GetResponse Vs Constant Contact: Which One Should You Choose?

Two of the most popular softwares in the email marketing industry are;

GetResponse and Constant Contact.

Both of these companies markets themselves as ‘the best' – since each of them has pride in their own services.

But in this article, we want to clearly define which one of them is truly the best for online marketers based on the following:

GetResponse Vs Constant Contact
GetResponse Vs Constant Contact

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

NB: I have some exclusive bonuses for people who signups for any of these two softwares using my links.

More details at the end of the article.

Free Trials

When it comes to softwares, it is important to provide some trial options for customers – so as to give customers some time to make their decisions before committing their hard earned monies.

Both GetResponse and Constant Contact offers free trials to their users – which gives time for them to learn the basics of these softwares.

However, it is important to note that they offer different trial versions.

GetResponse offers a 30 day free trial – which allows its users to test out the software for 1 month before investing their monies.

On the flip side, Constant Contact offers a 60 day free trial – which is double of what is offered by GetResponse.

During this trial period, you can explore most features of this software – thus, allowing you to get a taste of what the software has to offer.

Thus, you can utilise this free 2 months trial to grow your list without having to worry about any cost.

Paid Plans

When choosing a software, it is important to take note of the pricing – since it has a huge implication on your business’ overall costs.

You need to choose a cost-effective software – so as to avoid unnecessary costs to your business.

With that being said, GetResponse is much cheaper than Constant Contact – since GetResponse starts at $15/month.

With its starter plan, you can build your list to up to 1000 subscribers – which is quite a great deal.

On the flip side, Constant Contact starts at $20/month – and this plan only limits you to 500 subscribers.

Thus, you might be forced to upgrade to the $45/month plan if your list grows beyond the 500 subscriber mark – thus, making it even more expensive than GetResponse.

Although Constant Contact offers a more generous trial version, it is important to note that their paid plans are on the far end of the spectrum.


When it comes to outlook, l find GetResponse being more advanced than Constant Contact – since the former always work on improving their platform on a more consistent basis.

GetResponse's dashboard is easy to use and navigate – since most features are nicely arranged in a more organised fashion.

On the flip side, Constant Contact's dashboard is a bit backward – compared to most providers.

Their interface is a bit generic – which makes this software less competent to other providers.

Thus, if you're looking for a great dashboard, Constant Contact might not be the right option for you.


When choosing an email marketing software, it is important to take note of deliverability rates.

This determines the extend to which your emails will land in your customers' inboxes – thus, determining the number of customers who actually reads your emails.

With that being said, Constant Contact is amongst the top deliverability providers – with a whooping 89%.

On the flip side, GetResponse has a lower deliverability rate of 82% - which is quite lower – compared to most providers.

However, these metrics changes from time to time – due to changes in various factors that affects the functionality of email providers.

Ease Of Use

When choosing a software, it is important to choose a software which is easy to use – so that you wont struggle in navigating the different components software.

You don't need to subscribe to a software which is a burden to you – since you don't have time to waste on learning the basics of a software.

With that being said, GetResponse is easy to use than Constant Contact – since GetResponse was specifically designed with beginners in mind.

On the flip side, Constant Contact is a bit complex – which makes it difficult for most newbies to navigate through this software.


In this modern day and age, it is the duty of email providers to provide some premade templates to their users – so as to save time and energy required to build a marketing page from scratch.

Thus, most email marketing softwares are trying by all means to offer premade templates to their users – so as to reduce the learning curve for most people.

With that being said, GetResponse offers more templates than Constant Contact – which are stunning and up to date with what's happening in the online marketing space.

On the flip side, Constant Contact comes with low quality templates – which are not worth the price being charged by this company.

Their templates are a bit backward – since this company rarely updates their templates.

Also, their templates comes in limited quantities – thus, limiting the choice for most users.

Overall Features

When it comes to overall features, GetResponse definitely takes the lead.

The reason being that, GetResponse was designed as an all-in-one marketing platform – which offers a lot of marketing tools like sales funnels, webinar funnels, quiz funnels, etc.

Thus, GetResponse is more than just an email marketing software – since it also comes with a lot of other marketing related features.

On the flip side, Constant Contact comes with very limited features – since this company only provides email oriented features.

Also, it is important to mention that, the company fails to capitalise on the few features which they offer – thus, making this software less competitive.

Which One Is Better For Affiliate Marketing?

In my opinion, GetResponse is probably the best for affiliate marketers.

The reason being that, this software provides all the necessary tools that you need to run your affiliate marketing business i.e. landing pages, sales funnels, webinar funnels, etc.

Thus, instead of integrating it with other softwares like ClickFunnels, you can use GetResponse as your one-stop solution for your marketing needs.

However, Constant Contact comes with very limited features – which might be limiting for most affiliates.

Also, this software does not come with funnel building tools – thus, you'll be forced to look for other complimentary softwares like ClickFunnels – which increases your overall costs over the moon.

For this reason, l always advise people to use GetResponse since it is cost effective in nature.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you're now clear on which software is the right fit for your business i.e. based on your needs.

Using this comparison, you can easily decide which of them is right for your business.

But if you're not so sure which of them is ideal for your business, you can signup for both of their free trials – in order to test the softwares for yourself.


NB: If you signup for any of these softwares, l will give you my highly converting email swipes that l use in my businesses.

Once you signup, simply send me an email @ and l will forward your bonuses ASAP!


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