These Are The 19 Best Side Hustle Ideas & Jobs Right Now!

Best Side Hustle Ideas

Are you looking to make some few extra bucks on the side?

If so, then post is for you.

I will share with you some of the best side hustles that you can do on your spare time to make some few extra bucks.

These includes:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Garage Sale Flipping

If you're a fan of Gary Vee, then you're probably familiar with this business model.

This is whereby you go to garage sales (for second hand items), buy them at a lower price, then resale them at a profit.

This is probably one of the best ways to make some money – since you can be able to list the items on eBay, Craiglist, etc – for a huge profit of course.

And the beauty part is that this can turn into a full time business – since you can scale up your efforts by attending more garage sales, whilst leveraging online marketplaces to get customers.

2. Car wash

If you're looking to make some few extra bucks on weekends, then car washing can be a great option for you.

You can literally learn this activity on YouTube, buy some few cleaning equipment – and get started in no time.

The truth is – most people hates to spend their time washing their cars on their own due to other pressing issues.

Thus, you can take advantage of those people and charge them some decent amounts – just to wash their cars.

You can leverage Facebook groups to get customers i.e. through advertising your services in FB groups within your local area.

3. Amazon Flex

If you're comfortable picking and delivering items, then Amazon Flex can be a great option for you.

You can easily signup for Amazon Flex – and once you get accepted, you can start picking and delivering items for Amazon's customers.

You can earn anywhere between $18 - $25/hour doing this side hustle – hence earning you some bit of side income.

And the cool thing is that you can integrate this hustle with your daily normal schedule e.g. picking items on your way to work, then pass through the recipient’s location to deliver the items.

4. Driving For Uber

Next on our list is driving for Uber.

If you have a car that is just parked in the garage, you can register for Uber and utilise that car.

This allows you to make some few extra bucks on the side – through moving people from one location to the other.

Alternatively, you can signup for Uber Eats – if you don't want to deal with passengers.

Uber Eats allows you to deliver food items for people – and you get paid for completing the trips.

5. Becoming An Instacart Shopper

Similar to Uber Eats, is Instacart Shopping.

You can signup to become a shopper for Instacart i.e. either an in-store shopper or a full time shopper.

If you're an in-store shopper, you specialise on picking items for people at the grocery store – then you hand them over to the delivery person.

However, if you’re a full time shopper, you fulfil both picking and delivering tasks – hence making more money.

Thus, this can also be a great side hustle which you can do on your spare time like weekends.

6. Taking Online Surveys

This is probably one of the most common ways to make some few extra bucks online.

You can signup for different survey platforms and you can get started in no time.

The beauty part is that you'll get paid to perform some simple tasks – which takes literally few minutes to complete.

However, it is important to mention that you cannot make a ton of money from surveys.

But you can be able to make some few extra bucks whilst chilling at home, waiting for your food order, or maybe when you're just waiting for your Uber.

👉You can read this article if you want to know some of the best survey sites right now!

7. Freelancing

If you have some specialised skills, then you can become a freelancer to monetize those skills.

You can easily signup on platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, etc and you can start selling your services.

And the beauty part is that you can leverage the organic traffic which visits these platforms – hence, allowing you to get more clients without too much stress.

The interesting part is that you can learn skills like graphic design, web development, logo design, etc through YouTube tutorials – thus, you don't necessarily need to have some credentials in those fields.

But let's assume that you don't have any skills to sell, then the next side hustle can be perfect for you.

8. Drop Service

This is one of the ‘easiest' business models right now – since you don't have to worry about delivering the services by yourself i.e. you just act as a middlemen.

You can essentially find clients who're willing to pay higher prices for certain services – and you can find a freelancer who can do the job better at a lower price.

This allows you to pocket some few bucks without having to fulfil the tasks by yourself – your job is to look for clients and you delegate the tasks to someone else.

👉You can read this article if you want to learn more about this business model.

9. Starting A YouTube Channel

Another great side hustle is starting a YouTube channel.

You can literally start a YouTube channel for free – and you can easily start uploading some helpful content which people are searching for.

The beauty part about YouTube is that it can turn into a full time hobby over time – if you stay consistent.

And you can also make videos without showing your face – thus, you don't have to worry about getting in front of the camera.

Now, l know that most people are not comfortable becoming YouTubers due to a number of reasons.

If you're one of them, then the next hustle can be great for you.

10. Blogging

If you're someone like me who likes to hide behind the keyboard, then blogging can be great for you.

