How To Use SimilarWeb To Spy On Your Competitors

How To Use SimilarWeb To Spy On Your Competitors

One of the best tools when it comes to digital marketing is SimilarWeb.

If you know how to utilise it, you can save a ton of time and energy needed to come up with content ideas – because this tool does most of the heavy lifting for you.

This tool shows you what's already working for your competitors – thus, allowing you to replicate what's already working for them – rather than trying to reinvent the wheel.

Thus, you definitely need to check out this tool i.e. if you're someone in the digital marketing space.

But the question is;

‘How can you use this tool to your own advantage?’

It's quite simple than you think!

In order to get started, simply gather the domains of your competitors – then you paste them inside this tool.

The tool will pull data from those sites – and it shows you the traffic volumes of those sites.

But more importantly, the tool shows you the pages that are bringing-in the most traffic – which is quite great.

Simply visit those pages i.e. to see which keywords they're targeting, length of the article, as well as the structure of that content.

Once you have this data, simply produce some great-quality content that's far much better than your competitors'.

You should try to cover all the gaps that they left-out in their articles – so that your content can be viewed as great in the eyes of Google.

The goal here is to ‘steal' traffic from your competitors' sites – through ‘stealing' their rankings.

If done properly, you'll be able to divert some of their traffic to your site.

Once you've published the content, simply wait for some few weeks or months in order for it to mature i.e. depending on the difficulty level of your target keyword(s).

But instead of just sitting there – waiting for it to rank, you should find more websites related to your niche – and you repeat this process.

Over time, you'll be able to get a ton of traffic to your site – whilst ‘stealing' your competitors' rankings.



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