How To Build A Powerful Personal Brand On Social Media

How To Build A Powerful Personal Brand On Social Media

One of the best ways to productize yourself is through building a personal brand.

This allows you to build an audience of people who knows, likes, and trust you – and you can easily monetize that audience through brand deals, sponsorships, affiliate partnerships, or even selling your own products.

People like Oprah Winfrey & Gary Vee have managed to build strong personal brands on various platforms – and they've managed to make millions of dollars i.e. through leveraging their audience.

Thus, personal branding can be a good way to build a business online.

But the question is;

‘How can someone like you build a successful personal brand online?’

That's what will be discussed in this post.

I will share with you a 5 step process that you can follow in order to build your own personal brand.

It includes the following:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into the meat.

1. Choose A Niche

The first step is to choose a specific niche i.e. who do you intent to serve with your brand.

Is it based around affiliate marketing – or maybe, entrepreneurship in general?

Is it based around weight loss for older moms – or maybe, it's based around the relationship niche?

You must be able to clearly define your target audience – so that you wont be that type of person who tries to serve everyone on the planet.

It's also important to choose something that you're passionate about, as well as something that you're knowledgeable about i.e. so that you wont easily get frustrated.

Thus, take your time & really think about what you want to be known for.

2. Pick A Platform

Once you've chosen your niche, it's now high time to pick a platform i.e.

Do you want to build your brand on Facebook?

Is it Twitter?

Or maybe Instagram?

It's so important to choose one specific platform – rather than trying to grow on too many platforms at once.

It's better to direct all your time and energy on one specific platform – instead of spreading it on various platforms.

Now, you might be wondering;

‘Which platform is the best amongst available options?’

To be honest, that question really depends on your niche – as well as what you're trying to accomplish.

Some niches works better on Instagram – whilst other works best on Facebook.

You just have to do your own research – and figure out which platform is ideal for your niche.

NB: It's also important to look for role models – and see how they've managed to build their own personal brands on your target platform.

3. Setup Your Account

Assuming that you've selected a niche & a platform, it's now high time to setup your account on that chosen platform.

But you shouldn’t just setup a normal account that looks too generic.

Instead, you should come up with something professional – so that people can develop some trust in you.

It's important to use a professional photo of yourself i.e. you can go for a photoshoot, instead of just using an ugly random pic that you took with a poor camera, poor background, etc.

You can also hire a freelancer to design some nice looking banners for your brand – so that you can use them to nice-up your profile.

Another thing to mention is that, you should clearly describe what your brand is based around i.e. through inserting a brief bio about you and your brand.

This helps to attract the ideal audience for your brand – because people will know exactly what to expect from you before they decide to follow you.

If you have a personal website, it's also important to let the people know i.e. through including the url/domain of your site in the links section of your profile.

4. Tell Your Story

Do you know what makes your personal brand stand out from the crowd?

It's actually story telling!

Most people relates to stories – since they might been going through similar situations in their own lives as well.

For this reason, people connects with you much better when you share your story.

You should carefully craft your story in a manner that makes it more relatable.

But obviously, you shouldn't exaggerate your story because it becomes less relatable – and most people will pick up on that.

It's also important to show some ‘transformation’ inside your stories – so that people who're going through similar situations can know that there's hope.

For example, if you’re telling a story on how you transformed from being obese to becoming a better person (in terms of shape), you can say something like;

‘Growing up, l didn't have much friends – because most kids used to make fun of me due to my body state. I always felt like an outcast most of the time – because no one wanted to hangout with me back then. Thankfully, l came across Product X just a few years ago – and it revolutionised my life’.

If you tell a story like this, people who're currently suffering from obesity will resonate with your story – because they're more likely facing these similar challenges.

Not only that, but they'll more likely take your recommendation (Product X) – because they'll assume that if that product worked for you, it will work for them as well.

And guess what?

You can then promote Product X as an affiliate – thus, allowing you to make some commissions.

5. Publish Consistently

Last but not least, it's also important to come up with a publishing schedule – and you stick to it!

Most people starts their own personal brands, post some few posts, then they disappear for a whole year.

But you must understand that, you can't blow up overnight – especially on these social media platforms.

It takes a lot of hard work & dedication over a long period of time before you start seeing some growth.

And if you manage to push through these hard initial times, you'll more likely reach success.

Wrapping Up

So that's how someone like you can build a strong personal brand on social media.

Building a personal brand is one of the best ways to productize yourself – and build a sustainable business online.

And if manage to stay consistent in the long run, you'll see some great results.


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