The ClickFunnels 30 Day Challenge: One Funnel Away Challenge (Updated Review)

‘You're just One Funnel Away'.

One Funnel Away from what?

Does that mean lm just One Funnel Away from launching my first product?

Or maybe One Funnel Away from quitting my 9 to 5?

Or maybe One Funnel Away from reaching financial freedom?

These questions are always asked by people who are interested in taking the challenge but they’re not so sure what they're getting themselves into.

If you're one of those people, then this article is definitely for you.

In this article, l will try to address all these questions so as to provide you with an idea about what the One Funnel Away Challenge is all about.

After reading this article, you will be in a better position to decide whether this program is really for you or not.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about the OFA Challenge.

Topics Covered:

So without further ado, et me jump straight into more detail.

What Is One Funnel Away Challenge?

One Funnel Away Challenge Review

Ideally, it is a 30 day training program whereby Russell Brunson (the founder of ClickFunnels) and his team takes you from a complete beginner to an advanced marketer in just 30 days.

This training program comes in the form of training videos which are all designed to help millions of people who're struggling to make a fortune in the online space.

The training is broken down into smaller sized pieces that makes it easier for someone to absorb the information bit by bit until he/she becomes a skilled marketer.

Russell Brunson also partnered with some of the successful entrepreneurs in making this training program so as to give them a platform to share their knowledge and experience to other aspiring entrepreneurs worldwide.

The training program also comes with some extra resources which are going to be explained at a later stage and these resources helps you to absorb some useful knowledge on your own at the comfort of your home.

One of the resources includes the OFA mp3 player which comes with some educative and inspiring audio files which you can listen on your own and these podcast files helps to keep you motivated all the time.

With that being said, the biggest question that most people asks is the cost of this training program since most people are always concerned about their wallets.

So let me dive into the price of this program in the next section.

How Much Does The One Funnel Away Challenge Cost?

Ideally, this training program costs $100 for the whole training program.

However, you might need to pay a small shipping fee of $19.95 (inside US) or $29.95 (outside the US) if you choose to get the physical version of this program.

However, if you choose the digital version of this training, you might not need to pay for shipping since you'll access everything online.

Now l hear some people complaining that 100 bucks is a lot of money since they want everything for close to nothing.

But here's the truth, people only take things serious when they are asked to pay a fee.

If the program is offered to you for free, you wont take it serious since our human mind believes that free things are not valuable.

That's why you should pay a fee to enrol into a training program so as to take the training serious.

Also, bear in mind that other gurus charges thousands of dollars for training programs which are worthless.

However, One Funnel Away is far much cheaper than most training programs that are being charged thousands of dollars.

And the most interesting part is that you'll get more value for less money if you enrol into the OFA Challenge since this training program is packed with useful information and resources that are worth way more than 100 bucks.

Besides, Russell Brunson is not trying to become rich from this training program since he makes a lot of his money from his main software.

Thus, l always recommend people to take advantage of this cheap but more valuable program so as to get more value for your money.

Who Should Take The One Funnel Away Challenge?

Ideally, this training program was designed to cater for anyone in the online marketing space who is looking to increase his/her skills in order to get more leads and sales e.g. affiliate marketers, product creators, etc.

The training program was also designed for people who are tired of living from pay check to pay check since it provides some relevant skills and knowledge that you can use to build your own sustainable business that can earn a good amount of money.

I have some friends who have managed to quit their 9 to 5 jobs after taking this training program since they were able to start their own businesses online soon after taking this challenge.

Thus, this training program can help you to move towards financial independence and hopefully, financial freedom in the long run since you can be able to start your own business which is far much better than relying on a corporate job.kjob.

What’s Included In The One Funnel Away Kit?

One Funnel Away Workbook

Basically, this is a notebook that helps you to track and monitor your progress through out the training period.

This book allows you to write down your key takeaways throughout the training period and you can revisit those notes at a later stage.

The book also provides you with some actionable steps that you can follow in order to execute your business plans.

This helps you to stay on the right track since you can easily refer to this book when you feel stuck or when you’re loosing focus.

OFA Mp3 Player

This is probably one of my favourite resource which comes with the OFA kit.

This MP3 player comes with past recordings of the One Funnel Away trainings and you can listen to these audio files on your way to the gym, at the beach, or maybe when you're just chilling at home.

This helps you to stay motivated since we always face a lot of obstacles as entrepreneurs.


