How To Create A Website Of My Own Without Any Coding Skills? (Beginner’s Guide)

How To Create A Website Of My Own

‘I wish to have my own website but l don't have any coding skills?’

‘I’m still looking for money to hire a web developer'.

That's the two most common excuses which people makes when it comes to having a website.

Most people still believes that you need to hire an expensive developer in order to build a website.

Or maybe you need to take some advanced coding classes in order to learn how to build websites.

But lm here to tell you that these are all myths!

Gone are the days when we used to stress about complicated coding language e.g. CSS, Java, HTML, etc.

However, due to technological advancements, there’s now some tools and softwares which are designed to help you in building your own website without any prior experience.

With the birth of drag and drop editors, you're now able to create your own website without too much hassle since these tools are designed in the form of ‘what you see is what you get' type of softwares.

Thus, web development has never been this easy since anyone is now capable of starting his/her own website.

In this post, l will show you how you can build your own website in 15 minutes or less.

I will share with you 6 simple steps that you can follow in order to come up with your own website.

So stick around if you want to learn more about this topic.

Steps Involved

So without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

Step 1: Choose A Topic/Niche

The first question which l always ask people is ‘what type of website do you want to build?’

Is it a lifestyle blog, travel blog, business website or maybe a personal blog?

This is the first crucial question which you should answer otherwise the rest of the steps won't be relevant.

Most people are confused when it comes to this issue as they’re not clear about what they want to upload on their website.

But l always advise people to choose a niche which they're passionate about so that they wont be bored by their website.

For example, if you're passionate about travelling, you can start a website based around this niche and you can easily share some travel tips on that website.

You can also use that website to document your travel experiences i.e. pics, notes, etc.

And if you choose a topic which you truly like, you will do whatever it takes to make that website succeed thus it is key to follow your passion.

Step 2: Pick A Name

Ok, so let's assume that you've chosen your niche, its now high time to come up with a name for your website.

In the web space, we call it a ‘domain name’.

You should try to find a name that best describes your website so that your audience can easily understand what your website is all about i.e. just by reading your website name.

For example, if your website is about gaming, you can name it something like ‘365 Gaming Hub' or maybe ‘Gamers Club' or anything related to that.

The goal is to choose a name that gives your audience a hint of what your website is all about.

You can choose to name your website based on your real name if you wish to do so.

This is a great strategy if you want to build a strong personal brand since people will easily recognise that you own that website.

Either way, you should just come up with a nice name which is appealing.

Step 3: Register Your Domain Name

Ok, so let's assume that you've come up with a name for your website, its now high time to register that domain name on the internet.

It’s very important to register your website's name on the internet so that it becomes available on platforms like Google, Bing, etc.

This process will allow people to type in something like and find your website since it will be known by Google.

However, if you don't register your site's name, it wont be found on Google.

With that being said, most people always ask me about where they can register their website’s name so that it becomes available on Google.

There is a company called GreenGeeks which helps you with the process.

GreenGeeks allows you to register your domain name without too much hassle.

All you need to do is to visit their page, follow some few instructions, and your domain will be registered in a matter of minutes.

And by the way, the process is not that expensive!

GreenGeeks charges $2.95 per month which is less than a cup of Starbucks coffee.

Thus, there's no need to procrastinate since this price is quite affordable.

Another cool thing about GreenGeeks is that it offers some free security features which helps to protect your website from hacking, malware, or any other form of external attack.

Thus, l highly recommend you to check out this platform if you want to register your domain name today.

Now let me mention some few things real quick;

You might discover that some domain names were already taken by other people since thousands of websites are being registered on a daily basis.

Thus, you might need to adjust your domain name a little bit if it is already owned by someone else.

For example, let's say that your target name is ‘GamingHub’ but it’s already taken, you can twerk it to ‘OfficialGamingHub' or ‘BestGamingHub' or anything along those line.

The key is to play around some few words so that you can come up with a unique name.

Another golden tip is that you should choose a name with a .com extension since it is easy to remember.

