How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing Without A Website (Alternative Ways)

‘Can l do affiliate marketing without a website?’🤔

That's one of the most asked questions on the web!

The simple answer is YES, you can do affiliate marketing without a website.

There’s a lot of people out there who’re earning huge amounts from affiliate marketing i.e. without having websites.

There's a lot of other ways which you can use to get traffic to your affiliate offers.

These includes:

*The list is endless*

(I will further elaborate each of these traffic sources in just a minute)☝️

But keep in mind that, some affiliate programs & networks might reject your application i.e. if you don't have a website e.g. Commission Junction, ShareASale, Impact Radius, FlexOffers, amongst others.

For this reason, you'll only be limited to join affiliate programs & networks that doesn't ask for a website e.g. JVZoo, WarriorPlus, ClickBank, etc.

But still, there's a lot of great affiliate offers that you can find on these platforms – thus, allowing you to earn money💵 on ease.🙂

Now that I've cleared this out of the way, let me jump🏃‍♂️ straight into the strategies.


YouTube Strategies

One of the main traffic sources for affiliate marketing is YouTube.

Stats📊 shows that, YouTube is the second best search engine in the world🌍 i.e. first being Google – meaning, it receives a ton of traffic on a consistent basis.

YouTube is regarded as the goldmine for promoting products & services – since videos🎬 converts better than written articles📝.

Thus, if you're looking for a great traffic source (other than Google), l highly recommend you to start your own YouTube channel around a particular niche📌 e.g. weight loss, woodworking, personal finance, tech reviews, etc. – then you start posting content based around that niche.

The key🔑 is to produce content based on what people are searching for🧐 – then you link to affiliate offers i.e. in the description of your videos.

From my own experience, it's a bit easier to blow-up🚀 on YouTube – since the YouTube algorithm recommends random videos on the ‘suggested videos' section.

Thus, even a channel with zero subscribers can pop up on this section.

Now, I’m aware that most people don't feel comfortable putting their faces on camera📷 i.e. due to shyness & other insecurities.

But guess what?

There’s a lot of YouTubers who’ve never shown their faces on camera – but they’ve managed to gain millions of subscribers.

I want you to take a look👀 at the following channels:

These YouTubers have never shown their identities🤡 on camera – but they have attracted huge amounts of subscribers, views, engagements, etc.

And they put some links⛓ in the descriptions of their videos – some of them being affiliate links.

But the question is;

‘How were they able to get those results i.e. without showing their faces on video?’

Well, the answer is simple!🙂

They were able to utilise tools🛠 like Doodly & InVideo.

With these tools, you can easily create your own stunning animated videos i.e. without too much hassle.

These advanced tools are able to produce highly engaging videos🎬 i.e. using their artificial intelligence.

If you look at the first screenshot, all those videos were created using Doodly – a tool designed to create great cartoon animations👻.

Doodly demo

Then all the videos on the second screenshot were created using InVideo – an AI tool that generates scenes & voice-overs i.e. when you insert some few text🔤.

So what am l saying?

All I’m saying is that, you can create a YouTube channel today, produce mass content i.e. using Doodly or InVideo – then you put your affiliate links in the descriptions of your videos.


Facebook Organic Strategies

Facebook is also a great traffic source – especially if you're promoting high ticket🔖 items.

If properly utilised, you can generate a ton of leads👥 & sales💰 i.e. through following this strategy:

1. Optimise Your Profile👨‍💼

Before you start promoting offers on Facebook, it’s key🔑 to optimise your profile – so that people can know exactly what you do.

You’ll discover the main reasons why you need to optimise your profile i.e. when we get to our example.

But first, l want you to take a look at this banner.

Facebook organic strategies

From this example, you can clearly notice that this person helps aspiring affiliates to get started with affiliate marketing.

If you're in the weight loss niche, your profile should clearly show that you specialise in that field. (or any niche that you may think of)

Also, your bio section should have a brief explanation📄 about what you do – so as to give your leads a clue about what to expect from you.

Failure to optimise your profile might lead to future problems.

(Create a profile👨‍💼 that sells💸)

2. Start Adding Value In Groups👥

Once you've optimised your profile, it’s important to ask yourself;

‘Where does my potential customers hang out?’👺

For example, if you're in the weight loss niche, it’s important to start joining groups related to that niche.

Once you're in those groups, you’ll need to provide value i.e. through responding to people's questions.

If you stay consistent with this👇 strategy, people will start noticing👀 you – and they’ll become curious🤥 to know about what you do.

Then they’ll check your profile & they’ll be hooked🔧 by your optimised profile.

👉If you want to learn more about Facebook Organic Marketing, check out this article


Another great platform for people who don't want to build their own websites is Medium.

For those of you who’re not familiar with this platform, it's a free platform that allows you to publish articles on the internet i.e. for 100% 🆓️.

Medium receives a ton of traffic from Google i.e. due to its high domain authority (DA).

