Dopamine Detox: How To Reset Your Mind

Dopamine Detox: How To Reset Your Mind

Dopamine is a form of addition for certain bad behaviours – like watching dirty content📺, social media📱, eating unhealthy foods🍩, smoking🌿, etc.

Most people suffer from dopamine because as humans, we tend to go for things that provides instant pleasure😁 – over those which yields long term benefits to our lives. (delayed gratification)

And without noticing, these dopamine things can negatively affect how you behave or act – thus, resulting in poor well being.🧟‍♂️

Thus, it's important to do a dopamine detox as soon as possible – so that you can refrain from these dopamine activities.

In this post, I'll quickly share with you some helpful strategies that you can use to detox from dopamine – so that you can restore your mind & body back to good habits.

These includes:

Without wasting much time⏱, let me explain each of these strategies.

1. Meditation🧘‍♂️

Meditation is by far the most helpful strategy that you can use to reset your mind back to neutral.

Meditation allows you to get rid of negative thoughts – and replace them with positive ones.

It also helps to reduce stress🤯 levels – which is quite important because stress is the main reason why most people seek for instant pleasure i.e. in order to temporarily ease their stress levels.

Thus, if you meditate regularly, your stress levels will decrease – thus, reducing chances of seeking instant gratification/dopamine things.

Hence, it's important to meditate for at least 5 minutes per day (preferably in the morning) – so as to neutralise your brain system.

2. Uninstall Social Media Apps📵

As we all know, social media is one of the most common forms of dopamine that affects most people.

Social media tends to give instant gratification – thus, providing some temporary pleasure.

But the truth is, social media has become an addiction for most people – since most people nowadays can't spend just a single day without checking their social platforms.

Whenever you get a notification📲, you'll get a dopamine rush🤨 in your mind – which forces you to check your phone🤳 i.e. due to curiosity or fear of missing out.

That's why an average person opens Instagram/WhatsApp at least 50 times per day – because they’re always getting a dopamine rush whenever they receive a new notification.

In order to cure it, it's important to uninstall all social media apps from your phone i.e. Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc.

I know this sounds harsh – but you'll see the long term benefits if you go for weeks without social media.

Of course, it will be awkward during the first few days – since we're used to checking our socials every now & then.

But with time, you'll get used to it – and this will free up some time for doing other productive tasks.

3. Install Blocker X⛔

If you're addicted to watching dirty content, then Blocker X might be a great solution for you.

When you install this app, it will restrict you from accessing all dirty sites🔞 – thus, minimising your chances of watching that kind of content.

And the cool part about this app is that, you'll have some accountability buddies – which will be helping & monitoring you during your internet usage.

Thus, whenever you attempt to access dirty sites, the app will deny you⚠️ – and it'll send some notifications to your accountability buddies that you're trying to access the dirty sites again.

For this reason, you'll be ashamed🤭 to access those sites – because you'll know that other people will be notified of your actions.

Thus, if you're addicted to dirty sites🔞, then blocker X might be the way to go.

4. Socialise With Other People👫

Another helpful detoxing strategy is to socialise with other people.🤝

The main reason why most people engage in bad behaviours is that, they're isolated most of the times.😑

If you’re alone for a longer period, you may start getting some negative thoughts in your mind – which will push you to seek immediate pleasure.

That will tempt you to look for dirty content, social media, etc. – so that you can feel good (temporarily).

But if you take some time to hang out with real people, your chances of seeking instant gratification will reduce – because socialising helps to minimise negative thoughts.

Thus, instead of just sitting in your crib by yourself, it's important to take some time⏱ to go out there👉 & have some conversations🗣 with real people

5. Read Self Development Books📚

Reading also helps a lot when it comes to resetting your mind.

Sometimes, we might fail to recognise that we're doing something wrong – unless if we seek some knowledge.

Through books, you can be able to learn new concepts – and you can use them to improve every aspect of your life.

Not only that, but reading also helps to get occupied – thus, you wont think much about dirty staff when you're occupied with reading materials.

Thus, it's also important to develop a reading habit – so as to immerse yourself in great ideas.😇

👉Check out some books that I've read here

6. Workout/Exercise🏋️‍♂️

Another detoxing strategy is to do some workouts/exercises.

Not only does it help with building a healthy body, but exercise also helps to boost your mental health as well.

It's proven that, exercising helps to lower your stress levels – hence, reducing chances of seeking instant pleasure.

Thus, you should spare some time for exercising🤸‍♂️ i.e. at least 3 times per week.

7. Get On A Diet Plan & Stick To It🥗

If you're someone who's addicted to junk foods🍩, then you should get on a diet plan🥗.

Most people are addicted to dirty foods like sugary items🍰, fast foods🍔🥤🍟, etc. – since these tends to provide instant gratification.

However, these foods may result in terrible health issues🤒 in the long run – since they contain some certain substances which are bad for our bodies.

Thus, whenever you're eating sugary cookies🍪, you should always remember about their long term impacts on your body system – instead of just focusing on the short term pleasant taste😋.

In order to cure this addiction, you should get on a diet plan📄 – and be disciplined enough to stick to it.

This will force you to avoid unhealthy foods at all cost – and focus your attention on healthy ones.

If possible, you must look for an accountability buddy who’ll be holding you accountable for your actions – so that you wont get tempted to go back to your old habits.

If you stick to a healthy diet for long enough, you'll see great improvements on your body.

Wrapping Up

So these are the 7 helpful strategies that you can use to detox from all kinds of dopamine behaviours.

If you apply these strategies to your life, you'll see some great improvements in your wellbeing.💯


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