10 Real Life Blogging Examples That You Can Look Up To!

Blogging Examples

In this article, lm going to share with you some real life blogging examples of some of the most successful blogs on the web.

The goal is to give you some inspiration – so that you can see what's possible with this blogging business.

You can also observe what these blogs are actually doing – and you can get some few notes from their proven systems.

Thus, you definitely need to read this post if you want to get some inspiration from other successful blogs.

10 Blogging Examples:

Without wasting much time, let me jump straight into more detail.

This blog is owned by the famous online entrepreneur – Pat Flynn.

Smart Passive Income inspired a lot of people to get into the blogging space – since most people were inspired by his monthly income reports – which he publish on his blog.

And l have to admit; l was also inspired by this guy i.e. when l saw him making more than $200k per month just in passive income. (insane)

Pat started his blog with the aim of helping aspiring online entrepreneurs who're looking to get started with online business.

*He started the blog soon after being laid off from his architecture job*

He blogs about affiliate marketing, podcasting, email marketing, etc. – and he recommends various affiliate products inside his content.

Pat also sells his own programs and courses – which allows him to earn some extra income – whilst helping other people achieve their dreams.

There's a lot to talk about this guy – but for the sake of time, let's move on to #2.

If there's one SEO guy who l give credit to – is Matthew Woodward.

I learned so much from his blog and YouTube channel – since l had no prior experience with SEO.

But after reading his articles, as well as watching his videos, l was able to boost my SEO game.

He blogs about different topics – but mainly, SEO & Make Money Online related topics.

And he makes money from recommending various affiliate products and softwares – but more importantly, he also sells his own services.

Matthew and his team helps clients who're looking to boost their SEO rankings & traffic – and he charges them certain fee.

Thus, it's also a great way of monetizing your blog – whilst offering services that you're already good at.

Apart from his blog, there are other great blogs in the SEO space e.g. Ahrefs & Neil Patel's blog – but l wont discuss them in this article.

Next on our list is Nerd Wallet.

This blog has been around for quite some time – and it's mainly focused on personal finance.

They publish content related to investing, saving, credit cards, insurance, mortgages, etc.

They make most of their money through affiliate links – since they partner with various financial institutions – and they recommend them inside their articles.

And we all know that, financial institutions are willing to pay high commissions – since they have the financial capacity to do so.

Apart from that, the blog also earns some good income from display ads – and they work with high paying ad networks – since they receive a ton of traffic on a monthly basis.

Thus, this blog makes millions of bucks per year – from both affiliate marketing and display ads.

Similar to Nerd Wallet is Penny Hoarder.

This blog also specialises in personal finance – and it makes money from ads and affiliate marketing.

But the main reason why l included it on this list is that, it was sold for almost $102.5 million earlier this year.

I want to show you that, a basic blog can turn into a huge asset over time – if you keep growing it.

And guess what?

This blog was launched by a regular guy just like you.

But he kept growing the website to a point where it was making millions per year – before he decided to sell it.

Thus, you can also build a blog – and flip it for a one-time lump some.

Obviously, the list wouldn’t be complete without including this blog.

This is probably one of the biggest blogs on the web – and it specialises on reviewing different Amazon products – and it generates revenue through affiliate income.

This blog has thousands upon thousands of articles – and most of them ranks on Google due to the website's high authority.

But guess what?

This blog was also built by a normal guy – but he continued to grow it to a point where it was making big bucks.

He then decided to sell it to New York Times for a whooping $30 million – plus some few add-ons which were spread over few years.

Thus, it's also a great example of what's possible with this whole blogging thing.

Another great example of a great successful blog is Website Builder Expert.

This blog specialises on web building and web hosting – and it is aimed at helping people who want to setup their own website online.

They publish articles related to;

Best website builders for bloggers

Best website builders for ecommerce

Best web hosting services

Bluehost Review

Siteground Vs Bluehost

*The list goes on!

And the blog makes more money from affiliate links – since it has some links inside the articles i.e. which links to their recommended softwares.

And we all know that, most web hosting companies pays good commissions i.e. $50/sale on the low end, but some even pay over 100 bucks per sale.

Thus, the website is making some good income from affiliate partnerships.

And guess what?

You can learn about these kind of topics through YouTube videos – and you can start your own blog based around web hosting and website building.

You just have to be willing to learn the main staff related to these industries before you start writing about them.

This blog is kinda unique – since it is some sort of a resource.

This website was designed to help people who're looking to build PCs at home i.e. DIY.

This website shows you how to integrate different equipment in order to come up with a complete PC.

They show you the ideal GPU, motherboard, CPU, etc. – and they link to various companies like Amazon, Newegg, Best Buy, etc.

And when people buys those products through those links, the website owner earns some commissions.

Thus, it's also a great example of a simple – but resourceful blog.

This blog has been around since 2014 (if not mistaken).

It's more of a lifestyle type of blog – since the owner publishes content related to her favourite staff which she likes using, then she links to affiliate sites.

When people buys those products, she earns a kickback.

I would like to believe that this blog earns more than $100k/month – although the owner no longer publishes her income reports.

But by end of 2016, the blog was earning around $40k/month – and the income was growing month after month.

Thus, it wont be a surprise if it surpassed the $100k/month mark.

Next on our list is a blog called Gold Insider UK.

As the name suggest, the blog is mainly centred on golfing.

Thus, the owner writes articles related to this sport – and he links to various golfing equipment inside his content.

And guess what?

Most golfing equipment is hella expensive – thus, he makes a lot of commissions when people buys through his links.

Thus, it's also another great example of a successful blog – that is outside the traditional niches i.e. Make Money Online, Weight Loss, Relationships, etc.

Last but not least, we have a blog called Own The Yard.

This blog is centred around gardening & landscaping – and the owner publishes great articles related to that niche.

He also recommends various gardening equipment inside his articles – and he earns commissions from Amazon i.e. when people decides to buy using his links.

And some of the equipment is high ticket – thus, allowing him to make big commissions.

Thus, you can also check out this blog if you're interested in this niche.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've been inspired by some of these examples – since l tried my best to mix blogs in different niches.

When people see these kind of blogs, they think that the owners of these websites are crazy nerds or intelligent people – which is just a myth.

Most of them are just normal people like you, who also have 24hrs/day.

And most of them used to work the traditional 9 to 5 jobs – but they decided to step out of the ‘traditional route' to pursue their dreams.

Most of them built their blogs whilst working a normal job i.e. through writing during evenings, early mornings, or even during weekends.

But they were able to build their blogs to a point were they were able to replace their job income – thus, allowing them to quit their jobs and go full time with blogging.

Thus, it shows what's possible if you have the work ethic and if you're willing to burn the mid-night oil.

Also, when people see these huge blogs, they think that these websites looked ‘perfect' from the onset i.e. nice design, nice theme, etc.

But that's just a myth!

Most of them started from humble beginnings – but they continued to grow over time.

Thus, you don't have to be ‘perfect' from the word go.

The key is to get started ASAP – and you'll get better with time.

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