Ezoic Requirements (Minimum Traffic, Content Type, etc.)

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Ezoic Minimum Traffic

In order to apply for Ezoic Ad Network, you need at least 10 000 monthly visits to your site.

Once you reach this threshold (consistently) you can qualify for Ezoic Network.

10 000 monthly visits might seem like a lot when your site is still new, but you'll discover that its achievable as your site grows bigger.

Keep in mind that other premium ad networks like Mediavine requires sites with at least 25 000 monthly visits, which is more than twice Ezoic's requirement.

However, other alternatives like Google AdSense has a smaller threshold requirement – to the extent that even a brand new website can get accepted into AdSense.

Although this sounds great, it is important to mention that Google AdSense pays very little amounts in ad revenue thus making it difficult for sites to earn significant amounts.

For this reason, l always advise site owners to do whatever it takes to increase their traffic in order to become eligible for high paying ad networks than to settle for less.

You can create more content in order to increase traffic to your site since each piece of content will get some unique visits each month – hence contributing to the total traffic volume of your site.

You can also utilise some of the strategies discussed in this article in order to increase your web traffic ‘faster'.

Once your site hits the 10 000 visits threshold, you’re welcome to apply for Ezoic ad network.

Ezoic Policies

Besides traffic volume, you should also take into account some Ezoic polices since they have a set of rules and regulations.

Keep in mind that Ezoic is required to meet Google's ad policy guidelines since Google has some rules which guides how ad networks should run.

Besides that, Ezoic partners with some reputable brands which are well known.

For this reason, Ezoic might be a bit strict when it comes to choosing which sites to accept as well as which ones to reject.

Thus, some sites which publishes content related to gambling, drugs, hate speech, etc might be rejected from the network.

Hence you should make sure that your content does not fall in any of these categories before applying for Ezoic.

Another thing to note is that sites which publishes duplicate content are not accepted into the ad network as well.

If you have plagiarised articles which were copied from other sites, or maybe articles made using content spinners, your odds of getting accepted might be pretty slim.

I always advise people to write their own unique content or maybe hire someone to write the content for them.

Either way, your content must be unique and original so that you wont struggle when its time to apply for ad networks.

Ezoic Sign Up

Assuming that your website meets the minimum requirements, you can apply for Ezoic through their main website.

The application process is less complex as compared to other premium ad networks like Mediavine.

You just have to fill out some few details and submit your application.

Unlike other networks which takes weeks to respond, Ezoic gives you some feedback in just a matter of few days.

They will contact you via email updating you about your application status i.e. Accepted or Rejected.

If rejected, they will give you some valid reasons why your site was not accepted – thus giving you an idea of how to fix the issues.

But in most cases, websites gets accepted (easily) since Ezoic is a bit lenient than most premium ad networks.

And there we go!

Ads will start popping on your site hence earning you some income.

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