The Best Email Marketing Software Unveiled: GetResponse (Updated Review)

One of the most popular email marketing software is GetResponse.

This software is popular amongst internet marketers since it is regarded as the best softwares in this field.

Even though there are other great softwares like Aweber, Active Campaign, amongst others, GetResponse still manages to attract a lot of customers regardless of the stiff competition from other competing softwares.

With that being said, the biggest question that we should address is;

Is GetResponse the best email marketing software for your business?

I will be answering this question in this article so as to give you an overview of this software before committing to their services.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about GetResponse.

What You'll Learn:

So without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

What Is GetResponse?

GetResponse Email Marketing Software

GetResponse is an email marketing software that helps online marketers to communicate with their customers utilising the power of emails.

As we all know, email marketing is one of the most effective ways of communicating with your customers since email communication helps to strengthen your relationship with your clients.

Statistics shows that most customers buys from people who they know, like, and trust and these factors are mainly met if you utilise the power of email marketing.

For this reason, GetResponse was created so as to facilitate businesses in their email marketing campaigns since the ordinary way of communicating via gmail comes with many limitations (especially to huge businesses).

With its unique features, GetResponse helps to make life easier for people who’re in the online marketing space since it was designed to ease the pain on the side of online marketers.

With that being said, most people are always asking this question;

‘What makes GetResponse unique from other email marketing softwares out there?’

To answer this question, let's take a look at the main features of this software.

GetResponse Features

GetResponse is well known as one of the most feature-rich software since this software is loaded with a ton of great features.

But for the sake of time, l will just summarise some of its major features so as to give you an idea of what to expect when you signup for this software.

1. Automations

As we all know, automated email campaigns are one of the easiest ways to turn your business into a more passive income stream.

Gone are the days when we used to send individual emails to many people since this is very time consuming.

For this reason, most email marketing softwares now comes with the automation feature, so as to facilitate automatic sending of emails.

With GetResponse, you get access to the workflow tool which allows you to insert various emails swipes into your autoresponder.

This allows you to send emails automatically to your subscribers on autopilot without having to manually do this task.

The beauty part is that every new subscriber that joins your list will automatically receive these emails based on the sequence that you set.

You can also customise the frequency of your emails e.g. after every 2 days, once a week, or maybe every Tuesday.

This allows you to focus on other more important things since emails will now be sending in the background on autopilot without you having to do any active work.

2. Landing Pages

As we all know, landing pages are one of the critical tools needed in online marketing.

As an internet marketer, you don't need to send your customers straight to your offers since most customers are sceptical when it comes to buying staff online especially if its their first time of encountering a brand.

For this reason, it is very crucial to build some landing pages so that you can collect your customer's emails addresses, which will enable you to promote your offers through email marketing.

Using a software like GetResponse, you can get access to dozens of premade templates that you can edit in order to come up with your own landing pages for your business.

This helps you to save enormous time and energy that might be needed to create a landing page from scratch since this involves a lot of hassle.

Thus, you can get up and running in less time if you take advantage of these premade templates that are already designed for you.

3. Signup Forms

Instead of using landing pages, some people prefers to use signup forms to collect email addresses from their customers.

Signup forms are very effective especially if you have a website because you can embed these forms on your website in order to collect your visitor's email addresses.

GetResponse comes with a ton of premade forms that you can customise based on your needs.

From their huge library, you can find forms that are suitable for different niches thus you will always find the one which suits your business.

4. Sales Funnels

In this day and age, sales funnels are a great way to increase your conversions by a significant percentage.

If you're not familiar with the concept of sales funnels, it is basically a roadmap that a customer follows before making a purchasing decision.

For example, you might decide to put a low priced offer at the beginning of your funnel so as to attract more people into your sales funnel.

Once they're in your funnel, you might then decide to promote some more expensive items (upsells) in the back end.

For this process to be effective, you need to sell complimentary products that are closely related to each other.

In this way, customers will be tempted to buy upsell products so as to come up with a complete set of those products.

Thus, you definitely need to create sales funnels for your business and you can do so by utilising some premade sales funnels that comes with GetResponse.

5. Webinar Funnels

Webinar funnels are a great way of selling high ticket products since they are proven to work best for high ticket marketing campaigns.

There's something real about a webinar since it helps to tap inside the hearts and minds of your customers.

In order to facilitate this form of marketing, GetResponse allows you to create your own webinar funnels so as to sell your own high ticket products.

Thus, instead of looking for other webinar softwares, you can take advantage of the tools being offered by GetResponse hence allowing you to save a ton of money.

6. Integrations & APIs

As an entrepreneur, it is very crucial to combine different components of your business into a single unit so as to reduce stress involved in managing different components of your business.

