How To Build An Audience Of Like Minded People

How To Build An Audience Of Like Minded People

If you want to build a strong tribe of loyal customers, you need to build an audience of like minded people – who're interested in your business.

This makes it easy for you to promote your offers to them – since you'll have easy access to that audience.

But the question is;

‘How can someone build an audience of like minded people from scratch?’

That's what will be discussed in this post.

Building an audience seems difficult for most people – since most people looks at it like rocket science.

But I’m here to tell you that, building an audience is not that complex i.e. if you know the right techniques.

The key is to find out where your target audience hangs around – and you find a way to tap into those platforms.

Because the truth is, your ideal audience already exists out there.

You just have to figure out a way of attracting them to your website/funnel – so that they can become part of your customers.

To make this process simple, l have prepared a simple 3 step process that you can use in order to get started with audience building.

It involves the following steps:

Without further ado, let me explain each of these in more detail.

1. Decide On The Type Of Audience That You Want To Get (Niche)

The first crucial step is to decide on the type of audience that you want to get i.e. niche selection.

Is it people who're trying to lose weight?

Is it people who're looking for relationship advice?

Or maybe people who're looking for ways to make money online?

You must pick a niche that is ideal for your business – rather than just trying to go too broad i.e. trying to serve everyone.

If you try to be an expert in everything, you might end up flopping in some areas – thus, it's important to pick a specific niche.

2. Identify Where They Hang Out The Most – And Tap Into Those Platforms

Once you're so sure about who your target audience is, it's now high time to identify where they hang out the most.

Do they spend most of their time in Facebook groups?

Do they spend most of their time watching YouTube videos?

Or maybe they spend their time reading blogs?

This is key because it helps you to focus your time and energy on platforms that have the potential to yield results for you – rather than wasting time on useless platforms.

Once you know where they hang out the most, you should start producing valuable content on those platforms – so as to attract them.

For example, if your audience spends most time on YouTube, you can start uploading great videos which answers their burning questions.

You just have to do some keyword research in order to find what those people are searching for – and you produce content that is tailor made for those queries.

It's also important to do some SEO work to your content – so as to increase your chances of ranking.

If you do this properly, you'll start getting some traffic to your content.

3. Collect Email Addresses

Ok – assuming that you're now getting traffic to your platform (blog, YouTube, etc.) – should you just end there – and just get YouTube subscribers or Blog followers?


Most people thinks that they own their YouTube subscribers or blog followers – which is true and false at the same time.

You only own those followers when you're on these platforms – but if your channel or website gets suspended, you’ll lose those followers.

The truth is, you don't own those platforms – thus, you have less control over the audience.

Also, it's difficult to communicate with your YouTube subscribers on a 1 on 1 basis i.e. people just watch your videos & they leave your channel.

And some of them might not even return in the future – thus, you wont be able to connect with them again.

So what's the best strategy?

You should focus on building an email list.

An email list is something that you own and control – and you can communicate with your email subscribers at any time, any where.

When you're getting traffic to your blog or YouTube channel, it's important to ask people to subscribe to your email list – so that they become part and parcel of your ‘inner circle’.

The key is to find something that will incentivise them to subscribe – otherwise, they wont subscribe for no reason.

Of course, building a big list takes time and effort – but overtime, you'll have a great database of like minded people who're interested in your products/services.

Even if Google decides to suspend your blog or YouTube channel, you'll still have access to your followers.

Wrapping Up

So that's the 3 step process that you can follow to build an audience of like minded people.

Although it takes time to build a big audience, you'll slowly grow your following over time i.e. if you keep applying these simple steps.

If you want to learn more about audience building, check out Austin Kleon’s book called Show Your Work.


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