My Favourite Lesson From Jim Rohn: For Things To Change, You Have To Change

Jim Rohn Lessons

Most people always blames external factors for their failures i.e.

I’m poor because of;

‘The government’

‘The bad economy'

‘My bad boss'

‘This stingy company'

‘My negative neighbour'

‘My poor upbringing’

‘This terrible weather'

And here's the crazy one:

‘International plane tickets are too expensive'

Then when you look at those people who're complaining about the price of international plane tickets, they don't even have passports.

Most people have an endless list of why they aren't successful – since they believe that external factors are the main things affecting their lives.

And guess what?

They just sit there waiting for all these external factors to change.

Although these things might be true, there's one problem i.e. you can't change them.

So if you just sit there, waiting for these things to change, you might wait your entire life – waiting for a day that doesn't arrive.

So if these things aren't going to change, then how will your life change?

Answer: When You Change i.e. Personal Development.

If you want to significantly change your life, you must first change yourself – and it all starts with changing your philosophy i.e. mind-set.

You must shift your philosophy from blaming external factors – to taking full responsibility & ownership of your life.

Instead of waiting for the economy to change, you must tell yourself;

‘I’m now taking full responsibility & ownership of my life – and I'm going to do anything possible to change my situation'.

Once you make that shift, you’ll start looking for answers on how to change your life instead of just waiting for external factors to change – coz the truth is, they rarely change.

And here’s the thing:

There are people out there who're doing well financially i.e. under the same government, same economy, same neighbourhood, etc.

This proves that, there's opportunities which are available out there – but because you're busy focusing on external factors, you wont see them.

Thus, you should look for people who're doing better than you, figure out what they're doing, then model after their proven systems.

You must also be willing to expand your knowledge through reading books, attending seminars, watching YouTube videos, etc. – so that you can learn new skills i.e. personal development.

Because the truth is, if you don't increase your skills & knowledge, you'll stay in that same situation forever.

Thus, instead of blaming external factors which you have less control over, you should be curious to know; ‘how are other people making money out there' – and once you ask yourself that question, you'll be forced to start looking for answers i.e. personal development.

So the bottom line is:

You should take full control & ownership of your life i.e. if you want to make significant progress.

But before l wrap up, let me leave you with this;

An 8% drop in the price of bread from $1 to 92 cents wont have much impact on your life – rather than just increasing your bread consumption by a few slices. Yes, an 8% decrease in the price of bread might sound like a great deal for most people, but if you want to make big progress like buying a house, then this wont mean much to you.

If the government changes, there might be some huge macro changes like improvements in road infrastructure – but these changes wont have much impact on your individual life.


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