HostGator Affiliate Program: Everything You Need To Know

HostGator Affiliate Program

Brief Overview

One of the best companies when it comes to web hosting is HostGator.

HostGator is known as one of the cheapest web hosting solutions for website owners – as their plans starts from as little as $1/month (baby plan).

It's owned by EIG company – which is the one that owns Bluehost, Constant, iPage, etc.

Thus, it's not just a random weird company that evolved from nowhere – as it is owned by a reputable company.

But in this post, l will mainly focus on its affiliate program – so as to help those who're interested in promoting this company as affiliates.

I will mainly focus on the following topics:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into the meat and potatoes.

Commission Structure

HostGator pays different commission rates to different affiliates i.e. depending on the number of sales that you generate i.e.

1 – 5 sales > $65/sale

6 – 10 sales > $75/sale

11 – 20 sales > $100/sale

21+ sales > $125/sale

This means that your earnings potential will drastically increase as you get more and more sales.

For example, if you get 21+ sales, you'll get paid almost twice the amount that's paid low tier affiliates i.e. those with less sales.

Thus, if you want to make significant income, you gotta push for more sales.

One thing l like about this affiliate program (or most web hosting affiliate programs in general) is that it's high ticket in nature i.e. you don't have to make a ton of sales to make a full time income.

Unlike someone who's promoting Amazon Associates (low ticket items), you can easily make a significant income without too much effort.

Side Note:

It takes the same amount of effort to promote low ticket items & high ticket items. But it's wiser to spend your time and energy promoting high ticket items – since they've a better ROI for your efforts.

How To Become An Affiliate For HostGator

HostGator's affiliate program is run through Impact Radius.

This means that, you have to signup for Impact Radius (if you haven't already), then you search for ‘HostGator affiliate'.

However, l have to mention this real quick;

Impact Radius is a bit strict when it comes to approving affiliates.

The reason being that, this network partners with reputable brands – thus, they try by all means to protect the reputation of these brands.

Thus, they’re very cautious when it comes to approving affiliates.

And the main reason why most people gets rejected is that, they don't have a functional website or YouTube channel.

When applying for Impact Radius, you'll be asked to submit a url for your website or YouTube channel – so that they can see if you're a good fit for their network.

Not just a static website or YouTube channel, but they want to see some content on that website or YouTube channel – so as to prove that you're actively working on that platform.

So if you don't have any promotional platform right now, l highly urge you to create a website or YouTube channel ASAP – then you upload some few pieces of content on that platform.

That way, you'll increase your chances of getting approved i.e. when you finally apply for the affiliate program.

How To Promote HostGator As An Affiliate

As mentioned earlier, HostGator is a web hosting company that’s used for hosting websites.

Thus, your ideal audience are people who're looking to start their own websites – since these people will definitely need a hosting solution for their site.

But how can you find these people?

It's actually ‘easier' than you think.

When people want to build their own websites, they go to either YouTube or Google – so as to look for tutorials that guides them through the process.

Thus, you can do some tutorials (written or videos) – then you upload them on either your blog or YouTube channel.

And in that content, you'll then recommend HostGator as the best web hosting solution for their websites.

If you want to get an idea about this strategy, simply go on Google or YouTube – then you search for the keyword; ‘How to build a website'

You'll see a bunch of articles or videos based around this topic – and it's more likely that those content creators are affiliates for certain web hosting companies.

The key is to do some keyword research – so as to find what people are searching for i.e. based around the topic of building websites or blogs.

Once you have the data, simply produce some SEO optimised content (or even outsourcing the content) – then you upload it to your blog/YouTube channel.

If you do this properly, you'll start to rank, get some traffic – and some of those visitors will end up signing up for web hosting through your affiliate link(s).

Wrapping Up

So that wraps up our discussion on HostGator's affiliate program.

You can make some decent income from this affiliate program i.e. if you know how to promote this company.

The key is to find people who're looking to build websites – then you recommend HostGator to them.


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