How To Use The Hemingway Editor App (Quick Tutorial)

Hemingway Editor App

One of the best editing app for writers is the Hemingway Editor.

With this app, you can easily come up with highly engaging copies – which your readers can enjoy to read.

This is so because this app helps you to perfect your writing – since it is able to give you some actionable tips on how to make your writing better.

The reason being that, when you write an article, you might fail to notice some grammar and punctuation errors – since the writing might make sense to you – but toxic to your readers.

Thus, it's always advisable to edit your articles with tools like Hemingway or Grammarly before you hit the ‘publish' button.

With that being said, let me quickly summarise how you can use this app to make your writing better.


Assuming that you've finished writing your article (with Microsoft Word), you need to copy your article and paste it into the Hemingway Editor.

Some people likes to write their articles inside the Hemingway Editor, but personally, l don't like this method – as it has some risks.

For example, your document might fail to save if you experience some internet problems – hence, you might lose your changes.

Thus, l always recommend people to use MS Word for writing – then use Hemingway for editing.

Ok, so let's assume that you've pasted your article inside the Hemingway editor, the article will be highlighted with different colours i.e. red, yellow, purple, green, & blue.

Red indicates that, your sentences are very hard to read – thus, you might need to simplify or break your sentences into smaller bit-sized chunks – that are easier to read and understand.

When you edit those red-highlighted sentences, they will turn into yellow.

Yellow indicates that, your sentences are a little bit hard to read – but not as complex as the red-highlighted ones.

Thus, you might need to do some few extra twerks to your sentences – in order to make them more simplified.

You should edit your red and yellow-highlighted sentences until they become clear (not highlighted).

On the other hand, the purple colour indicates that you've used some inappropriate words – which does not perfectly fit into the sentence.

For example, if you use the word ‘sleep', the app might suggest an alternative word like ‘rest' – since the latter might be a perfect fit for your sentence than the former.

Thus, you can also utilise these auto-suggestions – so as to make your sentences better.

Green indicates passive voice, whilst blue indicates adverbs.

You might need to play around some words indicated in blue or green – in order to make your paragraphs sound more better.

However, these changes are not necessary in all scenarios – since they might weaken your sentences or at times, your sentence might lose it's intended meaning.

This normally happens when you're writing technical articles e.g. How To's – since the language used in these kind of articles is correct in specialised industries, but can be regarded as ‘inappropriate' by grammar apps.

Thus, you should take this into consideration before using any editing app.

Lastly, Hemingway gives you a readability score, which is allocated based on various metrics.

You should try by all means to write articles that have a low readability grade.

This makes your articles easier to read and understand i.e. even by a primary kid.

That's pretty much everything about the Hemingway editor.

Using this app, you can easily improve your writing without having to take some expensive classes.


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