10 Best Blogging Tools For Beginners

10 Best Blogging Tools For Beginners

In this post, l will share with you some of the best tools that are useful for bloggers – just in case, you might be interested in some of them.

These includes:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. WordPress

This is probably the first tool that you need when you’re considering starting a blog.

The reason being that, WordPress is the best platform that’s used for building websites – thus, you definitely need it in order to build your blog.

Not only that, but it's also a great content management system that you need to publish your articles on the internet – so that they become findable on Google.

Thus, if you're considering starting a blog, then you must consider using WordPress.

Another important tool that you need as a blogger is web hosting – and the best hosting provider for WordPress is GreenGeeks.

This enables you to buy your own domain for your blog e.g. www.myname.com – and people can easily find your blog on the net through typing-in that domain.

Not only that, but GreenGeeks also ensures that your website is safe from hacking – through providing some security oriented features that are tailor made for that.

Thus, if you're considering getting a domain, then l highly urge you to use his provider.

Another important tool for bloggers is Google Search Console.

Basically, this tool helps to analyse your site's rankings on the SERP, impressions, CTR, etc.

This data is so important to bloggers because, it allows you to take corrective measures in order to improve your site's performance.

Thus, as soon as you setup your blog, you should immediately signup for Google Search Console.

Another important tool for bloggers is Google Analytics.

Basically, this tool helps to analyse your site's traffic metrics – so that you can see where your traffic is coming from, as well how that traffic is engaging with your site.

Not only that, but the tool also shows you data related to bounce rates – thus, allowing you to improve your content in order to lower your bounce rates.

Another important tool for bloggers is an email marketing tool – and in my opinion, GetResponse is the best tool out there.

This tool allows you to collect email addresses on your website i.e. through installing an opt-in form on the side bar.

Remember, when people visit your website, you don't own that traffic – Google does!

But if you collect their emails, you can easily communicate with them since you'll now have their contact details.

Thus, it's important to install an email opt-in form from day 1 – so that you can start building your list ASAP!

If you're a blogger, you definitely need a keyword research tool.

This helps to find data related to what people are searching for, as well as the competition levels for each keyword.

This allows you to direct your time & energy on keywords that are worth going for – rather than wasting time on useless keywords.

There are various keyword research tools out there – but l personally prefer to use Ubersuggest right now.

The reason being that, this tool gives a generous free version – which allows you to do up to 3 free searches per day.

And if you're on a limited budget, you can take advantage of this free version & you can upgrade to other paid tools like Ahrefs i.e. when you're now earning some decent income.

7. Grammarly

Another great tool for bloggers is Grammarly.

This tool is so helpful especially if you come from a non-English country – since this tool helps to fine-tune your grammar.

When you're writing your own articles, you might not even realize some grammar issues that are within that post – because you might not be that good at English yourself.

But if you use a tool like Grammarly, you can be able to identify some underlying mistakes – thus, allowing you to correct them ASAP.

8. Pexels

When you're writing your blog post, you might want to include some images in your post i.e. to make it easier to understand.

But as we all know, it's difficult to go out & take some pictures i.e. due to some pressing issues.

Thus, instead of stressing about taking pictures by yourself, you can look for royalty free images on platforms like Pexels – thus, saving you a lot of time & energy.

NB: You can also use other platforms like Pixabay, Getty Images, Shutter Stock, etc. – though some of them aren't free.

9. Canva

Another great tool for bloggers is Canva.

Basically, this tool allows you to design your own images for your articles.

The beauty part is that, this tool comes with some premade templates – and you can easily customise them using the simple drag & drop editor.

Thus, you wont have to stress about designing images from scratch.

But personally, I’m more interested in their Infographics feature – since it allows you to create some simple illustrations for your content.

Thus, you can use this feature to explain some complex concepts – so that they become easier to understand for your readers.

10. Short Pixels

Last but not least, you need to use Short Pixels as a blogger.

This tool allows you to compress your images so that they become less heavy for your site.

The reason being that, raw images might be very heavy for your pages – which often leads to slow loading speeds.

But if you compress them with this tool, they'll be reduced in terms of file size – whilst maintaining the same quality.

That way, you can improve your site's speed – since images occupy a larger % of the total page's size.

Wrapping Up

So these are the 10 best blogging tools which you need to consider having as a blogger.

Obviously, there's a ton of other great tools out there – but I felt like these are the most important ones.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any other tool(s) in mind – which you think is more or equally important to these.


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