For example, let's say that you're running an ecommerce business through Shopify, you might need to integrate your Shopify store with your email marketing software so as to automatically collect your customer's details.

By integrating these two softwares, you can save yourself a lot of valuable time and energy.

7. Reporting

In order to track the performance of your marketing campaigns, you definitely need to check your analytics so as to make progressive decisions.

In order to provide some analytic data, GetResponse comes with tools and features that helps to track the performance of your marketing campaigns.

You can easily analyse your open rates, deliverability rates, click through rates, amongst other related metrics.

This allows you to make necessary improvements to your marketing campaigns in order to get better results in the future.

Other Considerations

Customer Support

As we all know, customer support is one of the key considerations that you need to consider before committing to a software.

This is so because you might feel stuck whilst using the software thus you might need someone to assist you.

For this reason, GetResponse offers some great customer support to their customers through live chat, phone, or even email support system.

Thus, if you feel stuck whilst using this software, you can simply reach out to the support team and they are always available to assist you.

You can also utilise some online resources that are available on the internet so as to get some ideas on some of the most common challenges as well as their solutions.

Ease Of Use

GetResponse is one of the most beginner softwares that l have used.

Most of its features are arranged on the main dashboard in a simple and straight forward manner that is easy to understand.

In a matter of days, you can easily master most features of this software since there is little complex issues involved in this software.

You can also watch some YouTube tutorials if you fail to understand some of the features of this software.


As we all know, deliverability is key when choosing an email marketing software.

This factor determines the probability in which your emails will reach your clients’ inboxes rather than the spam folder.

High deliverability means that your emails have high chances of reaching your clients' inboxes hence increasing chances of being seen by customers.

On the flip side, low deliverability may result in business failure since most of your emails will be directed straight to the spam folder and most customers rarely open their spam folders.

Thus, you need to use an email marketing software like GetResponse that has a high deliverability rate so as to ensure that your emails reach your customer’s inboxes.

GetResponse Pricing

GetResponse offers a 30 Day FREE trial to new users, so as to give them the opportunity to decide whether this software is good for them or not.

When you feel like this software is not ideal for your business, you can cancel at any time and the beauty part is that you don't have to submit your credit card details during the trial period.

However, if you decide to continue using this software beyond the trial period, you might need to upgrade to their paid plans.

GetResponse offers four main plans namely;

Basic Plan - $15/month

Plus Plan - $49/month

Professional Plan - $99/month

Enterprise Plan – Custom Pricing

NB: These prices are based on a list of 1000 or less subscribers.

The Basic Plan is great for beginners who're just looking to dip their toes in the water since it gives you access to some of the basic features that you need to get started with email marketing e.g. landing pages, sales funnels, etc.

However, the Basic Plan does not give you access to automated workflows thus you might need to upgrade to the Plus Plan in order to explore this feature.

The Plus Plan is mainly used by most affiliate marketers since they usually rely on automated emails to promote various offers.

However, if you're looking to sell high ticket products, you might need to consider the Professional Plan since this plan gives you access to webinar funnels, which are the main requisite for selling high ticket offers.

The highest plan is the Enterprise Plan, which is ideal for large businesses who requires of a dedicated IP manager, account manager, consultant manager, amongst other unique privileges.

The price of this plan depends on your needs since each pack of privileges comes at a different cost.

In my opinion, this plan is not ideal for beginners since it adds unnecessary cost to your business.

Thus, it is important to stick to the lower plans since these gives you access to some key features that you need to run your business.

You can always upgrade to higher plans as your business grows.

Pros Of Using GetResponse

• Beginner friendly

• Cheaper than most email marketing softwares

• Allows you to automate your business through automated workflows

• Comes with a ton of premade templates

• High deliverability rates

• Offers a generous free trial period

Cons Of Using GetResponse

• Not better than ClickFunnels when it comes to sales funnels


When you signup for GetResponse through my links, l will give you my $3 400 worth of email swipes that l use in my businesses on a daily basis. (All niches)

I paid a professional copywriter on Fiverr to get these emails swipes prepared by an expert but lm willing to give them to you for 100% free.

Once you signup for GetResponse using my link, simply send me an email at and l will send you your package.

Final Verdict

After testing a lot of email marketing softwares, l think that GetResponse is amongst the few reliable softwares to use for your email marketing campaigns.

The fact that this software is feature-rich and very affordable makes it stand above the rest since it gives more value for less to its customers.

Bear in mind that other softwares of this nature are being charged a much higher price but GetResponse is not charging anything near those prices.

Considering the high deliverability rates, automated workflows, premade templates, etc, l think that this software is worth your investment.

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