In my opinion, this is the most valuable asset that comes with the OFA kit.

This book includes some of the strategies that were shared by some of the most successful online entrepreneurs in order to re-build their businesses from scratch assuming that they have to start again from scratch.

This is so because Russell asked various successful entrepreneurs what they'll do to re-build their businesses if they loose everything.

Thus, these entrepreneurs shared their brilliant ideas inside this book and each of them provided some actionable steps that he/she could take to rebuild his/her business from scratch back to great levels.

To be honest, this book alone is worth more than a million of dollars since it includes some valuable ideas from some of the greatest minds.

Reading this book is like getting inside the minds of these great people since you're able to get some first hand information about their business strategies.

Thus, you should definitely find some time to read this book if you haven't already.

Bonuses (From ClickFunnels)

As we all know, Russell is a big guy when it comes to creating irresistible offers since he tries by all means to convince people to buy his staff.

He tries by all means to make you feel that you're getting more value for less money so as to encourage you to buy his products.

Thus, he provided some bonuses that are worth way more than the price of this program.

Some of the bonuses includes:

• 30 Days eBook (550 pages)

• Two Comma Club Funnels

• Access to 30 Days Interviews

• Workbooks

• And many more

Bonuses (From The Affiliate)

On top of these bonuses, you can also get access to some extra bonuses from the affiliate as well.

If you enrol into the One Funnel Away through my links, l will give you my best converting email swipes that l use for my different businesses on a daily basis. (All niches)

Keep in mind that l paid almost $3 400 on Fiverr to get these email swipes written by a professional copywriter but lm willing to give them for free to everyone who gets OFA training through my link.

I will also be available to answer all your questions via email so as to help you in succeeding in your online journey.

I know that this online journey can be scary if you don’t have anyone to support you but lm willing to help you out for the next 90 Days.

Bear in mind that l usually charge $780 per hour for this service but lm just willing to sacrifice my valuable time to help you out just for FREE.

All you have to do is to enrol into One Funnel Away through my link then you simply send me proof of enrolment on

Once done, l will organise your $5000 worth of bonuses for you (100% FREE)

Benefits Of The One Funnel Away Challenge

• Very affordable

• Provides more valuable knowledge that can help you in succeeding in this online space

• Gives you some tricks that you can use to attract your ideal customers rather than chasing them

• Comes with a money back guarantee

• Very beginner friendly

• You get the opportunity to learn from the greatest minds

• You'll also learn the art of story telling which is key in getting more customers

Limitations Of The One Funnel Away Challenge

• The only drawback of this program is that you wont be able to learn at your own pace.

Instead, you have to keep up with the speed of the program otherwise you'll be left behind

Is There Any Hidden Upsells?

Luckily, there's no hidden upsells in this program.

For your 100 bucks, you will get access to all the full features of this program hence you don't have to worry about any extra costs.

However, you might need to pay a small shipping fee if you decide to get the physical version of the training so that your resources can be shipped to your location.

But you can just take the digital version if you want to avoid these shipping costs since the digital version does not require any product shipment.

(The choice is your to make)

When Is The Next Challenge?

The OFA Challenge is launched once every month since people are enrolled in batches that are trained for a 30 Day period.

The dates varies from month to month depending on various factors.

But one thing that l know is that this training program is always available every month of the year.

You only need to visit the main sales page in order to know the exact dates of when the next challenge is going to be held.

My Biggest Take Away From The OFA Challenge

My biggest take away from this training program is that there is a huge difference between products and offers.

The main reason why most businesses fail is that they try to sell products instead of offers.

If you're selling products in the ordinary way, there wont be much difference between your business and other competing entities.

Thus, you need to create irresistible offers in order to encourage people to buy from you instead of your competitors.

For example, let's say you're selling automobiles, you should create some extra bonuses that incentivises people to buy from you instead of other dealerships.

This can be in the form of extra accessories that you can offer for free to your customers.

In this case, your customers will feel like they're getting more value for less money since customers likes to win all the time.

Hence, this will result in more sales for your businesses since most customers will now be willing to buy from you rather than the guy next door.

(Give your customers more bang and they'll give you more bucks)

Final Words

At this point, lm pretty sure that you now have some in-depth information about the One Funnel Away Challenge and what's to expect when you take this training program.

I’m sure that you're now motivated to enrol into this training program since you read for yourself that this program is really valuable in nature.

Thus, l always recommend people to take this training program in order to increase their skills and knowledge in this online space.

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