this network since they prefer affiliates with valid websites.

Thus, you must create your own website and publish some few content before applying for ShareASale affiliate network.

In this case, you will increase your odds of getting accepted when you apply in the future.

👉You can read this article if you want to learn how to build your own website.

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