7 Reasons Why You're Getting A Lot Of Web Visitors – But No Sales

Website Traffic

Are you wondering why you're getting a ton of traffic to your website – but still struggles to make sales?

Don’t worry – because this article will show you some of the reasons why you're experiencing this problem.

After reading this post, you'll have a clear idea on what's the main issues affecting your site – as well as how to fix them.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about this topic.

Some of the challenges includes:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. You're Targeting Poor Keywords

One of the major problems which affects most websites is that, they focus on poor keywords.

Most site owners are attracted to keywords with high search volumes – instead of evaluating the ‘real value’ of that keyword.

For example, a keyword like; ‘How to make free PayPal money' – receives a lot of search volumes since people are looking for ‘lazy ways’ of making money online without putting any work.

And if you write an article based on that keyword, you can easily get a ton of traffic – which sounds great huh!

But the problem is that, people who're searching for that kind of staff rarely turns into paying customers – since their search intent is not anywhere near buying a product or service.

Also, people who're looking for ways to make ‘free money’ are broke – and they don't have any money to spend on products or services.

Thus, if you get that kind of traffic, surely you wont get any sales.

My advise is;

Try to target better keywords i.e. those which has the potential to bring-in potential customers.

I would rather go for a keyword with less search volumes – but high buyer intent, than to go for a keyword which receives a lot of searches – but little to no leads.

And if you want to get an idea on how much a specific keyword is worth, you can use tools like Ahrefs or Uber Suggest – just to get a rough estimate value of that keyword.

2. Poor Conversion Rate Optimisation

Another reason why you might be getting a lot of traffic – but less sales is due to poor conversion rate optimisation (CRO).

I always hear most people saying; ‘I need more traffic in order to make more income' – which sounds true to some extent.

But before you get additional traffic, you should ask yourself if you're capitalising on your existing traffic.

Because if you're not capitalising, getting more traffic wont cure the problem.

You need to optimise your website for high conversion – so that you can get the most value from the same amount of traffic.

Conversion rate optimisation is what differentiates similar websites, which are in the same niche, getting the same amount of traffic – but still yields totally different results.

Thus, instead of just focusing on getting more traffic, you must optimise your website for higher CRO.

3. Lack Of Clear Call-To-Actions

Most website owners assumes that, customers know what to do when they visit a website.

But the truth is; most visitors wont take any action if they aren't told to do so.

Without clear CTAs, customers will just visit your website – then leave without doing anything.

For this reason, you must lead them to take some form of action that you need them to take e.g. booking a 1 on 1 call with you.

Once you start providing some call to actions, you'll see a drastic jump in your leads & sales – since most visitors will follow your instructions.

But of course, you shouldn't overdo it – because it might become boring to your visitors.

You must apply CTA buttons where it makes sense – so that you wont seem like you're being ‘too pushy'

4. You Don't Have Any Social Proof

Another reason why you might not be getting any sales is that, you don't have any social proof.

Before someone buys your products/services, he/she might want to know; ‘who else purchased your products and benefited from them'.

And if they don't find any testimonials, they're less likely to buy.

The truth is, no one likes to be the first person to try a new product or service – because they fear to loose their hard earned money on unproven products/services.

Thus, they'll only buy if they see some positive reviews from other people who used your products/services in the past.

But the question is;

‘How can you build some social proof when you're still brand new?’

You can provide your products/services for free or for a lower cost – so as to incentivise people to test your products.

And when you get positive feedback from those first few users, you can then use that feedback as testimonials/social proof.

Over time, you'll gather a lot of testimonials for your products.

5. You Have A Poor Sales Funnel

Another reason is that, your sales funnel is poor.

Look, sales is like dating i.e. you don't meet a random stranger – and ask her to marry you right away.

Instead, you need to build some connections/relations with her i.e. going for dates with her – before you finally propose to her.

That's the same issue with sales.

You don't need to pitch your offers right away – especially if your products are high ticket items.

People buy from brands which they know, like, & trust – thus, you need to build some relations with your leads – before you actually try to sell them your offers.

That's where a sales funnel comes into play.

Instead of just pitching a $2000 product to your customers, you need to collect their email addresses – then you send some follow up emails i.e. aimed at strengthening your relations with them.

And when you eventually promote your offers, they're more likely to buy i.e. based on the know, like, & trust factor.

6. Maybe The Traffic Itself Is Poor

Sometimes, the reason why you might be getting more clicks but less sales is that, you're receiving low quality traffic.

Generally, traffic is categorised into 3 different categories i.e. tier 1, tier 2, & tier 3.

Tier 1 traffic comprise of wealthy nations like UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand & Australia – and this tends to convert better than tier 2 & 3 traffic (poor nations).

The reason being that, tier 1 nations have stable economies, good employment opportunities, higher salaries, etc. – thus, people in these nations has the capacity to spend money on goods and services.

On the flip side, people from tier 3 nations are less fortunate in terms of financial well-being – thus, they're less capable of buying products/services.

For example, if you're selling a $200 product, people from the US wont hesitate much to buy – because the average salary for most US citizens is $3000/month.

Thus, a $200 bill wont be that much of a big deal on their side.

On the contrary, if you ask people from tier 3 nations to buy that same product, you might struggle to make sales – because 200 bucks is a big deal to them.

In some African nations, most people are not earning that amount per month – thus, there's no way in which they can afford a $200 product.

Thus, it's important to target tier 1 traffic – since this is proven to convert better than tier 2 & 3 traffic.

7. Poor Monetization Strategies

Last but not least, your monetization strategies might be the one affecting your income.

Have you seen some bloggers who're in the same niche, same amount of traffic, but huge differences in earnings?

And you wonder what's the main problem behind this?

It all boils down to monetization strategies.

For example, some bloggers creates great content, get good traffic – but then, they just focus on putting some little display ads on their site – and that's it!

Although this sounds great, your earnings will only be limited to around 20 bucks per every thousand visits that you get.

However, if you work on improving your monetization strategies, you can boost your income by a significant portion.

Instead of just waiting for ad revenue, you can also put some affiliate links – or even sell your own products/services.

In that case, you can increase your RPM from 20 bucks to over 100 bucks – for the same amount of traffic.

Wrapping Up

So these are some of the reasons why you might be getting a lot of traffic – but less sales.

I hope that this has shed some light to you i.e. if you were experiencing this type of problem.

My advise is;

You should analyse your site – and observe which of these factors applies to it.

Once you fix these issues, lm sure you'll see a drastic change in your revenue.


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