How To Leverage Muncheye For Affiliate Marketing

How To Leverage Muncheye For Affiliate Marketing

One of the most popular platforms in the affiliate marketing space is Muncheye.

If you're not familiar with this platform, it's basically a content calendar – which shows the products that are launching on JV Zoo & Warrior Plus in the coming days, weeks, or even months.

Basically, vendors advertise their future launches on this platform – so as to invite affiliates who're willing to promote their offers.

Thus, this platform integrates both vendors & affiliates – which benefits both parties.

But the key question is;

‘How can an affiliate like you leverage this platform to make some money?’

That's what will be discussed in this post.

NB: Read till the very end if you want to learn more about this topic.


So basically, you need to bookmark this platform – so that you'll stay updated on all the products that are going to be launched in the near future.

Once you bookmark it, you need to check this platform on a regular basis i.e. maybe two or three times per week – so that you wont miss any launch.

Its interface is divided into 3 main columns i.e. Big Launches, All Launches, & Just Launched.

But for the purpose of this post, we're going to focus mainly on ‘Big Launches'.

The reason being that, these products tends to sell better – since the vendors are well known in the market.

They tend to pull a lot of customers – since these are the kind of vendors who only releases products once in a while – thus, most people will be so eager to buy those products.

Thus, these are the products that are worth promoting.

Simply visit the JV pages of those products & apply to become an affiliate for those products.

NB: You can also try to promote some products on the ‘All Launches’ section – because some of them performs well – although most of them tends to flop on the market.


Assuming you've been accepted by some vendors, the next question is;

‘How to get traffic to your links?’

The best method by far is called launch jacking – and l have a full article which explains this strategy in more depth.

But just to give you a glimpse, it's basically a strategy whereby you promote future product launches few days before those products are officially launched on the market.

The reason why this method works is that, when a product is not yet launched, there'll be less competition for keywords related to that product – since there'll be few affiliates talking about that product.

Thus, if you create a review of that product (either video or written), you'll most likely rank for that keyword.

Have you seen a guy called Jono Armstrong on YouTube?

That guy is absolutely killing it right now with this strategy i.e. he just finds products that are about to launch – and he creates product reviews of those products.

And he's making a ton of money just by doing this method – which proves that this method actually works!

Or if you go on Google, there's a website called Dope Review – and those guys have been doing this strategy for years now – which proves that this method works.

I mean, if this method wasn't effective, why would all these people spend their time and energy doing all these product reviews?

The key is to choose what you want to focus on i.e. video content or written content – then you execute on that.

It's also important to optimise your content for SEO – so as to increase your chances of ranking.

That way, you can get more traffic to your content – and hopefully, clicks & sales.

It's also important to create bonuses for your customers – so as to incentivise people to buy through your links.

And you can easily get these bonuses on PLR websites like Master Resale Rights i.e. for few bucks or even for free on some sites.

Just make sure that, you offer these bonuses in an ethical manner – so that you wont go against the rules of the vendors.

Last but not least, you should also ask the vendors for a review access.

This is so important because, this helps you to create better reviews than most affiliates – because you'll have a better understanding of the product.

Thus, you should try by all means to communicate with these vendors – so that you can get access to the demo product.

NB: It's also important to collect emails when you're promoting these products – so that you can promote other future launches to those same customers – rather than just trying to look for new customers each and every time.


Wrapping Up

So that pretty much wraps up our today’s discussion on Muncheye affiliate marketing.

Using this platform, you can know exactly which products are launching in the near future – and use that information to your own advantage.


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