How To Start An LLC In Florida/NC: Step By Step Guide

How To Start An LLC In Florida/NC: Step By Step Guide

Want to start your own LLC in Florida or NC?

But you don't know how to get started?

If so, then this article is for you.

In this post, l will share with you a 5 step process that you can follow to setup your own LLC.

Not only that, but l will also share with you a professional service that you can use if you don't want to stress about the whole process.

Thus, read till the very end if you want to learn more.

NB: If you want to create a more complex type of LLC i.e. those related to law, medicine, etc. – then you might need to seek help from an attorney.

But if it's just a normal LLC, then this guide might be helpful.

Steps Involved:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into the meat.

1. Choose A Business Name

The first step is to come-up with a name for your business – so as to distinguish your business from others out there.

Also, a business name makes it easier for customers to find you – since most people recognises companies by their brand names.

Thus, it's important to come-up with a good name from the word go!

Obviously, you might have some rough names in your head right now.

But if you don't, you might need to use a tool called Business Name Generator – which gives you some rough names that you can use for your business.

But you should ensure that the name is not taken already, or maybe similar to an existing brand/business.

And if you want to find if the name is taken or not, you can use a site called Sun Biz.

Another important thing to mention is that, your business name should not include words like bank, university, or any governmental acronyms – since this is against the law.

Thus, you should try to come-up with a nice name for your business – but at the same time, it should comply with the rules.

2. Find A Registered Agent

Assuming that you've come-up with a business name, it's now high time to find a registered agent.

An agent acts as a middleman who helps to facilitate the application process – thus, reducing stress on your part.

As we all know, applying on your own might be quite stressful – especially if you don't have any prior experience.

But if you find an agent, he/she will make the process easier for you.

3. File The Articles Of Organisation

The next step is filing articles of organisations.

If you're not familiar with this, it's basically some paperwork which clarifies the organisational structure of your business.

Is it member managed or manager managed?

That's where you have to decide how your LLC is going to be structured – and present that information in form of paperwork.

4. Create An Operating Agreement

Once you've completed the previous step, it's now high time to create an operating agreement.

This basically states your business’ terms of operation – and this document guides the running & operation of your LLC.

It's divided into 6 main parts namely;

• Organisational – states when & where the company was formed, as well as how it is structured

• Management & Voting – how the management is chosen, as well as how members can vote

• Capital Contributions – which members are responsible for providing funds for the LLC, as well as how funds will be raised in the future

• Distributions – how the company's profits & losses are shared among members

• Membership Changes – when & where members can be changed

• Dissolutions – the circumstances in which the LLC can be dissolved

5. Obtain An EIN

Known as Employer Identification Number.

This is mainly used for tax purposes, as well as for opening a business banking account i.e. when you want to legally start employing other people.

You can get an EIN for free from the IRS – thus, you don't have to stress about any cost.

Wrapping Up

So these are the 5 steps that you need to follow in order to setup your own LLC in Florida.

Depending on the type of LLC that you want to create, there might be some few alterations here & there – but ideally, these are the general steps which applies to most LLCs.

Thus, you can use this guide if you're planning to start your own LLC in Florida.

Need Professional Help Starting Your LLC?

NB: It’s a great service which handles everything for you – thus, reducing stress on your part. Oooh, by the way, it's very affordable too!


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