The Truth About Success

The Truth About Success

Most people in this world are constantly chasing the so called ‘success'.

They say staff like;

‘If l buy this house, then I will be successful'

‘If l get this car, then my life will be good'

Then they work their a** off trying to chase what they think is ‘success’.

However, when they get those things, they might feel some short term/temporal pleasure.

But after some few months, they realize that those things might not necessarily be the solution to their problems – since they'll still feel a huge void inside themselves.

So what do they do?

They try to chase the next big thing – thinking that they'll feel better when they get better things.

And the same pattern happens i.e. they feel pleasure in those things (temporarily) – but soon, they'll feel empty again.

And without realising it, they might spend their whole lives trying to chase objects which they think are the source of happiness.

But what’s the main cause of this problem?

The truth is, most people don't know the real definition of success.

For this reason, they fail to distinguish the difference between Pleasure & True Happiness/Fulfilment.

Thus, they always chase things that brings ‘pleasure' – instead of ‘fulfilment’.

But the problem with pleasure is that, it's short lived – and soon, you'll always be back at your current state.

That's why you see some millionaires who have plenty of materialistic things – but they're miserable because they feel empty inside.

The thing is, before you chase certain things, you must clearly decide if those things brings fulfilment in your life – or they're just pleasurable items.

Because if you fail to do so, you might end up being miserable in a big mansion by yourself.

I’m not saying that materialistic things are bad – NO!

But what I’m saying is that, you should buy them only if you feel like they'll bring true fulfilment into your life – instead of just buying them just for the sake of pleasing society.

Quick Tip: True happiness comes from within – not from external factors.

Would you consider yourself successful when you have all the finer things in the world – but your health is in shambles, you're working 16 hours a day & you don't have any time to enjoy those ‘riches'?

Personally, l would consider this person less successful than someone who has good health, has more time to spend with his/her family, & he/she earns enough income to fund for his/her lifestyle – though he/she might not own the latest piece of designer.

In my opinion, l define success as having the freedom to do whatever l like, at any time (time freedom), any where (location freedom) – without having to seek for anyone's permission.


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