5 Tips For Optimising Your YouTube Shorts

5 Tips For Optimising Your YouTube Shorts

There's no doubt that YouTube shorts are blowing up right now – since YouTube is trying by all means to push shorts on their platform.

The reason being that, YouTube is trying to compete with TikTok – since this platform is killing it right now with short videos.

Thus, it's important to take advantage of this trend & utilise YouTube shorts in every way possible.

In this quick post, l will share with you 5 tips that you can use to get the most out of YouTube shorts.

These includes:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. They Must Be Under 60 Seconds Long

The golden rule for YT shorts is that, they must be under 60 seconds long (that's why they're called shorts).

Anything above 60 seconds tends to flop on the shorts shelf – thus, you must keep that in mind when uploading your shorts.

If you have a lot of info to share i.e. that doesn't fit in a 60 second video, you can provide some quick notes (summary) – then you direct people to a full video which explains about the topic in more depth.

That way, you'll be able to drive traffic from your shorts to your main videos.

2. Use Vertical Videos (16:9)

Another golden rule for YouTube shorts is that, you must upload 16:9 vertical videos.

By nature, these tend to perform better than horizontal videos – thus, you should keep that in mind.

If most videos on the shorts section are vertical but yours are horizontal, it might be quite difficult to compete with other videos for obvious reasons i.e.

People will need to rotate their phones in order to watch your videos – which is boring for most people.

Thus, it's important to stick to the 16:9 vertical videos.

3. Optimise Your Shorts Titles & Descriptions

Just like normal YT videos, it's also important to optimise the titles & descriptions of your YouTube shorts.

The reason being that, the algorithm uses these metrics to better understand your shorts – so that it can show them to the right audience.

Thus, if you do a great job of optimising these things, the algorithm will push your shorts to the right audience – hence, more views.

But obviously, you shouldn’t try to game the system by doing keyword staffing.

Just use keywords in a manner that is ethical to both the algorithm and the audience.

4. Use Catchy Thumbnails

Another important thing is thumbnails.

When people are scrolling through the shorts shelf, they only click on videos that has catchy thumbnails – and ignore those that are less catchy.

Thus, it's important to use nice thumbnails for your shorts – so as to increase your CTR (and also views).

5. Use Hashtags

Last but not least, you must use some hashtags for your YouTube shorts.

Most people makes the mistake of putting #short instead of #shorts – and this tiny mistake can hurt the performance of your videos.

Thus, it's important to use the right hashtags – so as to get the most out of your videos.

Bonus Tip

Just to give you a lil bonus tip, educational & funny videos tends to perform better on the shorts shelf.

The reason being that, most people are either looking to learn new staff that can enhance the quality of their lives – or they're just looking for something funny to relieve their minds.

Thus, if you make these types of videos, you’ll likely get great results from your shorts campaigns.

Wrapping Up

So these are some of the tips that you can utilise when making your YouTube shorts.

If you use them properly, you can get the most out of your shorts.

But keep in mind that, shorts might take some few days – or even weeks before they start blowing up on the algorithm.

Thus, if your shorts fails to perform well during the first few days, don't panic – because the algorithm takes time to pick most shorts.


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