The reason being that domain names which ends with .com are more common than those which ends with .org or .net

Thus, you should take this tip into consideration when choosing a domain name.

Step 4: Install WordPress

Ok, so let's assume that you've registered your domain name, its now high time to install WordPress on your device.

WordPress is a platform which allows you to create your website without too much hassle.

And the beauty part is that WordPress is automatically installed when you register your domain name thus you don't need to worry about too much staff.

You can access WordPress inside your GreenGeeks dashboard thus you don't have to look for this app elsewhere.

Step 5: Start Designing Your Website

Now that everything is setup, its now high time to start designing your website.

Remember l mentioned about WordPress in the previous section. That's the platform you will be using to design your website.

The beauty part about WordPress is that it comes with a ton of premade templates thus you can choose any theme of your choice.

Once you find your favourite theme, simply select it and start customising it based on your tastes and preferences.

You can easily edit the text, images, colours, etc thus allowing you to come up with a perfect website for your needs.

You can watch some YouTube tutorials if you want to learn how to use WordPress so that you can get a better understanding of how this platform works.

Step 6: Publish Your Website

Ok, so let's assume that you've finished designing your website, what's next?

It’s now high time to publish your website to the world!

You can easily press the ‘publish’ button inside WordPress dashboard once you feel like your website is ready to go live.

This allows your site to become active on the internet thus allowing people to find it on the web.

You can share your website’s name with your friends, family or even on social media so that they can start visiting your website.

That's it! Your website is now up and running.

But before l wrap up, let me quickly share with you some of the best strategies to monetize your website so that you can get a rough idea.

How To Monetize Your Website

(i) AdSense

Do you know that you can put some ads on your website and start earning some Ad revenue?

That's true. You can put some display and banner ads on your website thus allowing you to earn some Ad income.

You can apply for Google AdSense and once you get approved, ads will start to show up on your website.

Although, this option sounds great, it is important to note that Google AdSense pays less than other Ad networks such as Ezoic and Mediavine.

However, the high paying ad networks requires someone with a huge website that receives a ton of traffic per month.

For this reason, you might be forced to stick to Google AdSense.

You can apply for high paying Ad networks in the future when your website starts to receive some decent traffic.

(ii) Selling Your Own Products

Do you know that you can use your website for selling your own products?

That's right! You can advertise your own products on your website so as to allow people to purchase your items.

Most people overthink this issue since they think that you should have some ‘fancy’ products to sell.

But you can sell something simple such as downloadable pdfs, guides, recipes, or even print on demand items.

You can start your own print on demand business whereby you partner with an established manufacturer who is willing to manufacture and ship your products on your behalf.

You will only cover for production cost only when you make sales.

Sounds great hey?

👉You can learn more about this business model in this article

(iii) Affiliate Marketing

This is whereby you sell other companies' products on its behalf for a commission.

For example, you can signup for Amazon Associates, get some custom tracking links and put them on your website.

If someone purchases something through your links, you'll earn a referral commission.

The beauty part about affiliate marketing is that you don't have to worry about product creation, shipping, inventory, customer support, etc.

And you don't need to have the product in hand too!

Your main job is to connect customers to the right products and you get paid for that (middlemen).

Thus, affiliate marketing is another great strategy for monetizing your website.

👉You can learn more about affiliate marketing in this article.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained some value from this post since l tried to simply the process for you.

I hope that you're now ready to go out there and start your own website using the tips discussed in this article.

Now most people gets excited when they read information like this.

However, they don't take any action after reading this kind of information since they always procrastinate e.g. l will build my website next week.

And guess what?

They fail to implement the information since they'll forget everything as soon as they close their browser.

But l hope that you're not one of those people.

I hope that you're someone who is ready to take action and build your own website today.

You won't regret this decision since a website opens a lot of avenues i.e. brand deals, paid sponsorships, affiliate marketing, etc.

Thus, l highly urge you to take action today.

Ready To Start Your Own Website?

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