This Is Why 99% Of The World’s Population Struggles To Make Significant Progress😒


The normal life of most people looks like this;

They wake up, go to a job which they hate i.e. sacrificing their time and energy to make the shareholders richer.

And when they get out of work, they'll be tired, stressed, frustrated, depressed, all sorts of staff.

And in order to cope up with this stress, they go on social media (instant gratification) – consuming other people’s lives.

They might spend 2 or more hours scrolling through social media – and that tiny 2 hours per day translates to a month's worth of time over the course of the year.

Thus, if you spend 2 hours each day on social media, that means that you're spending an entire month just on socials each and every year.

Anyways, that's a topic for another day!

After eating supper, most people watch Netflix i.e. spending a portion of their income on entertainment – rather than investing in their personal development (podcasts, self development books, educational videos, etc.)

Late night, they go to sleep, wake up the next morning – rinse & repeat the process for 3 or 4 decades.

When they get their pay check, they spend most of it on liabilities i.e. things that do not yield any returns.

And for some people who're addicted to gambling (get rich quick), they spend most of their income on lottery tickets, betting apps, casino, etc. – and they lose most of it.

They go back to work again the next month, lose again – and they get trapped in that cycle throughout their entire lives.

30 years down the line, those people starts to wonder, ‘why they're not making any form of progress in their lives?’

Why are they still in that same position which they were 3 decades ago?

Look man;

How can you expect to make progress when you're living pay check to pay check i.e. not investing in any business or side hustles?

How can you expect to make progress when you're consuming more than what you're producing?

How can you make progress when you're not investing in your personal development?


Most people always say staff like;

‘I don't know how to start a business because l didn't learn this at school’.

The truth is, it's your responsibility to learn that staff on your own – if you want to make progress.

You must develop what is called the G.I.N mentality i.e. Google It Now.

Instead of saying, ‘l don't know how to start a business' – you'll be that kind of person who says;

‘I don't know how to start a business yet – but let me Google It Now’.

The difference between those who make significant progress and those who don't is the slight willingness to research staff.

You literally have all the answers on your finger tips – but you just have to be willing to go on Google and find the answers to your problems.

Because if you don't do it, no one is gonna do it for you!


‘I prefer to work at my job because it's more ‘safer' than going against the grain and start my own business'.

That's true to some extent – but, the safety of your job lies in the hands of your employer.

If your employer wakes up one day and decides to fire you – that’s when you'll realize that you have been lying to yourself all this time.

There's a lot of people out there who worked for a company for 10+ years, sacrificed their lives to help the company grow – but those people were fired with just a single phone call.

You may think that you're not replaceable – until you see hundreds of people applying for that position – all with the required qualifications (if not more).

And few weeks later, your boss might not even remember that there was a person like you who used to work at that company – because they have other important things to worry about.


Then some people say staff like; ‘I don't have time to start a side hustle'.

The truth is, no one has time.

But you must spare time.

We all have 24 hours in a day – but what differentiates people is how they choose to allocate their time.

You can either spend 2 hours watching some entertainment content on Netflix – or you can use that same 2 hours to watch/read self improvement content.

You can either spend 2 hours on social media consuming other people's lives – or you can spend that same 2 hours writing a blog post which other people will consume hence making you some income.

Or when it comes to money;

You can either spend $1000 on designer clothes – or you can invest that same amount in a business that's going to give you long term returns.

You can spend most of your income on unhealthy foods (most takeaways) – or you can use that money to improve your health.

It’s just a matter of prioritisation.

And once you understand these things, you'll be able to identify ‘what's holding you back from making progress’ – thus, allowing you to make better decisions in the future.

And if you accept the fact that, you have been doing something wrong all along – and you take full responsibility of changing that situation, you'll start to see some improvements in your life.

I don’t usually make these type of spoken word articles – but l felt like these issues needed to be highlighted.


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