The 8 Best Ad Networks For Bloggers & Publishers

The 8 Best Ad Networks For Bloggers & Publishers

Looking for the best ad network(s) to monetize your site?

If so, then l got you!

In this post, l will quickly share with you some of the best ad networks that you can consider as a blogger or publisher who's looking to monetize his/her content.

After reading this post, you'll know exactly which network is the best for your site i.e. based on the different conditions of each network.

Thus, read till the very end if you're interested in this topic.

Best Ad Networks:

1. AdThrive

AdThrive is the best ad network for bloggers & publishers right now – and most publishers always dream of working with this network.

AdThrive pays the highest RPMs compared to other networks – which allows you to earn more money for your traffic.

But as we all know, the best networks have strict requirements i.e. in terms of traffic & content type.

You must have at least 100k monthly visits to your site i.e. to be eligible to apply for this network.

If you aren't getting 100k visits yet, then try to work with other networks on this list – whilst working on getting more traffic to your site.

It's also important to note that, they prefer sites with a huge % of US based traffic – since this traffic tends to convert better i.e. compared to tier 2 & 3 traffic.

Thus, if your site receives low quality traffic from low tier nations, you might fail to get approved.

Apart from traffic, content matters too i.e. they have a certain type of content that they require in order to get approved.

2. Mediavine

Next to AdThrive is a network called Mediavine.

This is the best alternative to AdThrive – although Mediavine pays lower RPMs than AdThrive.

But the beauty part is that, Mediavine accepts sites with at least 50k monthly visits – which is a quite a great deal for sites that aren’t eligible for AdThrive yet.

It used to accept sites with only 25k monthly visits back in the day – but they increased their threshold when they started getting more sites to their network.

But if you have less than 50k monthly visits, then you can consider the next network on our list – which is Ezoic.

Over the past few years, Ezoic has been gaining a lot of popularity in the industry.

With Ezoic, you can get accepted with as little as 10k visitors per month – which is quite attainable for most sites.

But the beauty part is that, they've launched a program for small sites – which allows small site owners to get accepted without any traffic.

This program is aimed at helping small site owners to monetize their content from day 1 – rather than waiting for a longer period just to get to the 10k monthly visitors.

Ezoic’s RPMs usually range from the mid teens to the mid twenties i.e. depending on various factors.

And the beauty part is that, you can withdraw your earnings as soon as they reach 20 bucks.

4. Google AdSense

AdSense is also a popular network for publishers & content creators.

Apart from YouTube, AdSense also allows bloggers to monetize their content through installing a code that enables ads to show on your site.

And the beauty part is that, you can apply for AdSense even if your site is still brand new – thus, you don't have to wait to get a ton of traffic.

But with it being a low barrier network, there's some caveats to it i.e.

AdSense pays very low RPMs – thus, you'll earn very little amounts for your traffic.

Also, they have a high pay-out threshold of 100 bucks – which is quite a lot considering their RPMs.

You'll need a lot of traffic just to reach 100 bucks – and most people takes months in order to reach that threshold.


Next on our list is

Although this network is less popular compared to other networks on this list, it's also a great platform to consider as a blogger/publisher.

With this network, you can monetize your site with either text or display ads – which is quite great.

You can also use the dynamic option – which allows the network to show optimised ads for each visitor i.e. using its artificial intelligence.

They also have decent RPMs – and you can easily cash-out your earnings as soon as they reach 100 bucks.

6. Monumetric

Next on our list is Monumetric.

Just like Ezoic, you can apply for this network as soon as your site reaches 10k monthly visits.

They also pay good RPMs – which allows you to earn decent amounts for your traffic.

But keep in mind that, you'll be required to pay a $99 setup fee in order to get started with this network i.e. if you have less than 80k monthly visits – and the fee is paid only once.

But if your site has more than 80k monthly visits, you wont be required to pay that setup fee.

7. Taboola

Another great network for bloggers and publishers is Taboola.

This network allows you to show some ‘article based ads’ below your content e.g.

‘These 10 hacks will help you boost your productivity'

’10 signs that you're levelling up in life'

‘Shade 10 pounds in 7 days with these funny tricks'

The list goes on and on ......

The beauty part about these type of ads is that, they just look like part of the content – thus, people might not even notice that they're ads.

Thus, you can get a higher CTR for those ads – thus, allowing you to earn more money.

However, the only caveat of this network is that, it only accepts bigger sites i.e. sites that receives at least 500k visitors per month.

This might be a huge roadblock for most small site owners – since most websites don't even get to that threshold.

Other than that, Taboola is still a great network to consider i.e. if your site receives a ton of traffic.

8. PropellerAds

Last but not least, you can also install PropellerAds on your site.

These ads appears as push notifications & smart links on your site – and when people click on them, you'll earn some money i.e. depending on various metrics.

But most importantly, what l like about this network is that, they have a lower pay-out threshold of $5 – and they pay weekly as well.

Thus, if you’re interested in push notification ads, then this network might be right for you.

Wrapping Up

So these are the 8 best Ad networks for bloggers & publishers.

If you partner with some of these networks, you can easily monetize your content – thus, allowing you to earn some money from your works.

NB: You can also consider CPA Marketing & Affiliate Marketing in order to skyrocket your earnings.


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