10 Best Affiliate Programs/Networks In 2022

Looking for affiliate programs/networks to promote, but don't know which ones to join?

Don't worry, because this article will show you some of the best affiliate programs & networks to join.

By the end of this article, you’ll be able to choose programs/networks to work with i.e. based on the info shared in this post.

So stick till the very end if you want to know about these programs & networks.

Best Affiliate Programs

Without further ado, let me briefly discuss about each of them.

ClickFunnels - Best Affiliate Programs

ClickFunnels is probably one of the best affiliate programs right now, since this software is on high demand.

Most people use this software for building landing pages, sales funnels, membership sites, amongst others.

Thus, your duty as an affiliate is to create content about this software, so as to attract some potential customers who might be interested in building funnels.

You can create content centred around teaching people how to build sales funnels, landing pages, quiz funnels, etc. i.e. through written or video content.

(Though video content converts better)

One thing that l like about ClickFunnels is that, it pays a monthly recurring revenue (MRR) – meaning, if someone signs up for the software through your link, you’ll get paid 40% of their monthly subscriptions i.e. as long as the person remains a paying customer.

This is great if you're looking to make a long term residual income online – since most people who signs up for this software remains a paying customer for years – since this software is a SAAS i.e. Software As A Service.

You can also promote other products like the One Funnel Away Challenge, Traffic Secrets, Dotcom Secrets, Experts Secrets, amongst other products that are offered by ClickFunnels.

Thus, if you're looking for a great affiliate program to get started with, then l highly recommend you to join ClickFunnels.

ClickBank is probably the best network i.e. when it comes to digital products, since this platform offers a wide range of digital products – ranging from health, wealth, finance, relationships, spirituality, business, etc.

ClickBank is a marketplace whereby vendors lists their products i.e. when they don't want to create their own affiliate program(s).

Thus, you can find a variety of products to promote on this platform – since new products are continuously launched on almost a daily basis.

Most of the products pays good commissions, since digital products have less overhead costs.

Thus, vendors can afford to pay as much as 50% (or more) in commissions, which is quite great.

However, ClickBank does not accept affiliates from third world countries like Nigeria, India, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Bangladesh, amongst others i.e. due to their terms of service.

Thus, if you're from any of these nations, then you might need to consider JV Zoo or Warrior Plus – which will be discussed in just a second.

JV Zoo - Best Affiliate Program

JV Zoo is also another great platform for digital products.

Although it’s not as established as ClickBank, JV Zoo is a great platform which has been on the rise over the past few years.

On this platform, you can find a ton of digital products & softwares, and most of them pays 50% in commissions.

Products are launched on a daily basis on this platform – thus, there's a wide range of products to choose from.

However, it’s important to note that, some vendors are very strict when it comes to approving new affiliates, since they don't want to accept people who might end up spamming their links everywhere on the internet.

Thus, you might need to apply for as many offers as possible i.e. in order to increase your chances of getting accepted.

Other than that, it's still a great network to work with.

It's almost similar to JV Zoo.

In most cases, you’ll find that most vendors who are on JV Zoo are the same ones on Warrior Plus.

The products are also similar, since JV Zoo & Warrior Plus are like sister companies.

On Warrior Plus, you also get access to various products – which pays up to 50% (or more) in commissions.

Warrior Plus is great – especially if you live in Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Zimbabwe, India, or any other country where ClickBank is not available.

Thus, if you're looking for a platform to join ASAP, then you might need to consider Warrior Plus as well.

5. Digistore24

Digistore - Best Affiliate Program

Digistore24 is also another great platform that has been on the rise over the past few years.

It’s also a mini ClickBank type of marketplace – where you can find a variety of digital products to promote.

However, Digistore24 is not as established as ClickBank – since there’s still some few products & vendors on this platform.

But considering the growth rate of this platform, l think that Digistore24 will become bigger and better in the near future.

The most common products which are found on this platform are online courses e.g. Super Affiliate System (John Crestani), Amazon FBA Ninjas (Kevin David), Tube Mastery & Monetization (Matt Par), amongst other popular courses.

The cool thing about this platform is that, you can earn an average of $500 per sale, since some of these courses costs around $1 000 (or more) – which is quite insane😜

Thus, Digistore24 is also another platform to consider.

6. Teachable

This is probably the best platform for creating & selling online courses.

Most online courses are hosted on this platform, since Teachable does the job way better than most softwares out there.

Teachable has an amazing affiliate program, which pays around 30% per sale.

Obviously, 30% might not sound lucrative, but its prices are a bit higher – since this software is a bit expensive.

Thus, you can earn significant amounts if some of your referrals upgrades to higher plans.

Bear in mind that, this 30% is a monthly recurring commission – meaning, if someone signs up through your link, you get paid 30% i.e. as long as that person remains a paying customer.

This is great because most people who creates online courses tends to use this platform over a long period of time – since there's no other better software than Teachable.

Thus, even if you fail to get new customers in the future, you can still get paid for customers that you referred in the past.

Share A Sale - Best Affiliate Program

This is also another great platform, since there’s a ton of products to promote.

Unlike ClickBank, ShareASale is a marketplace for physical products – whereas ClickBank only focuses on digital products.

ShareASale allows you to promote various physical products, as long as you get approved into the network.

However, this network is a bit strict when it comes to approving new affiliates.

The reason being that, this company acts as a middlemen for bigger brands – thus, it tries by all means to eliminate any black-hat affiliates from its platform, so as to protect its reputation.

One of the main factors that determines whether you get accepted or not – is the issue of a website.

You definitely need a custom branded website in order to get accepted into this network, since a website shows that you have a platform to promote their offers.

Thus, it's important to keep that in mind before applying for this network.

