How To Use Neil Patel's Ubersuggest To Boost Your SEO

How To Use Neil Patel's Ubersuggest To Boost Your SEO

One of the best tools when it comes to keyword research is Ubersuggest.

This tool is owned & controlled by the famous SEO guy known as Neil Patel.

What makes this tool more preferable is that, it offers a free generous plan – thus, allowing beginners to get started with keyword research even on a shoestring budget.

Thus, you should definitely leverage this tool if you're not yet ready to spend money on premium SEO tools.

But the question is;

‘How can you use this tool to boost your site's SEO?’

That's what will be discussed in this post.

I will show you how you can leverage this tool to find potential opportunities for your site – so that you can take advantage of them ASAP!

So read till the end if you're interested in this topic.

Let's begin....


In order to get started, simply head over to Ubersuggest via your browser – and sign up for the free version.

Once done, you'll have access to various features of this tool – but for the purpose of this article, we're only going to focus on ‘keyword ideas’.

This feature helps to explore potential keywords which you can create content for.

Try to list down all the potential seed keywords that you can think of on a separate piece of paper i.e. related to your niche (as many as possible).

Once you've a handful of seed keywords, simply copy them – then paste them inside Ubersuggest.

When you hit the ‘search button’, the tool will pull data from search engines – then it'll present it in numerical/statistical format.

On each keyword, the tool will show you the search volumes and the difficulty score i.e. on a scale of 0 to 100.

It’s important to look for keywords that have a decent search volume – so that you wont waste your time and energy on keywords that has little to no searches.

Also, you should try to go for keywords that has a difficulty score of 40 and below – since these are ‘easier' to rank for – compared to those with a high difficult score.

It's also important to note that, long tail keywords are a bit easier to rank for – since there's fewer sites that are trying to target them – unlike seed keywords which everyone is trying to compete for.

Ubersuggest also shows you the top 10 results that are ranking for each keyword – thus, you should click on each url of the top ranking pages – and see the type of content that they wrote.

It's also important to analyse the length of each article – by simply copying all content on each page then you paste it inside Word Counter.

This gives you a rough idea on how much you should write – and it's advisable to write longer articles than the top ranking pages in order to increase your chances of ranking.

The tool also shows you the number of social shares which each top ranking page has – as well as the number of sites that are linking to that page.

Simply copy the urls of all referring sites – then paste them in a separate document.

Once you've all this data, it's now high time to start creating your content i.e. not just ordinary content, but great quality content.

I wont go into much detail on content creation – since l have a separate article that goes into more depth on this topic.

Thus, you should read that article in order to learn more about this topic.

Once you're done creating content, you should start doing some email outreaches to all those people who’re linking to your competitors.

But you shouldn't just show your intentions from the first glance – because most of them will ignore your proposal.

Instead, you should try to build some relations with them before you ask them for a backlink.

That way, they’ll be happy to link to your content.

Now coming to social signals, you should try to share your new article on your socials – then you incentivise your followers to share it too!

In my experience, infographics have high chances of being shared compared to written posts – thus, you should try to create one using a tool like Canva – or maybe you can just hire a graphic designer on Fiverr to create one for you.

You can also boost your Facebook posts in order to reach more people – so that you can skyrocket your level of social signals.


Repeat this whole process for multiple keywords – and over time, you'll start to see some tremendous results from your site.


So that's pretty much it on how to use Ubersuggest for keyword research & SEO.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any additional questions


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