Instead of showing your face on camera, you can start a blog which is independent of you – and you can start publishing some useful content.

The beauty part is that blogging can turn into a full time hobby over time – if you stay consistent.

Also, blogging opens up some income generating avenues which are way beyond AdSense e.g. affiliate marketing, brand deals, paid sponsorships, etc.

Thus, you can make a fortune with blogging – if you know how to do it the right way.

👉If you want to learn how to start a blog and make some decent income, check out this article

11. Print On Demand

Do you know that you can start your own clothing business without any inventory?

That's true.

You can start a print on demand business – whereby you come up with apparel designs and you leverage sites like Printful for production and fulfilment.

You don't necessarily need huge capital to get started – since the cost of production is covered when you get orders.

Your duty is to come up with some cool designs, upload them to Printful, and drive some traffic to your designs.

👉You can read this article if you want to learn more about this business model.

12. Domain Flipping

Next on our list is domain flipping.

This is whereby you buy some expired domains on sites like ‘Just Dropped' and you resale them on platforms like GoDaddy for a huge profit.

I have friends who buys domains at 15 bucks (or less) and they resale them for few hundreds.

Thus, domain flipping can be a great money-making opportunity if you know the business fundamentals.

However, it is important to mention that you might go for few months (or even years) without getting clients for some domains.

Thus, you must be willing to bear the risk – since there's a lot of uncertainties in this industry.

13. Landscaping

If you know how to cut grass, then this side hustle is perfect for you.

Due to tight work schedules, most people rarely find time to work on their loans.

Thus, you can take advantage of these people and offer some loan mowing services – at a certain fee.

The key is to buy a good second hand loan mower and advertise your services through posters, Facebook groups or even word of mouth.

14. Window Cleaning

If you don't want to deal with complex landscaping activities, then window cleaning can be great for you.

If you walk around most neighbourhoods, you'll discover that most houses have dirty windows.

Thus, you can learn window cleaning through YouTube tutorials, buy some few equipment, and get started with this hustle.

You can do cold calling – through walking in neighbourhoods, knocking on houses, etc.

That way, you can land your first few clients.

15. Baby Sitting

This is probably one of the most common hustles especially in Western countries.

There is a lot of people who're looking for baby sitters who’re willing to stay with their babies – whilst they're at work.

Thus, you can essentially take advantage of those people and charge them a certain fee for your baby sitting services.

Alternatively, you can do pet sitting – whereby you look out for pets whilst the owners are away.

16. Renting-Out Your Car

Do you know that you can make an extra 50 bucks a day by rent-out your car?

That's true.

You can rent out your car on websites like TURO – so that other people can hire it to fulfil their travel needs.

This is great for people who have a fleet of idle cars which they don't drive on a regular basis.

Thus, instead of parking your car all day long, you can rent it out and make some few extra bucks on the side.

17. Renting-Out Car Parking Space

If you live near event spaces like stadiums, or maybe near the CBD, then this hustle can be a good fit for you.

You can essentially rent-out some parking space on your backyard – whereby you allow people to park their cars for a certain period of time (for a fee of course).

This is a great way of monetizing your yard since you can essentially earn some few extra bucks.

And the beauty part is that you don't have to worry about finding clients.

You can utilise platforms like KERB to advertise your parking space – and customers will find you through that platform.

18. Becoming A Virtual Assistant

This is another great side hustle that you can do to make some few bucks on the side.

There's a lot of people out there who're looking for virtual assistants to manage some parts of their businesses e.g. social media posting, customer support, etc.

And the beauty part is that you don't need a lot of skills to get started with this hustle.

This is so because the superior gives you some instructions – and you simply work based on those orders.

The key is to register on relevant platforms in order to get access to these kind of opportunities.

19. Online Tutoring

Due to the ongoing pandemic, most students are now learning online – from the comfort of their own homes.

For this reason, there is a ton of money to be made if you're someone who’s willing to provide tutoring services to those students.

If you have some bit of knowledge in a particular field, you can monetize that knowledge through teaching other people.

The key is to register on relevant platforms, set your prices, and start enrolling some students.

And the beauty part is that you can tutor during your spare time e.g. off days.

Thus, you might need to consider this side hustle if you have some specialised knowledge that you wish to monetize.


So ladies and gentlemen, these are the 19 best side hustles right now.

You can utilise some of these hustles to make some few extra bucks on the side.

And the beauty part is that some of them can turn into full time hustles in the long run – if you take them seriously.

Thus, you can easily replace your job in the long run if you know how to fully monetize some of these side hustles.


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