How Self Improvement Helped To Improve My Life

How Self Improvement Helped To Improve My Life

Before embarking on my self improvement journey, my life was in shambles i.e. low quality of life.

Although my life seemed ok i.e. from the outside looking in, it wasn't at its best.

But as soon as l embarked on my self improvement journey, the quality of my life improved drastically – and even people around me could tell that my life is on an upward spiral.

And in this post, I'II explain how this journey improved my life for the better – just in case, some of these things might be helpful to you as well.

Thus, read till the very end if you want to learn more about this topic.

Let's dive in....


1. It Helped Me To Find My Purpose i.e. My WHY

Growing up, l thought that the only way of living is through finding a good job with a steady pay-check – then work my a** off till retirement.

And that's how the society programs us to think!

However, l quickly realised that most people are miserable with their 9 to 5 jobs – though they might be earning some good income.

No matter how much you earn from your job, you'll still feel a void inside of you i.e. if you're doing something that doesn't fulfil you as a person.

As soon as l embarked on my self improvement journey, l realised that the key to happiness is doing something that fulfils you – when ever you like – where ever you like – without falling into someone's else life path.

And after watching a bunch of videos on this topic, l was able to finally land on my purpose i.e.

‘Impacting the lives of others through my writing’.

And from the day I embarked on my purpose, l feel more fulfilled – regardless of how much l make.

👉Helpful Source: How To Find Your Life Purpose

2. It Helped Me To Improve My Mental Health

Self improvement also helped me to improve my mental being i.e. through the following:

(a) Meditation🧘‍♂️

Back in the day, l was prone to high stress🤯 levels i.e. due to different things that happens in our lives.

However, my stress levels went down significantly as soon as l started meditating – because meditation helps to clear negative thoughts from your mind.

It also helps to improve your mood – because you'll now be able to observe & control your thoughts much better.

Thus, meditation is something that l highly recommend to people.

(b) Reading Self Improvement Books📚

I can't stress enough how reading impacted my life.

Growing up, l only read school text books – which are ok, but they aren't meant to ...... – you know what I'm talking about😜.

But self improvement books can have a huge impact on your life – because they allow you to consume great ideas from some of the greatest minds in history.

And each book that l read adds something to my mental factory – and l use some of the ideas in business, relationships, or just life in general.

(c) Journaling📒

Journaling is also something that has helped to improve my life.

It allows me to talk with my self i.e. through putting my thoughts on paper & analyse them from a distant.

And by doing this, you’ll be able to make better decisions in life – rather than using your emotions to make irrational decisions.

Writing your thoughts on paper also allows you to create more mental space for thinking other ideas i.e. use your brain for thinking, pour the thoughts on paper – then refresh the brain for more thoughts.

(d) Social Media Detoxing📵

Last on this issue is social media detoxing.

Back in the day, l used to spend hours scrolling through social media – which is a common habit for most people.

Though this seems normal, this habit is toxic to your mind i.e. you wont be able to live life based on your own terms.

You'll be living life based on other people's expectations – so that you can fit-in.

You'll always be stressed – trying to post something that's appealing to your friends & fam – which is just insane!

Also, you'll spend most of your time reacting to other people's lives – which isn't good for your mental health.

But once you detox from social media for a prolonged period, you'll realise that your life will be far much better i.e. less stress – because you'll be living life based on your own terms, doing things at your own pace.

And also, social media detoxing helps to improve your overall productivity – thus, leading to better results in your business – because you'll now have more time to focus on your grind.

3. It Helped Me To Improve My Physical Being

Back in the day, my body wasn't in good shape.

Though it's not yet at its best, I'm still working on improving my body every single day i.e. through the following:

(a) Exercising🤸‍♂️

Growing up, l used to hate exercising i.e. l didn't want to stress my body & muscles that much.

But once l embarked on my self improvement journey, l quickly realised the importance of doing exercises – even most successful people spares some time for this practice.

So every single day, l do some push-ups, stretches, pull-ups, etc. (I don't lift weights btw😉).

Once l adopted this habit, l started to see some improvements in my body shape – which is quite great😁.

Also, exercising helps to improve your mental state – which is helpful especially in this creative space.

(b) Diet🍜

Growing up, l used to eat junk foods all the time – because l didn't knew the long term effects that comes with these foods.

However, l started reading health blogs around mid 2020 – and l slowly started to shift my diet.

And since then, I'm very aware of what enters my body – because as well all know, garbage in >> garbage out & vice versa.

Also, foods that you consume can have an effect on your productivity levels i.e. most junk foods makes you feel tired – thus, you wont have much energy to execute on your grind.

Thus, you should be very cognitive of what you allow into your stomach – otherwise, you might regret few years down the line.

NB: Drinking a lot of water helps too – and it's something that you shouldn't neglect.

(c) Skin Care Routines

Still on physical health, it's important to take care of your skin.

Most people applies random substances to their skin – and some of these might be harmful to your skin.

For this reason, it's important to use the right products for your skin i.e. proven soaps, lotions, creams, etc. – so as to make your skin better.

(d) Cold Showers🛀

Last but not least, cold showers also helped me a lot these past few years.

Personally, l get more energy soon after taking a cold shower – thus, allowing me to write more blog posts.

I’ve also realised that, my immune system has become more stronger i.e. from the day that l started taking cold showers.

I’m no longer prone to small health issues like flue, colds, fiver, etc. – which is kinda awkward because most people believes that, cold showers impose more risk of contracting such diseases.

But in my case, l got less illnesses when l started taking cold showers compared to when l was still relying on hot baths.

4. It Helped Me To Become More Organised

My life became more organised from the day l started doing the following things:

Back in the day, l used to live a mediocre life i.e. a life without a clear direction – and that's how most people live their lives.

I used to live life with my fingers crossed🤞 – hoping that things will magically happen to me.

But guess what?

No one owes you anything in this world!

You have to clearly define what you want out of this life (vision) – then you come up with a plan of action on how you're gonna achieve that thing.

You should have a written list of goals – as well as the deadlines for each of them.

Once you start practicing this habit, your life will change – because goals forces you to take intentional action.

(b) Writing A To-Do List📋

Another practice that has helped me a lot is writing a to-do list.

If you don't have a to-do list, you might spend the whole day doing things that doesn't matter that much to your business or life.

And you wont be able to track your progress – because you wont have something specific to focus on.

So it's very important to write down a small list of tasks that you want to accomplish that day – and l tell you, this habit is very powerful.

(c) Routines♻️

Last but not least, l adopted productive routines i.e. morning & daily routines.

I can't stress enough how important routines are – because they are good for having productive days.

Even most successful people like Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, etc. – all have routines which they follow.

And those routines have helped them to be in the position where they are now today.

5. It Helped To Boost My Overall Confidence

Last but not least, self improvement helped to improve my overall confidence.

Growing up, l was a bit introverted and that used to mess with my confidence a lot.

But as soon as l embarked on my self improvement journey, my confidence levels boosted a lot – because l was now becoming the best version of myself i.e.

(i) If you're on your purpose, you'll have more energy inside you – because you'll have something that drives you every single day. And that energy will reflect on your outer body – thus, leading to more confidence.

(ii) Things like meditation & journaling helps to reduce stress🤯 levels – and once you have less things to worry about, your confidence will increase dramatically.

(iii) Exercising & skin care routines helps to improve your physical appearance – thus, you’ll be more secure about yourself in public settings.

Wrapping Up

So that’s basically how self improvement helped to improve my life.

And if you follow some of these practices, you might see some progress in your life as well.


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