How To Find Your Life Purpose

How To Find Your Life Purpose

‘Where there’s no vision, the people perish'

(Proverbs 29 vs 18)

One of the most important things in life is to find your purpose – as this helps to give you a clear direction in life.

Without a purpose, you might end up going wherever life takes you i.e. where the wind blows, you'll just follow.

Or in some cases, you might end up fulfilling other people's life purposes – whilst you're not working on your own.

Thus, it's important to find your purpose ASAP – so that you'll have a clear direction in life.

But most people always ask this question i.e.

‘How can l find my life purpose?’

I totally understand why it seems so difficult to find your purpose – since it’s difficult to know exactly what we really want as humans.

Besides, our priorities tends to change from time to time – since we tend to explore new things as we grow older.

But I've found a great formula which can guide you towards finding your life purpose.

It includes the following ingredients:




If you're confused about what these mean, don't worry – because I'll clarify each of them in just a minute.

But basically, you need to find a place where these ingredients meet i.e. in order to come up with your real purpose.

Now, let me discuss each of them ASAP!


1. Find Something That You Love/Enjoy Doing

The first ingredient is finding something that you love/enjoy doing.

It's important to sit down and have a conversation with yourself i.e. ask yourself;

‘What do l really enjoy doing the most?’

💻Is it playing video games?

📝Is it writing?

✏Is it drawing?

🎤Is it public speaking?

The reason why you should find something that you love is that, you'll be able to put-in some extra effort in that endeavour i.e. if you're passionate about something, you'll be willing to put-in 10× effort than most people.

Also, you'll be willing to put-in the work even if you're not yet getting paid – because you’ll be doing that thing beyond just monetary benefits.

Thus, you must look for something that you really enjoy doing – so that you wont be bored when doing it.

2. Find Something You're Good At

Another important thing is to find something that you're good at.

If you're good at something, you'll be able to stand out from the crowd – because you'll have a more competitive advantage over most people.

Yes, you might be interested in playing football⚽️ – but if you're not good at it (i.e. not talented), you wont be able to go that far i.e. no matter how much effort you put-in.

Thus, it's important to find something that you’re good at – or maybe something that you’ve the potential to become good at.

3. Find Something Which Other People Are Willing To Pay For

Assuming that you now have something that you enjoy doing – and you're good at doing that thing, it's now time to ask yourself the following question(s) i.e.

‘Can l earn money💲 whilst doing this thing?’

‘Is there anyone who's willing to pay for this thing?’

I understand that, most endeavours takes time⏱ before they start paying off e.g. writing📝, music🎙, art✏, etc.

However, the craft must have some future potential rewards💸 – so that you can make a living whilst working on your purpose.

The truth is, we might easily get frustrated as humans i.e. if we're working on something that doesn’t have any benefits to our lives.

Thus, it's important to find something that you're good at, something you love doing – and something you can get paid for.


Where these 3 ingredients meet, that's the perfect sweet spot for your purpose:

‘Where there is no vision, the people perish'  (Proverbs 29 vs 18)  One of the most important things in life is to find your purpose – as this helps to give you a clear direction in life. Without a purpose, you might end up going wherever life takes you i.e. where the wind blows, you'll follow – since you wont have any idea on what you really want out of your life. Or in some cases, you might end up fulfilling other people's life purpose – whilst you're not working on your own.  Thus, it's important to find your purpose ASAP – so that you'll have a clear direction in life.   But most people always ask this question i.e. ‘How can l find my life purpose?’  I totally understand why it seems so difficult to find your purpose – since it’s difficult to know exactly what we really want as humans. Besides, our priorities tends to change from time to time – since we tend to explore new things as we grow older.  But l have found a great formula that can guide you towards finding your life purpose. It includes the following ingredients:  • Skill • Love • Value  If you're confused about what these mean, don't worry – because l will clarify them in detail in just a minute. But basically, you need to find a place where these ingredients meet in order to come up with your real purpose.  Now, let me discuss each of them ASAP!  ~~~~~  1.	Find Something You Love/Enjoy Doing  The first ingredient is finding something that you love/enjoy doing. It's important to sit down and have a conversation with yourself – ask yourself; ‘What do l really enjoy doing the most?’  Is it playing video games? Is it writing? Is it drawing? Is it public speaking?  The reason why you should find something that you love is that, you'll be able to put-in some extra effort in that endeavour i.e. if you're passionate about something, you'll be willing to put-in 10× effort than most people. Also, you'll be willing to put-in the work even if you're not yet getting paid – because you’ll be doing that thing beyond just monetary benefits.  Thus, you must look for something that you really enjoy doing – so that you wont be bored when doing it.        2.	Find Something You're Good At  Another important thing is to find something that you're good at. If you're good at something, you'll be able to stand out from the crowd – because you'll have a more competitive advantage over most people. Yes – you might be interested in playing football. But if you're not good at it (not talented), you wont be able to go that far i.e. no matter how much effort you put-in.  Thus, it's important to find something that you’re good at – or maybe something that you’ve the potential to become good at.   3.	Find Something Which Other People Are Willing To Pay For  Assuming that you now have something that you enjoy doing – and you're good at doing that thing, it's now time to ask yourself the following question(s) i.e. ‘Can l earn money whilst doing this thing?’ ‘Is there anyone who's willing to pay for this thing?’  I understand that most endeavours takes time before they start paying off e.g. writing, music, art, etc. However, the craft must have some future potential rewards – so that you can make a living whilst working on your purpose. The truth is, we might easily get frustrated as humans i.e. if we're working on something that doesn’t have any benefits to our lives.       Thus, it's important to find something that you're good at, something you love doing – and something you can get paid for.  ~~~~~  Where these 3 ingredients meet, that's the perfect sweet spot for your purpose.  Diagram   Wrapping Up  So that's basically a simple formula that you can use to find your life purpose. But before l wrap up, let me mention that, you're already far ahead of most people if you make an effort to find your purpose. Most people don't even attempt to look for theirs – since they live the YOLO lifestyle i.e. they say staff like; ‘we don't worry about tomorrow, tomorrow should worry about itself’. However, most of them tends to regret when they get older – since they'll start to realize that they wasted so much time on useless things – and that lost time can never be bought back.   Thus, it's important to find your purpose ASAP – so that you can start working on it as soon as you can.   Recent How To Prime Advice For Young People

Wrapping Up

So that's basically a simple formula that you can use to find your life purpose.

But before l wrap up, let me acknowledge that, you're already far ahead of most people if you make an effort to find your purpose.

Most people don't even attempt to look for theirs – since they live the YOLO lifestyle🕺 i.e. they say staff like; ‘we don't have to worry about tomorrow, tomorrow should worry about itself’.

However, most of them tends to regret when they get older👴🧓 – since they'll start to realize that they wasted so much time on useless things – and that lost time can never be bought back.

Thus, it's important to find your purpose ASAP – so that you can start working on it as soon as you can.


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