The 5 Major Sacrifices That You Need To Make To Improve Your Life

The 5 Major Sacrifices That You Need To Make To Improve Your Life

In this post, I'll quickly share with you some of the major sacrifices that you need to make in order to improve your life.

These includes:

Without further ado, let me explain each of them in more detail.

1. Social Media📱

Social media is one of the biggest things that's holding most people back.

The reason being that, most people wastes so much time⏱ on social media i.e. consuming other people's lives – instead of focusing on doing productive things.

The average person spends at least 2 hours per day on social media i.e. if we add up all the tiny minutes that you go on & off social media.

This doesn't seem like a big deal in the short run – but that tiny 2 hours per day translates to a month's📆 worth of time over the course of the year📅.

This means that, you'll be spending an entire month every year just on social media – which is just insane.🙄

But if you want to improve your life, you need to detox from social media – so that you can start focusing on more productive things.

I’m not saying that, you should completely go off social media – but all I'm saying is that, you should limit the amount of time that you spend on social platforms.

You can dedicate a specific portion of your day to replying messages📩 – rather than just opening Instagram or WhatsApp at any random time.

However, the only exception that l can give is for people who use social media for business👨‍💼 e.g. social media agencies, influencers, advertising agencies, etc.

In this case, you'll be using social media in a more productive way – unlike the average person who only uses social media for content consumption.

2. Time⏱

Another major sacrifice that you need to make is time.

If you're trying to build a business from ground zero, it requires a lot of time and dedication – since you'll be trying to join many different pieces of the puzzle together.

As we all know, we only have 24 hours🕧 in a day – thus, you can't get any extra time.

But if you're serious about building a business, you need to sacrifice some of your time which you spend on other ‘less potent things’ – and direct it towards growing your business.

For example, you can sacrifice some time away from friends👫 and family👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 – so that you can use it to build your business.

Or if you often go out with the boys/girls every Friday night🥂, you can sacrifice to stay at home & use that time to work on your business👨‍💻.

It’s not a permanent sacrifice – it's just a temporal sacrifice for long term happiness.

It might take few months of grinding – but once your business is stable, you can go back & do the things that you used to do.

Now, some people might be saying;

‘I can't sacrifice to miss the outings – or, I’m not ready to sacrifice my time for my grind'

If you’re not willing to sacrifice your time in the short run, you'll have to work for someone else for 30 to 40 years of your life.😬

So the choice is yours!

3. Money💵

You might also need to sacrifice some financial resources i.e. if you want to improve your life.

For example, if you're starting an ecommerce business, you might need some money for inventory📦, shipping, packaging, branding, etc. – thus, you’ll definitely need some financial resources to work with.

For this reason, you might need to squeeze your budget💱 – so that you can save some money to invest in your business.

You might need to sacrifice some ‘wants’ like Netflix subscription📺 – then use that money to invest in your business.

Or if you have a habit of eating out🍔🍟🥤, you can sacrifice to buy some groceries & cook at home🍛 – so as to cut down your expenses & spare some money for your business.

Keep in mind that, this is just a short term sacrifice i.e. once your business is up & running, you'll get greater rewards in the future.💯

But if you’re not willing to invest in the short term, you'll regret somewhere down the line i.e. when you get older👴🧓.

4. Toxic Relationships (Friends, Family, Partner)🤬

Another biggest sacrifice that you need to make in order to elevate in life is toxic relationships.

Your circle determines what you accomplish in life – since your behaviour & actions are shaped by the people whom you spend most time⏱ with.

And if your circle is toxic, you wont go far in life i.e. crabs in the burrel concept – when one crab tries to get out of the burrel, the other ones will pull it down so that they can all remain in that burrel.

The truth is, you can't build something of great significance when your friends & family are saying negative staff about your idea.🤬

Even if you try to ignore their opinions, they'll always affect you somewhere somehow🤯 – and it's difficult to manage the burden of building a business & the burden of toxic relationships – all at once.

Thus, if you have toxic friends & family, it's better to love them from a distance i.e. don't cut them off completely – but just distance yourself from them & reduce the amount of time⏱ that you spend with them.

5. Entertainment (TV Shows)📺

Last but not least, you should sacrifice entertainment – specifically TV shows.

One of the biggest things that's holding most people back is that tiny distraction box📺 that's mounted on your wall – or maybe placed on a TV stand.

Apart from social media, the average person spends most of his/her time on TV – and that time could be used for doing other more productive things.

By design, these TV shows are designed in such a manner that keeps your eyes👀 on your TV i.e. one interesting show after the other.

Also, soupies are designed in such a way that makes you want to watch more i.e. they leave you in a curious state – knowing that you'll come back again the following day to watch ‘what happens next'.

But if you want to elevate in life, you must be very intentional with how you spend your time on TV i.e. don't let the TV control you – you must control it!

Or if you can't resist the temptation of your TV, you might even need to get rid of it in the short run i.e. sell it (No CAP🧢) – because it might be the biggest distraction of your progress.

Then once you've managed to build a stable business, you can then purchase another one – since you wont have too much worries🤯 by that time.

Wrapping Up

So these are the 5 major sacrifices that you need to make i.e. if you want to improve🔝 your life.

The beauty part is that, most of them are just temporal sacrifices that will bring lifetime benefits💰.

But if you're not willing to make these sacrifices in the short term, you'll always suffer the consequences in the long run.🤨


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