The #1 Biggest Risk Taking Move In Life

The #1 Biggest Risk Taking Move In Life

If you want to achieve great things in life, you gotta take risks.

The reason being that, success lies on the other side of the jungle.

And along the journey, there's a lot of risks involved.

But once you manage to handle them, you'll attain great things out of life.

But the question is;

‘What's the #1 biggest risk taking move that you have to make in life?’

In my opinion, l think it's getting out of your comfort zone.

This comes in 3 forms i.e.

(i) Making Necessary Moves To Quit Your Job – To Pursue Your Dreams

Statistics shows that more than 85% of employees hates their jobs.

But if that's true, then why do most people spend 3 to 4 decades working at a job which they hate?

It's because they feel ‘comfortable’ working at that job!

When you're used to sit in your cubicle or at your desk, you'll start to feel more ‘comfortable' at that place – thus, you’ll be scared to go out there and try something new.

Also, as you get used to the environment, you'll start to develop some strong relations with your co-workers – thus, you wont be willing to explore new things.

For these reasons, most people fails to chase their dreams because they'll view it as uncomfortable/scary.

But the truth is, you have to get out of your comfort zone if you want to achieve more – otherwise, you'll remain at the same level.

Now, lm not saying that you should just quit your job without any plan – NO!

But all lm saying is that, you shouldn't get too comfortable working at your job.

Instead, you should work at that job whilst doing something on the side i.e. pursuing your dreams.

And with time, you'll build a steady income from your hustle – which will allow you to eventually quit your job and go full time with your grind.

(ii) Temporarily Downgrading Your Lifestyle – To Fund Your Dreams

Another way of getting out of your comfort zone is through downgrading your current lifestyle (temporarily) – so as to fund your dreams.

For example, if you're renting a bigger house or maybe driving a fancy car – but deep down you have a business idea which requires some funding, you can sacrifice to downgrade your lifestyle (in the short term) – so as to fund that idea.

You can choose to move out of that big house – and rent a smaller apartment, or maybe sell that fancy car – and look for a fuel saver.

Of course, these decisions feels uncomfortable because if you're used to a certain lifestyle, you wont be willing to downgrade it.

Also, you'll have some fears in your mind about what your friends & fam will say when you downgrade your lifestyle.

But you must understand that sacrificing is sometimes essential i.e. if you want to build something great (long term).

Of course, you'll be risking your current lifestyle in order to fund your business idea.

But you must understand that, when that business eventually blow up, you'll be able to afford a better lifestyle than your initial one.

But if you're not willing to sacrifice, you'll remain at that same ‘comfortable' place forever.

(iii) Moving To A New City/Town

Last but not least, getting out of your comfort zone can be in the form of moving to a completely new city/town.

If you stay in the same city for a long time, you'll start to feel more comfortable at that place – due to social relations with people around you.

This all sounds great – except for one thing!

You'll remain trapped in a small bubble your entire life.

For example, if most people in your area believes in a certain way, you'll eventually adopt that belief system as well.

The bad part of it is that, when you want to go against the norm, you'll be afraid of what people around you will say e.g.

‘Your ideas are not practical’,

‘If it was possible, everyone would be a millionaire’,

‘Bro just look for a ‘secure’ job & forget about that bullsh*t idea'

For this reason, you'll remain trapped at the same level – because it feels more comfortable if you're acting or behaving like everyone else.

However, it's sometimes necessary to change your living environment – so as to explore new cultures & ideas.

Once you move out of your comfort zone, you'll be exposed to different lifestyles – which helps to shift your perspectives.

Also, moving to a new environment allows you to find your true authentic self.

If you're just in the same city/town, you're forced to act or behave in a certain way – so as to please your friends & fam.

But if you move to a new environment, you'll be able to do things your own way – because you wont have any social ties to worry about in that new environment.

Thus, if you want to grow as a person or maybe if you want to try a business idea, it's sometimes necessary to get out of your comfort zone – and move to a new environment.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained some value from this post.

It's important to get out of your comfort zone if you want to grow as a person & achieve great things in life.

Without making that move, you'll remain trapped in a bubble your whole life.


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