7 Ways To Influence Buyer Decisions With Marketing Psychology

7 Ways To Influence Buyer Decisions With Marketing Psychology

When it comes to sales & marketing, psychology plays a major role – because customers buys when they're influenced to do.

Some products aren't that great – but because the companies knows how to influence customers, they get a ton sh*t of sales.

But you might be asking;

‘How can l influence customers with marketing psychology?’

That's what will be discussed in this post.

I will share with you some 7 strategies that you can use to influence buyer decisions with psychology.

These includes:

Without wasting much time, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Tell A Story

Story telling is probably one of the best forms of marketing – because people resonates a lot with stories.

For this reason, most product owners are telling their stories on YouTube, social media, podcasts, etc. – and they're able to attract people of similar backgrounds.

Let me give you a quick example;

‘2 years ago, l was broke & miserable – with only $47 in my bank account. I had just lost my job & l couldn't afford to pay my bills. I was forced to move back into my mom’s basement since l had no other option. I went on YouTube & l started to look for ways to make money online. After few months of trial & error, l finally found a secret formula which works pretty well – and since that day, my life has never been the same again'.

Just by telling such a story, you'll be able to attract an audience of people who're in that similar situation.

And because those people resonates with your story, they’ll more likely buy your recommendation – since they'll be eager to use the same epiphany that helped you to get out of that bad situation.

Thus, you must master the art of story telling – since stories converts well.

2. Use Social Proof/Testimonials

Social proof also works pretty well when it comes to influencing customers to buy your products.

Before someone decides to buy your offer, he/she likes to see other people who've used & benefited from the product i.e. before they decide to give you their hard earned monies.

Thus, you should try by all means to put some testimonials on your sales pages – so as to influence other customers to buy.

If possible, you should use some images – because images are easier to understand than written text.

Or in some instances, you might need to put some before & after images – so that people can easily see the transformation.

Now you might be wondering;

‘How can you get some testimonials when your product is still brand new?’

In that case, you might need to offer your product at a low cost or even for free – so as to attract people to buy it in the early stages.

Once you've gathered some reviews from those early customers, you can then shoot back the price to its original position.

3. Explain How The Offer Will Solve Their Problem/Improve Their Well-Being

Most product creators makes the mistake of explaining their fancy features & ingredients – which isn't the right way to convert customers.

The thing is, most customers don't care about your fancy ingredients which you imported from Pluto – or the fancy features that you always brag about.

Instead, they're mostly concerned about how the product helps to solve their problems – or let's just say, how the product helps to improve their well-being.

And if you fail to explain this to them, you might struggle to get sales – regardless of how great your product is.

4. Create A Common Enemy

I was reading Russell Brunson's book – Experts Secrets a few days ago.

In that book, Russell mentioned about the concept of US vs THEM – which is powerful when it comes to marketing.

You must create a common enemy – so as to show your customers that you care for them more than how your competitors does.

I’m pretty sure you've seen some infomercials where company X has poor services, poor customer support – indicating that the company cares less about their customers.

Then company Y steps in with great services, great customer support – indicating that the company cares more about their customers.

That's the same concept here!

But you shouldn't necessarily mention your competitor’s brand name(s) in your adverts – since it's against the ad policies.

Instead, you should just use some simple illustrations & let the customers make their own conclusions.

5. Create Scarcity

Have you ever seen how people buy sugar when they hear some rumours that it'll be scarce in the next few months?

They buy it even if they have some few more cartons left at their cribs.


Because they know that, they might not be able to get it by the time it gets scarce – thus, they'll buy it in advance before the crisis comes.

You must use that same concept when selling your own products – because it's proven that people buys more of a product when it is limited in supply i.e. scarcity.

If you're selling a course, you can just say something like;

‘Only 14 spots left for the webinar’


‘I’m closing the offer at mid-night’

By doing so, people will be forced to take action – so that they wont miss on your offer.

6. Plant Curiosity In Their Minds

Have you seen how most ‘gurus’ sells their programs & courses?

They just plant curiosity in people's minds – and out of that curiosity, people will pull-out their credit cards & buy the offer.

For example, if you see an ad which reads;

‘This Secret System Shows You How To Make $761/Day Without Lifting A Finger’;

You'll become curious in knowing, what's the ‘secret system' being talked about.

And out of that curiosity, you might end up buying the offer i.e. due to fear of missing out.

You should use that same strategy for your own products as well – since it works pretty well.

7. Run Discount Promos

Last but not least, you must run some discount promos here & there.

The truth is, customers like to feel like they're paying less than what the product is worth – thus, they'll buy the offer when it's on discount.

That’s why most people buys more staff on black Fridays – because they like to pay less than the actual selling price.

But for this strategy to work, you should run your promos for a limited time – so as to push customers to buy during that time period.

Otherwise, your product might end up losing it's real value i.e. if it's discounted for a prolonged period.

Wrapping Up

So there we go!

These are some of the strategies that you can use to influence customer decisions with psychology.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any further questions.


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