Website Flipping For Beginners: How To Get Started With This Business Model

Website Flipping

Do you know that you can make 5 or 6 figures per month – just from flipping silly websites?

That's true!

Website flipping is one of the most lucrative ways to earn money online – since it allows you to earn a huge lump some of cash at once.

There’s a ton of people out there who were broke and miserable – but they developed some simple sites which they flipped after some few years – for a one-time lump some of course.

The key is to know the fundamentals of this business model – so that you wont go-in blind.

In this article, l will show you how to get started with website flipping – so that you can have an idea of how this business model works.

But first, let's define what website flipping is!

What Is Website Flipping

Ideally, it is a process of either building a website from scratch, then sell it for a huge lump some – or buying an already existing site, add some value, then resale it for a profit.

Website flipping has become more and more popular these days – since more people are becoming more interested in web based businesses.

Also, it's important to mention that, most business owners these days have no patience to built a website from scratch – since this consumes a lot of their time and energy.

For this reason, they’re willing to buy an already existing website which is already making some bit of money – then they grow it from there.

Thus, this is a great opportunity if you're someone who likes building sites for sale – since you can easily take advantage of these business people who're looking to buy websites.

With that being said, let's quickly discuss how a complete beginner can get started with this business model – so that you can get an idea of where to start.

How To Get Started With Flipping

There are two main ways in which you can get started.

These are:

i) Built A Site From Scratch – Then Flip It Later

This is whereby you develop a website from scratch, add content, then flip it when it is now making some money.

For example, you can build an affiliate website, write product reviews, then sell the website after 2 or 3 years i.e. when it is making some bit of money.

This is a great way to get started if you're a complete beginner, who doesn't have any money to invest into buying an already established website.

But keep in mind that, you'll have to invest a lot of time in building the site – since it takes a lot of hard work to build a site from scratch.

But the rewards will be worth it – since you'll earn a huge lump some in the future i.e. when you eventually sell the site.

Keep in mind that, the value of your website will depend on various metrics i.e. number of articles on the site, average monthly income, age of the site, etc.

Thus, you might need to do some bit of research – to get an idea of what your site will be valued at.

However, if you have some bit of money to invest when getting started, you can leverage human resources to develop more sites at once.

For example, you can hire a team of writers – who'll be responsible for creating content for your sites – hence, allowing you to grow much faster than someone who's a solopreneur.

And the beauty part is that, you can get some ‘affordable', but really great writers at platforms like iWriter or Hire writer – thus, you’ll profit big time.

But let's assume that you don't have the time to build websites from scratch, you can choose the next method – which is, buying an existing site, then flip it for a profit.

ii) Buy A Cheaper Site – The Flip It For A Profit

This is method is great if you don't have the patience to build a website from scratch – since this saves you a ton of time.

In this method, you buy an already existing website which is already making some bit of money, but you add some more value to the site – then resale it when it's now more valuable.

For example, you can buy a site that is less than a year old – which is making under a thousand bucks per month, grow it, then resale it when it's now making a significant income.

The beauty part is that, younger websites attract a lower multiple – because they wont have much social proof.

And if you find one which looks promising, you can buy it, then you continue to add some more pieces of content – as well as improving the monetisation strategies of the site.

This saves you a ton of time and energy – since you wont need to start from zero.

However, it's important to note that, you can make a huge loss if the site fails to perform as expected, or maybe if there's a huge algorithm update which hurts the performance of the site.

But you should know that it's a business – and anything can happen in the business world i.e. you must be willing to bear the risks.

Where To Buy/Sell Websites


Empire Flippers

• Facebook Groups

Is Website Flipping Profitable?

Website flipping can be very profitable if you do it the right way.

I have friends who have great portfolios of websites which they're developing for flipping – and they're very good at it.

The beauty part about this business model is that, you can make a huge lump some at once – allowing you to escape poverty ASAP!

For example, MJ Demarco (author of Millionaire Fastlane) was in extreme poverty during his upbringing.

However, he developed a lead generation website from scratch, sold it, then he made big bucks ASAP!

This allowed him to escape poverty and become rich at a relatively young age.

Also, websites like Wire Cutter was sold for $30million, Penny Hoarder for $102.5million, etc. – thus, enriching the owners of those sites.

Thus, this business model can be very profitable if you do it right.

However, it's important to note that this business model might be affected by algorithm changes – which might drastically reduce the value of the site.

For example, the Dec 2020 update affected most affiliate sites – which led to a drastic decline in traffic and revenue for those sites.

As a result, the average value of those sites drastically fell – thus, leading to massive losses.

Thus, l can conclude that, this business is a 50/50 thing i.e. you can profit big time, or you can lose big time.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained some value from this post – since l tried by all means to summarise my knowledge regarding website flipping.

Using this information, you can get started with this business model – knowing exactly what you're getting yourself into.


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