This is probably one of the largest and oldest affiliate programs in the industry, since it has been in existence since 1996.

Even though it’s old, Amazon Associates remains one of the best affiliate programs on the planet🌍.

It's ideal for people who're looking to promote physical products like electronic products, kitchen appliances, home furniture, etc.

Amazon pays anywhere between 1% to 10% for every qualified sale made through your links.

However, these commission rates are pretty low – compared to other networks like ClickBank, JVZoo, WarriorPlus, etc.

Thus, if you want to make significant income from Amazon, you should promote high ticket products – which costs over a thousand bucks.

Amazon is ideal for beginners, but you might need to switch to other high paying programs in the future.

NB: Amazon should only be used as a learning platform if you're still brand new to affiliate marketing.

But once you gain some base knowledge, you might need to switch towards other better programs & networks.

9. CJ

Commission Junction

Was previously called Commission Junction.

This network is great if you want to promote companies like GoDaddy – or any other company that runs its affiliate program via this network.

There’s a ton of products to promote on this platform – however, you might need to seek approval from the vendors in order to promote those products.

It’s important to note that, different vendors have different criteria for accepting new affiliates, since different companies have their own set of rules & policies.

Thus, you might need to apply for as many products as possible i.e. in order to increase your odds of getting approved.

Another important thing is that, you need to have a legit website in order to get approved into this network – otherwise, your application might get rejected.

Thus, if you don't have a website yet, l highly urge you to create one today.

10. Impact Radius

Impact Radius is probably one of the best when it comes to softwares, since companies like HostGator, iPage, Squarespace, etc. – run their affiliate programs through this platform.

Impact Radius is a middleman which integrates affiliates & companies, since most companies these days are no longer interested in hosting their own affiliate program.

Thus, most companies now prefers to run their affiliate programs through networks, so as to pass the burden to these middlemen.

Impact Radius gives you the chance to partner with some of the largest companies in the software industry, since Impact Radius is able to attract bigger brands to their platform.

But just like CJ, it's also strict when it comes to the issue of websites.

Thus, you must have a running website with some bit of content in order to get accepted into this network.

Other than that, Impact Radius remains a great platform, since there’s a ton of great offers which pays good commissions.

Wrapping Up

By now, I believe that you now know which affiliate programs & networks to promote i.e. based on the info shared in this post.

The key is to find companies & brands that are related to your niche – then you apply to work with those companies.

Other Affiliate Programs













Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Highest Paying Affiliate Programs?

ClickFunnels (40% or sometimes $100 for the One Funnel Away)

HubSpot (up to $1 000 in commission)

Capital Exploits (up to $1 500 in commissions)

Teachable (up to $150 per sale)

Flywheel (up to $500 per customer)

Bluehost ($65 for beginner affiliates or $135 for super affiliates)

WP Engine ($200 or more per customer)

Kinsta (up to $500 per referral)

Pabbly (up to $183 in commissions)

Constant Contact ($105 per customer)

BigCommerce ($500 per referral or $1 500 for enterprise subscription)

3DCart (300% in commissions)

Wix ($100 per customer)

Shopify (200% for the first 2 months)

Kabbage (up to $250 per lead)

What Is The Best Affiliate Program To Join?

There’s no doubt that ClickFunnels offers one of the best affiliate programs in the industry, since this company invests so much in its affiliate program.

ClickFunnels provides its affiliate with all the necessary tools that you need in order to market their products – hence, making it easier for you to market its products.

Also, ClickFunnels pays a whooping 40% monthly recurring commission – which is a great deal for people who're looking to build a stable residual income online.

It also pays 100% on other products like the One Funnel Away – thus, helping to boost your affiliate earnings.

What Is The Best Affiliate Marketing Program For Beginners?

It depends with your niche/industry.

If you're in the make money online niche, you should consider JVZoo and WarriorPlus – since there’s a great opportunity to make some big bucks on these platforms – as new products are being launched on almost a daily basis.

However, if you're in the weight lose niche, then you might need to consider ClickBank – since this platform has a ton of weight lose related offers.

Thus, it just depends with your niche/industry.

How Do I Become An Affiliate Marketer?

Becoming an affiliate is one of the easiest things on the universe.

All you need to do is to go to Google & you type-in a company's name + the phrase ‘affiliate program' e.g. Nike Affiliate Program, Amazon Affiliate Program, Adidas Affiliate Program, etc.

Once you visit the affiliate page, you should just provide your personal details & other related information – then you submit your application.

Super easy!

Once you get accepted, you can start promoting their products on your website, YouTube channel, or any other platform of your choice.

Can You Make Money From Affiliate Marketing?

Absolutely Yes!

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to earn true passive income online, since most customers likes to buy products via affiliate websites.

Most customers likes to research about certain products and services before making a final purchasing decision.

Thus, most of them end up buying through affiliate links on those review websites – since they’ll now be equipped with relevant information about the product or service.

And there’s a lot of people who’re earning 5 or 6 figures every month from this business model, since this business model is very scalable.

However, you should keep in mind that, this business model isn't for everyone, since most people struggles to make a penny.

Thus, others struggle to make a fortune – whilst others thrive from this business model.

Is ClickBank The Best Affiliate Program?

ClickBank is amongst the best affiliate programs on the planet.

This is so because, ClickBank is a huge marketplace that sells a variety of digital products & services.

Thus, you can choose from the wide variety of products to promote, since there’s a ton of high converting offers on this platform.

Also, products are continuously being launched on a regular basis – thus, you will never run out of products to promote.

However, ClickBank is not available in some countries like India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc. hence you might need to consider other platforms like JVZoo and WarriorPlus i.e. if you live in any of these nations.

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