How To Get Started With 1Password Affiliate Program

How To Get Started With 1Password Affiliate Program

Table Of Contents

Brief Overview

1Password is probably one of the best apps out there i.e. when it comes to password management.

We all know that, passwords are prone to hacking these days – and you can easily lose your sensitive & confidential information in just an instinct.

However, apps like 1Password helps to protect your passwords & other sensitive information – through providing some tools that are all designed to safeguard your info.

Thus, it's a great app/software to consider i.e. if you want to protect your sensitive info.

But in this post, I will mainly focus on its affiliate program – so as to help those who want to promote this app.

Thus, read till the very end if you're interested in promoting 1Password as an affiliate.

Commission Structure

Ideally, 1Password pays $2 per each completed signup (on average).

This means that, you'll get 2 bucks every time someone uses your referral link to signup for this app.

But keep in mind that, they'll verify whether your referrals are genuine or not before they pay you – because some people try to game the system through providing fake leads.

Thus, you should ensure that you're not doing any sort of black hat tactics.

If your referrals decides to upgrade to the paid plans, you'll earn 25% of their monthly subscription in commissions.

This is great because it's a recurring income – meaning, you'll continue to get paid over and over again i.e. as long as your referrals continues to pay their monthly subscription.

How To Become A 1Password Affiliate

1Password affiliate program is run through Commission Junction.

This means that, you have to sign up for this network to be able to promote 1Password – otherwise, you wont be able to do so.

Thus, if you haven't joined CJ yet, l highly urge you to do so – because it's a hub for many affiliate offers.

But keep in mind that, CJ has strict requirements – thus, they're very picky when it comes to approving affiliates.

And one of the main reasons why most people gets rejected is the issue of not having a website.

You must have a functional website before applying for this network – so as to prove that you're a genuine affiliate who's capable of promoting their offers.

Thus, l highly urge you to create a website ASAP if you haven't already.

However, if you don't want to go the CJ route, you can use a network called Yazing.

Although this network is less popular, it's still a great platform to find various affiliate offers to promote.

And the beauty part is that, they have less entry requirements – meaning, you can get accepted even without a website.

Thus, you can try using this network – although a website is a pre-requisite for every affiliate marketer.

How To Promote 1Password As An Affiliate

Ok, so let's assume that you've been accepted into the affiliate program & you now have your links, the next question that comes to mind is; ‘how to get traffic'.

There are various methods that can be used to promote 1Password as an affiliate.

But my favourite one is blogging – through writing articles related to password management, 1Password review, or even comparing 1Password to other password management apps/softwares.

The beauty part is that, you'll get some free organic traffic – which allows you to get clicks & sales i.e. without spending a dime on ads.

The key is to do some keyword research – so as to find queries which people are searching for.

Once you find them, simply write some SEO optimised articles that addresses those queries – and you recommend 1Password inside your articles (where possible).

This method works pretty well – because you'll be offering some value to your audience – and in return, they'll signup through your affiliate links as a token of appreciation.

Thus, you need to try this method if you want to get some free organic traffic from Google.

But if you like creating video content, then you can go the YouTube route.

Simply create a YouTube channel – then you start uploading some videos related to the topics that l mentioned earlier.

And if you do this properly, your videos will start to rank – thus, allowing you to get traffic, clicks, and sales.

Thus, you just have to pick one of these methods – and you execute it!

But if you have an email list, you can also send some newsletters i.e. educating your subscribers about the importance of password management – then you recommend 1Password as the best tool to use.

Again, this method works pretty well i.e. if you've an email list of people who deals with sensitive information & passwords.

Wrapping Up

So that pretty much wraps up our discussion on 1Password affiliate program.

I promote 1Password myself as an affiliate – thus, I felt that it might be great to share my strategies to other affiliates who're interested in promoting this tool.


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