Let me show you something that’ll blow your mind🤯 right now.

As you can see, Medium has a ton of backlinks & a high domain authority – thus, it can rank naturally on Google.

NB: If you publish an article📄 that contains some affiliate links, you must disclose at the beginning or end of your article. Failure to do so might result in your article(s) being taken down – or in some cases, your whole account might get banned😡.

However, I have to admit that, Medium has become more strict🚫 in recent times.😬

They discovered that, most people were now abusing this platform in order to promote their sh*tty💩 offers.

The main purpose of Medium is to share ideas about various topics that adds value to people's lives.

But most black-hat👽 marketers were now using it as a business platform for promoting their offers.

My account was terminated⛔ when they discovered that, all my articles were promotional in nature i.e. reviews.

And guess what?

All the efforts that l invested in writing all those articles went down the drain🚽

Medium account error

And that taught me a huge lesson i.e. l should have my own website – which l have more control over.

That's why l decided to create this👇 website.

My advise is that, use Medium for short term practices – whilst you're building your own long term platform on the side.

Quora is also a great👍 platform where you can get highly targeted traffic i.e. for your website or offers.

This Q & A platform can be very useful for generating some traffic i.e. if you know how to use it the right way.

But just like Medium, Quora might also delete❎ your staff i.e. if you violate their terms.

It’s important to note that, Quora does not tolerate any form of spamming🙅‍♂️ – as they want to keep their platform strictly for Q & A.

You can write some great detailed answers for particular questions – then towards the end of your answer, you have to put a url that leads to a blog post or landing page.

(🙅‍♂️No direct linking to affiliate offers – or else, your account will get banned)

If done properly, your answer might rank🔺️ on Google as well – since Quora has a high domain authority & a ton of backlinks.


But again, Quora should only be used for the short term – coz it's not reliable i.e. your account might get banned without any notice.😠


This is one of the fastest🚀 growing platforms – with more than 1 billion monthly users.

Just by looking at these stats📊, there’s a huge opportunity for you to market your business on this platform i.e. your ideal customers are already hanging there.

But how can you attract your ideal customers from that huge crowd?

The answer is simple!🙂

You need to create an account that's based on a particular niche📌.

Here's an example:

Start pumping out a ton of content onto that account & you’ll start gaining some followers👥.

Videos🎬 converts better than images📷 – and they also have more reach i.e. compared to static images.

Thus, you need to leverage videos – since they're doing well on the algorithm.

You can utilise a tool called Linktree – so that you can have all your affiliate links under one master link⛓.

(This makes it easier for you to bundle your affiliate offers)


Tiktok has been trending📈 in recent years – and it has attracted a lot of users.

With an estimated figure of 800 million users, there’s a great business opportunity for people who're business minded👨‍💼.

When Tiktok was first introduced, most people thought that it's only a platform for kids who likes to make funny dancing clips🕺.

But when some ‘big influencers' started jumping🏃‍♂️ onto this platform, it got most people's attention.

And now, most people are now using it as a business hub!

In order to promote🗣 affiliate offers, simply create an account related to a specific niche📌.

Once done, start posting some content consistently – so as to reach potential buyers.

And once people are in your circle, you can easily direct them to your offers i.e. through a strong CTA💳.

👉Learn more about Tiktok Marketing Here


Pinterest also performs well in some niches – especially if you want to target some female audience👭 i.e. more than 70% of the users are females.

And as we all know, females tend to spend💳 more than men – thus, you'll get more income💰. (🙅‍♂️no guarantees though)

Another interesting😁 thing is that, Pinterest has more chances of ranking on Google i.e. due to high DA.

For this reason, some of your pins might rank on Google – thus, allowing you to get more traffic.

👉Learn more about Pinterest marketing here

Paid ads

If you want to bypass🚀 all these organic forms of marketing, you can create ad campaigns – so as to get more traffic ASAP!

As we all know, organic marketing is slow i.e. it takes time⏱ – thus, you might need to buy traffic in the short run i.e. if you want some quick⚡ results.

But keep in mind that, your profits are reduced📉 i.e. when you choose to buy traffic.

Also, ads requires a lot of testing👨‍🔬 in order to figure out which ad set converts better – thus, you must be financially💲 prepared for that.

(Not to mention, the banning of ad accounts🤦‍♂️)

The key🔑 is to learn how to run them properly – otherwise, you might flush all your money down the drain🚽.

👉Learn Facebook ads here

👉Learn Google ads here

👉Learn YouTube ads here

Wrapping Up

So that pretty much wraps up our today’s discussion.

If you've been hesitating to start affiliate marketing due to the issue of not having a website, then put your excuses to the side🚮.

You can literally get started with affiliate marketing without a website i.e. using some of the strategies discussed in this post.

The key🔑 is to choose the one which you prefer the most – then you execute on it.

Resources Mentioned:

👉InVideo: 25% Discount Link

Online Quiz