Beginner's Guide To HP Affiliate Program

Beginner's Guide To HP Affiliate Program

Table Of Contents

Brief Overview

HP is one of the leading giants when it comes to tech gadgets.

Not only does it specialise in desktops & laptops, but it also specialises in gaming equipment, printers, monitors, etc. – which shows that this company has a great capacity.

But in this article, l will mainly discuss about its affiliate program – since HP also runs a great affiliate program.

This allows loyal fans of this brand to promote its products as affiliates – whilst earning some commissions in return.

Thus, you can look into it if you're someone who likes promoting tech products.

Commission Structure

On average, HP pays 1% in commissions to its affiliates.

This means that, you'll earn an average of $1 for every 100 bucks worth of products that are purchased through your links – which is pretty low TBH.

But the beauty part is that, most of its products are high ticket items – since they cost thousands of dollars.

Thus, you have the potential to earn significant amounts when you sell more expensive items.

The reason why HP (including other tech companies) pays a low commission rate is that, most of their products are physical in nature – thus, they incur a lot of overheads like shipping, manufacturing, inventory, etc.

For this reason, they can't afford to pay higher commissions – since this will lead to losses on their part.

But if you choose to promote softwares and digital products, you'll earn higher commissions (20% - 50%) – because these companies incur less overheads – thus, they can afford to pay higher commissions to their affiliates.

Cookie Period

HP normally offers a 30 day cookie to its affiliates.

This means that, if someone clicks your link but he/she doesn't buy right away, that person's information will be stored in a cookie.

And if that person then decides to buy few days after clicking your link, you'll still be credited for that sale i.e. as long as it's within the 30 day cookie period.

In my opinion, this is far much better compared to other companies like Amazon & eBay – which only offer a 24 hour cookie period.

How To Apply For HP Affiliate Program

HP affiliate program is run through the Awin affiliate network.

This means that you have to join this network before applying for HP affiliate program.

But keep in mind that, most affiliate networks have strict entry requirements i.e. they're very picky when it comes to approving affiliates.

And one of the main reasons why most people gets rejected is the issue of not having a website.

They want someone who has a platform to place his/her links – so that you wont end up spamming your links all over the internet.

Thus, you must create a website – and you publish some few pieces of content i.e. before applying for this affiliate network.

How To Promote HP Products As An Affiliate

Assuming that you've been accepted into the affiliate program, it's now high time to start driving traffic to your links.

But the question is, ‘how can you find people who want to buy HP products?’

It's pretty ‘simple' than you think!

People who're looking to make purchasing decisions usually goes to Google or YouTube – so that they can find some reviews for those products.

For this reason, they end up buying the products through the affiliate links of some content creators.

You can replicate that strategy too!

You can either create a blog or YouTube channel – and you start publishing some content based around product reviews and comparisons.

People are always looking for that staff online – thus, you'll get some free SEO traffic i.e. as long as your content is optimised for ranking.

And if you provide enough value to your audience, you'll get some sales – since people might end up buying through your links in order to promote your blog or channel.

But don't be a sleazy sales man who just tries to push for sales.

Instead, focus on providing value to your audience – and people will naturally buy from you i.e. if they gain some value from your content.

Wrapping Up

So that’s pretty much everything regarding HP affiliate program.

If you're someone who's interested in tech products, then this might be a great affiliate program to consider.


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