Affiliate Marketing (Blog Post Series): Complete Resource For Beginners!

Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

In this series, Ashley shares some of his best resources – which are helpful to beginners who want to get started with affiliate marketing.

These includes:

Module 1: What Is Affiliate Marketing & How It Works

In this section, Ashley explains the basic fundamental principles of affiliate marketing.

This module is an eye-opener for complete newbies who're not familiar with this business model.

The blogger tried by all means to simplify the concepts of this business model – so as to provide a better understanding to the readers.

He also explained the different types of affiliate marketing i.e. Pay Per Click, Pay Per Lead, & Pay Per Sale models.

Not only that, but he also explained how this business model works – as well as the different components involved in this business model.

Thus, you should not miss this module.

Module 2: How To Get Started With Affiliate Marketing

Now that you have a basic understanding of this business model, it's now high time to learn how to get started.

The blogger provides a step by step blueprint that can help you to get started ASAP.

Most people gets overwhelmed when they hear about this business model, but they get stuck when it comes to implementing what they've learned.

But Ashley tried by all means to provide a simple blueprint – which anyone can implement ASAP in order to setup & run his/her affiliate business.

Thus, if you're serious about getting started with affiliate marketing, then you should read this module.

Module 3: Email Marketing Tutorial For Beginners

As we all know, ‘the money is in the list’.

If you want to maximise your earnings, you need to build an email list from day 1.

But the question is;

‘How can a complete newbie build a huge list from scratch?’

That's what will be discussed in this module.

Ashley clearly explained how anyone can build a list of targeted buyers i.e. from ground zero.

Building an email list is not as complex as most people think!

You just need to provide a lead magnet – so that people can give you their emails in exchange of the freebie.

Anyways, more of that in the module.

Module 4: SEO For Beginners

If you want to rank higher on Google, you need to master the art of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

Without proper SEO skills, you might struggle to get your content in front of your target audience.

The topic of SEO seems complex esp for most beginners – since most newbies thinks that you need to be an ‘SEO expert' in order to rank on Google.

But this is just a myth!

In this module, Ashley shares some of his best strategies that he uses to rank his blog posts on Google.

And the beauty part is that, these strategies are actionable – meaning, anyone can implement them ASAP.

Thus, if you want to learn about SEO, then l highly recommend you to check out this module.

Module 5: Paid Traffic

If you want to scale your business ASAP, then you definitely need to invest in paid ads.

This allows your content to reach more people in less time – thus, increasing your chances of getting more customers.

In this section, the blogger explained the 3 main forms of paid advertising i.e.

👉5.1 Facebook Ads

👉5.2 Google Ads

👉5.3 YouTube Ads

Thus, you definitely need to read these modules i.e. if you want to learn about paid ads.


Bonus 1: Launch Jacking (Full Tutorial)

This is probably one of the best modules on this blog!

Ashley shared a detailed tutorial on launch jacking – which is packed with a lot of gems.

If you’re not familiar with this concept, it’s basically a technique whereby you promote future product launches i.e. products that are launching in the near future.

This allows your content to rank much faster on Google – since there will be less competition for those keywords on Google.

And when the product eventually launches, you'll get more traffic, leads, & sales i.e. due to early rankings.

Thus, if you want to learn more about this technique, then l highly urge you to check out this module.

Bonus 2: Copywriting Tutorial For Beginners

If you want to increase your conversions, you definitely need to master the art of copywriting.

Without this skill, you might struggle to convert leads into paying customers.

Copywriting seems difficult for most beginners who don't fully understand the language of marketing.

But if you read this module, you'll get a better understanding on how to write ‘persuasive scripts’ that entice your readers to buy.

Ashley went a step further and shared a real life example – where he shows you how to write a ‘killer copy' that actually converts i.e. from start to finish.

Thus, you don't need to miss out this module i.e. if you want to improve your copywriting skills.

Bonus 3: Keyword Research (Ultimate Guide)

If you want to increase your chances of success in this business, then you need to do some keyword research.

Most beginners don't know how to do proper keyword research – since they think that, you should just write about any topic(s) that comes into mind.

But the truth is, you need to do proper keyword research – so as to get your content in front of the right people.

You can have the best content on the web – but if you don't optimise your content for the right keywords, you won't get any traffic.

After coming across many great articles with poor keyword optimisation, Ashley decided to sit down and write a detailed guide – which shows you how to do proper keyword research for your blog.

Ashley broke down the process into smaller-sized bits which are easy to consume i.e. even for complete newbies.

Thus, l highly urge you to read this module ASAP.

I hope that this blog-post series helps you to get started or even scale-up your affiliate business.

Let me know what you think about this series in the comments section below.

And by the way, don't forget to share this series with your friends & fam 😜 i.e. if you find it helpful.