How To Make A Big Life Change

How to make a big life change

Wanna make a big life change?

If so, then this post is for you!

In this post, I'II quickly share with you a 5 step process that you can follow in order to make a big life change.

Thus, read till the very end if you're interested in this topic.

NB: I’m going to discuss the following steps:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Find Out Why You're In This Current Situation

The first and most crucial step is to figure out why you're in your current situation in the first place.

The truth is, you can't solve a problem if you don't know how it started in the first place – so it's important to do some analysis to figure how you got there.

Because if you don't know how you got in that situation, you’ll always go back to that state regardless of the opportunities that you get.

Let me give you a quick example;

If you're in debt due to your reckless spending behaviours, you'll always go back to square zero no matter how much money you get.

Because more money will push you to expand your spending habits – thus, even if you get a million bucks, you'll always find a way to lose it & you'll find yourself back in that same exact situation.

So before you start looking for opportunities, you should first fix the route problem which got you where you are – otherwise, you'll find yourself back in that same exact situation.

2. Look For People Who Were In Your Situation – But Managed To Pull Through

Assuming that you've found out why you're in that situation, it's important to look for people who were in your similar situation, but managed to pull through.

Listen to their stories – so as to learn how they pulled through those situations.

Because you might learn one or two strategies from them – and you can use them to escape your own situation as well.

And there's a ton of these stories on the internet – you just have to search for them on YouTube, Google, etc.

And you know what's interesting?

Situations doesn't differ much. The only difference is the location where they happen, timeframe, etc. – otherwise, the core concepts are the same.

So you'll always find a story that resonates with you.

3. Create An Escape Plan

The next step is to create an escape plan.

After listening to other people's stories, you'll have a clue of what needs to be done i.e. through learning from other people's experiences.

You just have to take a pen and paper & you create an escape plan.

For example, if you're in debt, you might decide to save a certain percentage of your income (like 10%) – so that you can use it to pay for the debt.

Or if you're obese, you may decide to workout 3 times a week e.g. Mon, Wed, Fri

Because if something is written down & placed somewhere where you can see it, you'll be reminded to take action even when you're about to fall-off.

So, it's important to write it down & place it somewhere where you can clearly see it.

4. Execute It

Assuming you now have a plan of action, it's now high time to execute it.

A plan is great, but if you don't execute it, it will be useless.

It's good to plan about working out 3 times a week, but if you don't take action and go to the f*cken gym, you'll remain in that bad shape.

So it's important to take action – otherwise, your plan will be useless if it's not executed.

5. Monitor Progress

Assuming that you're now on the path of changing your life, you should monitor your progress on a regular interval e.g. weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc.

This helps you to observe if you’re making any progress or not – so that you can see if your actions are worth it or not.

Monitoring also helps to make adjustments to your plan if you see some room for improvement(s).

It also helps you to keep on track – so that you wont easily divert from your plan.

Thus, it's important to do some monitoring and evaluation here & there.

Wrapping Up

So these are some of the steps that you can take to make a big life change for your life.

If you follow them, you might see some radical changes in your life.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any more questions.


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