How To Make Money With Solo Ads Traffic ASAP!

How To Make Money With Solo Ads Traffic

In this post, l will share with you ‘how you can make money with solo ads traffic’ – so that you can get started with these type of ads.

After reading this article, you'll be in a better position to go out there and get started with solo ads i.e. using the strategies shared in this post.

So read till the very end if you want to learn more about this topic.

Steps Involved:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Sign Up For Udimi

The first step is to sign up for Udimi – since this is the platform that you'll be using to buy traffic.

Udimi is probably the best platform when it comes to solo ads – since it has high quality vendors compared to most platforms.

Thus, you must definitely use this platform for buying your traffic.

And the cool thing is that, it's 100% free to signup for this platform.

And l have a special link which gives you a discount on your first traffic order – and l have included it below:

2. Find Vendors

Assuming that you've signed up for Udimi, it's now high time to start looking for vendors related to your niche.

There's a lot of vendors on this platform i.e. they vary from category to category.

But you must filter the vendors based on your needs i.e. budget, requirements, etc.

Once you filter your results, it's now high time to start messaging them – so as to enquire about business terms.

You might need to ask them questions like;

How their list was built?

How often they send emails to their list?

What's their spam rates?

(Amongst related questions)

This helps to further screen your leads – since this process helps to eliminate low quality vendors.

And if you do this process correctly, you'll only be left with the ‘right' vendors for your campaigns.

3. Create An Opt-In Page

The next step is to create an opt-in page – which will be used to for collecting emails from your leads.

You must try by all means to create a highly converting opt-in page – since this helps to increase your signups.

If your opt-in page looks scammy, people wont be willing to give you their email addresses – since they'll be scared to give their confidential information to scammers.

Thus, you must try by all means to create a nice looking opt-in page – that can entice people to give you their emails.

4. Start Ordering Traffic

Assuming that you've created an opt-in page for collecting emails, it's now high time to start ordering traffic.

Don't make the mistake of pouring a lot of money in the initial phase – since you might incur huge loses i.e. if the traffic is low quality.

Thus, I highly urge you to order as minimum traffic as possible – so as to see if the traffic is worth your money or not.

You can also split your budget amongst 2 or 3 vendors in order to gather more data – which helps to choose the best option out of them i.e. based on the results.

5. Send Follow Up Emails To Your Leads

Assuming you now have some leads on your list, you'll need to start sending follow up emails to them.

This is whereby you start to communicate with your leads in order to warm them – and eventually, sell them your products/services.

You must be very strategic with this process – because if you do it wrong, you might lose some subscribers.

Instead of just sending promotional emails, you should try to incorporate some informational emails as well – so as to educate your leads about your offers.

That way, you wont look like someone who's just pushing for sales.

You can automate this whole process through using some email marketing tools which supports this function.

That way, you wont have to manually send emails to each and every subscriber who joins your list – since the process will be automated.

6. Assess Results

Assuming that you've run your campaigns for a reasonable period, it's very crucial to assess the performance of your campaigns.

This helps to find whether the campaigns are worth your efforts or not – hence, allowing you to make more informed decisions.

If the campaigns are not profitable, find out why they failed – so that you can improve your strategies.

If the fault is on your part, then you might need to work on your email sequences or maybe improve your product pages.

However, if you discover that the fault lies on the part of the vendor, then you might need look for a better one.

But if you're satisfied with the results, it's now high time to move to the next step – which is ordering more traffic.

7. Order More Traffic

The next step is to order more traffic – so as to get more leads on your list.

Most people tends to relax when they get their first taste of success with solo ads – since they might think that everything is now in shape.

But if you want to continue scaling, you need to reinvest some of your profits into buying more traffic – so that you can move much quicker.

I highly urge you to reinvest a certain % of your profits – so that can continue to grow your business.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained some value from this article – since l tried by all means to condense my knowledge into this tiny lil post.

I hope that you’re now able to go out there and get started with solo ads i.e. using some of the tips shared in this post.

My advise is;

Go out there and take action today – so that you can get your feet in the water.

Even if you don't get good results during your first try, you can still learn from your mistakes – thus, allowing you to refine your systems in the future.

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