Facebook Ads For Beginners: This Is The Best Tutorial For You!

Facebook Ads Tutorial

In this quick tutorial, l will show you how to get started with Facebook Ads without any prior experience.

I will grab you by the hand and walk you through how you can setup and run your first ad campaign – in just a matter of few minutes.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about this topic.

Steps Involved:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Signup For Your Ad Account

In order to get started, simply head over to business.facebook.com.

Once on the page, simply signup for your Ad account using your Gmail or Facebook account.

The signup process is less complex in nature – thus, l wont spent much time explaining about this issue.

2. Click The ‘Create Ad’ Icon

Once you’ve created your account, you will be taken to a dashboard that looks something like this:

Facebook Ads Tutorial

Keep in mind that your dashboard will be empty in the beginning – since your account is still brand new.

So to get started with your first campaign, simply click on the ‘Create Ad' icon and you'll be taken to a page that looks like this:

Tutorial On Facebook Ads

3. Select Your Campaign Objective

Once on this page, simply choose your campaign objective depending on what you want to accomplish from your Ad campaign.

Just to give you an analogy;

Traffic means that you want to drive potential customers to your website or online store.

Engagement means that you'll get more likes & comments on your ad.

App installs is suitable for people who've launched an app – and are now looking for potential users to download and use their app.

Some objectives like video views, lead generation, messages, etc are self explanatory – so l wont waste time explaining about them.

But my favourite one is ‘Conversion’.

If you choose this option, Facebook will only drive people who are proven to click on website urls and buy staff.

Facebook knows everyone on their platform since their artificial intelligent system keeps track of users’ activities.

4. Create A Campaign Name

Once you've selected your campaign objective, simply choose a name for your campaign.

It can be something like a product name e.g. iPhone 11 Campaign.

The name should be something simple & easy to remember.

5. Set Your Campaign Budget

The next crucial step is to set your campaign budget.

This is where you determine the amount of money you're willing to spend – depending on your budget.

You can get started with as little as $5/day if you're on a limited budget.

However, your ad will only reach few people if you have such a low budget.

Thus, you should carefully craft your Ad budget depending on your financial muscle as well as Ad objectives.

But it is recommended to start with a lower budget and scale-up if you find a winning Ad.

Another thing to note is that you should activate the ‘campaign budget optimisation' feature.

This allows your money to be spread across all your different Ad copies within the campaign.

Thus, Facebook will analyse how your various Ads are performing and will automatically allocate your budget accordingly.

6. Setup Your Pixel

Once done, the next crucial step is to setup your tracking pixel.

A pixel helps to track the activities of your visitors – thus, giving you more data on how visitors are engaging with your Ad.

Also, pixels helps to collect customer data which can be used for running retargeting ads.

Thus, you should setup your tracking pixel in order to track how visitors are engaging with your ad, as well as for gathering data.

You can find some free tutorials on YouTube if you want to learn more about pixels.

7. Setup Your Target Audience

Things gets juicier when we reach this stage.

This is where you decide on who will see your Ad – depending on various metrics like location, interests, gender, age, sex, language, etc.

You need to pick a specific audience which is interested in your offers – rather than trying to target a broader audience which might not have any interest in your offers.

In terms of location, l prefer tier 1 traffic i.e. UK, US, Canada, Australia & New Zealand.

This is so because people from these nations are proven to buy staff online than people from lower tier nations.

Thus, it is key to choose buyer traffic which is proven to convert.

However, this varies from one offer to another since some offers performs well in low tier nations.

For example, if you're selling South African football jerseys, there's no point of targeting US traffic since they wont be interested in those jerseys.

Instead, you have to target South African audience for better conversions.

Another thing to note is age and gender

Different offers are suitable for different gender and age groups.

Thus, you should choose the perfect age and gender for your offers for better conversions.

But in my campaigns, l prefer to choose working class people i.e. 25+ years – since these people have some income to spend on goods and services – unlike teenage kids.

But again, it depends on the type of offer that you're selling.

8. Choose Your Placements

Once you've selected your audience, its now high time to select your preferred placements i.e. where your Ad will show up.

From my own experience, Facebook News Feeds & Instagram Feeds works better than other platforms.

The reason being that people are always scrolling through their newsfeeds every single day to check what's happening around them.

Thus, there is high likelihood that those people will see your Ad.

But you can test other placements as well if you wish to experiment how other platforms converts.

9. Integrate Your Facebook & Instagram Accounts

Once you've selected your placements, it is crucial to integrate your FB and Instagram accounts with your Ad account.

This allows your Ad to run under those pages!

10. Create The Actual Ad

After you've configured all the previous steps, its now high time to create the actual ad.

This is where you insert the media files, headlines, primary text, website url, etc.

From experience, video creatives converts better than static images – for obvious reasons.

Thus, you should try by all means to use videos for your ad campaigns.

One thing l like about Facebook is that it allows you to split test your ads.

This allows you to test out different headlines, videos, images, etc – to see which ones converts better.

Using this data, you can easily observe the best performing combination – thereby allowing you to choose the best combination.

Once you've completed this process, simply submit your Ad.

Your Ad will go under a review process to check if it adheres to Facebook's Ad policies or not.

If it gets approved, it will start running as ‘Sponsored'.

Wrapping Up

That's pretty much everything about Facebook Ads.

Ideally, these are just the basic concepts of Facebook Ads.

I tried by all means to summarise this process – so as to make the article short.

But it is important to note that there's more to Facebook Ads than just setting up an Ad.

There are other things like retargeting, scaling, etc which are also crucial when running Ads.

Thus, you might need to seek further education before getting started with these ads – otherwise you'll loose your money.


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