How To Create A Real Estate Website In 2022: Step By Step Guide For Beginners

How To Create A Real Estate Website: Step By Step Guide For Beginners

Do you want to create a website for your real estate firm?

But you don't know where to start?

If so, then you've come to the right place!

In this post, l will quickly share with you a step by step process that you can follow in order to setup a website for your real estate firm.

It includes the following steps:

Without further ado, let me explain each of these steps.

1. Come Up With A Name For The Website

Firstly, you need to come up with a name for the website.

A name helps to distinguish your website from bazillion of other real estate websites on the web – just like human names.

Thus, you need to come up with a unique name for your website – so as to distinguish your site from other similar ones.

If you already have a real estate firm that's already functioning, then you can just use the firm's name as the website’s name.

For example, if your company is called ‘Barkley Realtors', you can simply use that same name as your site's name.

That way, your clients can easily find you on the web.

2. Sign Up For Web Hosting

Assuming that you now have a name for your website, it's now high time to sign up for web hosting.

This allows your website's name to become findable on search engines like Google i.e. when people search for it.

Thus, you need to register your website's name on the internet – through signing up for web hosting.

With that being said, there are various companies that facilitates with this process, but my favourite one is called GreenGeeks.

This company allows you to register your domain on the web from as little as $2.95/month – which is quite less than a cup of Starbucks coffee.

Not only that, but this company comes with some great security features – which helps to protect your website from hackers & other forms of external attacks.

Thus, you need to give GreenGeeks a shot if you want to register your website’s name on the internet.

3. Install WordPress

Assuming that you've signed up for hosting, it's now high time to install WordPress.

WordPress is an app that’s used to build websites – and it's regarded as the best when it comes to this function.

It comes with a ton of great features & plugins – which allows you to customise your website based on your needs.

Thus, it's important to install this app if you're about to build your website.

The beauty part is that, you don't have to look for this app elsewhere – since it comes with the GreenGeeks package i.e. for absolutely free.

Once you signup for hosting, you'll be taken to a dashboard which has some few apps – and one of them is WordPress.

And you can easily install WordPress straight from your GreenGeeks dashboard i.e. in just a matter of few clicks.

4. Install Elementor Plugin

Assuming that you've installed WordPress, it's now high time to start designing your website.

But before your start the design process, it's important to install a plugin called Elementor – which is found in the plugins section of WordPress.

Elementor is a free plugin – which helps to turn your website into a drag & drop editor.

Thus, instead of stressing about complex coding staff, you can easily use this plugin in order to turn your website into ‘what you see is what you get’ interface.

5. Design Your Home Page

Once you've installed Elementor, you should start designing your home page right away.

The home page gives clients a brief overview about your business – so that they can know who they're working with.

And you don't have to stress too much about what to include on your home page – since you can easily look at other real estate websites on the internet i.e. look at how they designed theirs, what info they included – and you use that for inspiration.

But you shouldn't copy someone's else website from A to Z – because that might get you in serious trouble.

But more importantly, you should add a clear ‘Call-To-Action' button on your home page – so that people can know exactly what to do on your website.

Don't assume that people knows what to do when they visit your website – because most of them will just visit your site, scroll through the site, then they leave without doing anything.

Thus, it's important to tell them exactly what to do e.g. ‘Book A Call', ‘Schedule An Appointment’, ‘Send Us A Message', etc. – and the CTA button should be conveniently placed where people can clearly see it.

6. Create An ‘About Us' Page

Assuming that you've finished creating your home page, it's now high time to create an ‘About Us' page.

This page is so important because, it provides some detailed information of your business to your potential clients – so that they can know more about your firm.

On the home page, you just write a brief summary of your business – but on the ‘About Us’ page, you write a thorough description about your firm.

Remember, people likes to work with a firm which they know – thus, it's important to give your clients as much details as possible about your firm.

7. Create A ‘Contact Us' Page

The next step is to create a ‘Contact Us' page.

This is where you provide contact details regarding how people can find your business.

It's important to provide as much details as possible i.e. valid phone numbers, email address, physical address, social media accounts, etc.

This allows your future prospects to contact you i.e. when they want to inquire about your services – or even when they want to do business with you.

8. Create A Testimonials Page

Last but not least, you should create a testimonials page i.e. show people your previous works.

This is so important as it provides social proof for your business – since people like to work with a proven business.

Testimonials helps to boost your conversion rates – since people will develop more confidence in your firm i.e. they'll give you a try based on your previous works.

Thus, it's important to gather some testimonials from your clients – then you add them to this page.

NB: You should also add some images of your previous deals (if possible) – since images speaks a thousand words.

Wrapping Up

So that's how a complete beginner like you can develop a website for his/her real estate firm.

Gone are the days when you needed to be a developer in order to create a website – because nowadays, there's now tools & softwares which helps to simplify the process.

Thus, you can easily create your own website these days without any coding skills.


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