How To Use Reddit For Affiliate Marketing

How To Use Reddit For Affiliate Marketing

One of the best platforms to find traffic for your affiliate offers is Reddit.

If you know how to leverage it, you can get some decent amounts of targeted traffic to your offers – thus, allowing you to get some clicks & sales.

But the question is;

‘How can you leverage this platform to get traffic without being spammy?’

That's what will be discussed in this post.

I will briefly share with you a simple strategy that you can use ASAP in order to get traffic from Reddit.

Thus, read till the very end if you want to learn more about this topic.

Let's get started....


Firstly, you need to join some sub-Reddits/communities related to your niche – so as to get in front of people who have some common interests.

And you know what's more interesting?

The owners of those communities already did a great job of gathering those people into 1 common place.

Thus, instead of stressing about where to find traffic, you'll be able to tap into a platform where people already congregate.

Once you've joined some few communities, you should start adding some value in those sub-Reddits.

Don't show your intensions from the gate go because that might get you banned from those communities.

Instead, just focus on providing genuine value through answering to people's questions – or a times, share some helpful tips & strategies.

Once you've built some trust & authority in those communities, you can then start posting your links.

But when l say links, I don't necessarily mean affiliate links – because that's regarded as spam & it might get you banned.

Instead, you should post links to a landing page – or even a blog article on your website which covers the topic in more depth.

And if those pages provides some true-authentic value, people will end up clicking your links & hopefully, buy the offers.

You should also be strategic with the way you post your links i.e. don't just randomly post links each and every time.

Instead, you should post links where it makes sense i.e. when the topic at hand is better explained in one of the articles on your blog.

And if you utilise this strategy for a prolonged period of time, you'll start to see some positive results.

NB: Though Reddit is a great goldmine of traffic, l always recommend people to work on getting SEO traffic as well – since it's more reliable & passive in nature.

Though SEO takes time, it should be on your priority list i.e. if you want to stay in the game for the long term.


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