9 Reasons Why Most Corporate Jobs Are B.S

9 Reasons Why Most Corporate Jobs Are B.S

In this post, I'II quickly discuss 9 reasons why most corporate jobs are just B.S.

So stick till the very end if you're interested in this topic.

Disclaimer: I'm not saying that you should quit your job without any backup plan – NO!

But the point of this article is to show you the dark side of working a corporate job, so that you can take some necessary steps to escape that ‘prison'.

Let's dive in.....


1. The 5/2 Principle Is Garbage

‘Sacrificing 5 days of your week, just to get 2 days of freedom....’

Most people thinks that slavery no longer exists anymore.

But I'm here to tell you that, slavery still exists in this modern day and age ...... except that most people are now slaving in suit & ties.

The truth is, you'll be sacrificing most of your adult life building someone's else empire – which seems pretty normal for most people.

But when you reach retirement age, you’ll then realise that, your whole life is gone just like that, and you don't have much things to show for it.

That's when you'll realise that, you wasted a lot of time building someone’s else dreams.

2. Low-Fixed Salaries (Peanuts)

Truth be told, most corporate jobs pays peanuts.

A job isn't designed to make you rich – never!🙅‍♂️

Instead, it's designed to earn you a basic living – then you go back again the next month to work for the next pay check.

And without even realising it, you'll be trapped in the vicious cycle of; go to work, get paid, pay bills – rinse & repeat till retirement.

Now, I'm aware that some jobs pays pretty well – I get it!

But the truth of the matter is, if a company is paying you a ‘higher salary', they're making far much more from your services.

They know that, if they pay you a relatively higher salary, you'll settle and you wont open your mind to think about some extra staff.

But if you decide to start your own business in that same industry, that's when you'll realise that, you were being paid a tiny piece of the pie🥐 all along.

3. Fake Job Security i.e. You Can Get Fired At Any Time

‘I like working a 9 to 5 job coz it's more secure....’

Wow, that's true to some extent, but when your boss decides to fire you, that's when you’ll realise that, all that security was just delusional.

Because the security of your job lies in the hands of your boss, not you!

And you can't control how your boss thinks or acts – so he might just wake up one day and decides to fire you just like that!

Also, a company might decide to shut down – and all of a sudden, you're unemployed.

So if you thought your job was secure all along, then wake up & open your mind.

4. Unfair Compensation i.e. When You Get Injured At Work

Another thing which I've noticed is that, there's unfair compensation when you get injured at work.

Yes, the company might pay for your medical bills & maybe give you a small cushion – but in most cases, it wont be equivalent to the damage that you've suffered.

And you know what's sad?😣

The company might then decide to fire you after the injury & hire someone else – because you might no longer be fully fit to fully perform the job.

And it might be difficult for you to find another job because of your health issues.

5. Stealing Of Hours By Most Companies

Most companies steals employees’ hours i.e. by forcing them to work overtime.

But then, they don't fully compensate for those extra hours – which is unfair on the side of the employees.

They know that, employees will just complain about the issue, but the boss will just keep quiet till the employees gets tired of complaining.

And just like that, the company has used its employees for free!

6. Poor Working Environments

In some cases, some working environments aren't favourable at all.

This is mainly common in heavy industrial areas where employees work in extreme hot conditions, smoky environments, or maybe, where there's smelly chemicals.

This is bad for people's health as it might lead to respiratory diseases, which might shorten life expectancy.

And the employers don't fully understand the extent of these issues, as they spend most of their time in nice offices, with favourable working conditions – so they wont do anything about these issue.

7. Most Companies Don't Respect Other People's Religions

This is also a common problem which l see in most companies.

For example, when it comes to food, the company just cooks the same type of food in bulk – because they might just assume that, everyone is Christian or Muslim, or whatever religion is dominant in that area.

But there might be some few people in the company who might be of other religions, and they might be affected in the process.

Or here's another one;

Some people like Seventh Day Adventists don't work during Sabbath (Saturdays) – and they’re required to spend the whole day at church.

But the company might force you to come to work on Sabbath, which might be against the values of your religion.

8. Too Much Company Politics – Which Might Affects Innocent Workers

In most companies, there's too much politics esp amongst managers.

And this might be toxic for innocent workers – and it might negatively affect their performance as well.

Because one manager might come and tell you to do a certain task, then another one might come later and tell you to leave that task and do his first.

But when the issue gets intense, they might start throwing the blame on the employee, when they’re the ones who caused the chaos.

9. Follow Orders – No Questions Asked!

Sometimes, employees might have some meaningful contributions to make to the company.

But because they're forced to just follow orders, they might not be able to fully express themselves & showcase what they have in store.

For this reason, great minds & ideas might be suppressed – just like that!

Additional Points:

• There's No Location & Time Freedom

i.e. You can't just wake up one day and decide to work from anywhere – because you're obligated to be at the office/workplace.

Also, you can't set your own schedule because you're not in control of your time .... the company does control your time.

Wrapping Up

So these are some of the reasons why most corporate jobs are just B.S.

What's your thoughts on this topic?

Let me know in the comments section below.


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