How To Use Google Trends For Affiliate Marketing

How To Use Google Trends For Affiliate Marketing

One of the best ways of getting more traffic & sales is through taking advantage of trends.

If you manage to jump onto trends as soon as they emerge, you'll be able to rank easily & get a ton of traffic to your content – which may potentially lead to more clicks & sales.

The reason being that, when a trend emerges, there’ll more people searching for that topic – against a limited supply of content.

Thus, if you're one of the first few people to talk about that topic, you can get some massive traffic to your content.

But the question is;

‘How can you utilise Google Trends as an affiliate marketer?’

That's what will be discussed in this post.

I will share with you some of the strategies that you can use to get the most out of this free tool.

Thus, stick till the very end if you want to learn more about this topic.


First of all, you need to come up with a list of keyword ideas related to your niche.

For example, if you're in the finance niche, you can think of keywords like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Webull, Robinhood, etc.

Once you've generated a decent list of keywords, simply head over to Google Trends & search for each of them (one by one).

Once you insert a keyword, Google Trends will give you metrics about that keyword i.e. rising trend or falling trend – and also, by what percentage.

This gives you an idea on weather to pursue a certain keyword or not i.e. based on the data given by this tool.

If you see some keywords that are booming, it's good to utilise them to your own advantage – since they might help a lot in getting traction to your platform.

The beauty part of this tool is that, it also gives you some related keywords that you can also use – thus, giving you a wider choice of content ideas.

Once you have a handful of topics that are trending, you should start creating content around those topics i.e. either blog articles or YouTube videos.

For example, if you find that the term bitcoin is trending, you can create content around it – and you then recommend some bitcoin trading platforms to your audience – thus, allowing you to earn some affiliate commissions.

For example, if you create a tutorial on ‘how to buy bitcoin’, you can refer people to great bitcoin platforms like Coinbase, Binance, BlockFi, etc. – since people will need these platforms in order to buy and store their bitcoin.

Thus, this will be your opportunity for earning some affiliate commissions – whilst providing value to your audience.

The key is to optimise your content for SEO – so that you can rank on search engines like Google & YouTube.

This will increase your chance of getting free SEO traffic to your content – since people are always searching for staff on Google.

I used an example of bitcoin in this tutorial just to provide some illustrations.

But this technique can be used in any niche – since Google Trends is a tool that provides data related to various keywords in any niche/industry.

And if you use it properly, you can get the most out of this free tool.


So that's pretty much it on Google Trends.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any questions.


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