How To Create A Highly Profitable YouTube Channel On Your Own!

Create A YouTube Channel

You've seen all these YouTubers making 6 figures!

And you wonder, how they managed to reach that level of success?

I got you!

In this quick tutorial, l will show you how to create your own profitable YouTube channel – even if you’re not familiar with this platform.

Not only that, but l will also share with you how you can monetize your YouTube channel – so that you can start earning some income from your videos.

Thus, read till the end if you want to learn more about this topic.

Steps Involved

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Create A Gmail Account

The first thing that you need to do is to create a Gmail account for your channel.

A Gmail is a prerequisite that is required by YouTube when creating a channel.

Thus, you should definitely create one (if you don't have any).

Oooh! – and by the way, creating a Gmail account is 100% FREE!

2. Head Over To YouTube & Signup Using Your Gmail

Assuming that you've created your Gmail account, quickly head over to YouTube and signup using your Gmail account.

Simply tap the profile icon on the top right corner – in order to get started.

This process is not that complicated, so l wont waste time on this issue.

3. Add Your Channel Name

Once you've added your Gmail, you'll be asked to enter a name that you wish to use for your channel.

Obviously, you already have a name in your mind.

Simply insert that name – so that your channel can be differentiated from other millions of channels available on the platform.

But don't overcomplicate this issue. You can always change the name later – when you come up with a better one.

4. Add Your Channel Banner & Profile

The next step is to add your channel artwork i.e. banner and profile picture.

This helps to make your channel look more professional to your audience – since this helps with branding.

You can choose to use your own picture as the profile, or you can use your logo – the choice is yours.

Either way, you should try to use something professional i.e. something appealing to your audience.

When it comes to channel banner, you can easily create one on your own – using free tools like Canva.

And the beauty part about Canva is that, it comes with a ton of premade templates that you can use to create your own banner.

Thus, you can utilise this free tool in order to come up with a stunning banner.

However, if you have some few extra bucks to spend, you can hire a professional graphic designer on Fiverr – from as little as $5.

This allows you to get a more appealing channel banner – which looks more professional.

But again, you don’t to stress about hiring a professional if you don't have the money.

You can create the banner by yourself – then look for a professional designer when you start generating some revenue.

5. Add Your Channel Description

Lastly, you need to write a thorough description about your channel i.e. ‘what is your channel all about?’.

This helps viewers to know what to expect when they subscribe to your channel.

Also, channel description helps a lot with SEO – since it helps YouTube to understand your channel better – thus, allowing YouTube to show your channel to potential audience.

You just have to utilise the right keywords – but please, don't do keyword stuffing as it might hurt your SEO.


You're now an official YouTuber!

The process is easy and straight forward – since it does not require any specialised skills.

Anyone can create a YouTube channel these days – even a 65 year old lol.

Thus, there's no excuses for not having your own channel – since the process is free and easy too!

But before l wrap up, let me share with you 5 ways in which you can monetize your YouTube channel – so that you can start earning some income from your videos.

How To Monetize Your YouTube Channel

There's so many ways in which YouTubers makes money, but l will just summarise the 5 major ones.

(i) AdSense

This is the most common way in which YouTubers monetize their channels.

Once your channel reaches 1000 subscribers & 4000 watch time hours, you can simply apply for the YouTube Partner Program.

Once your channel gets approved, ads will start to show on your videos – hence, allowing you to earn some income.

However, l have to mention that the income varies depending on the type of videos that you upload.

If you make business/finance related videos, you'll attract business minded people – who have some money to spend on goods and services.

For this reason, your channel will attract a higher RPM – since advertisers will be willing to pay more money for your traffic.

On the flip side, if you make videos related to kids staff, your channel will attract little kids – who don't have any income to spend on goods and services.

For this reason, advertisers won't be willing to pay a higher RPM – since your traffic will be considered as non-buyer traffic.

Thus, you should keep that in mind when creating videos for your channel.

There are other factors like location, age, gender, etc – which also determines your RPM.

Thus, you might need to do some research – so that you can have a rough estimate of how much your channel will make.

Although AdSense is great, it is not a good option for beginners who have not yet reached the monetisation threshold i.e. 1000 subs & 4000 hours.

For this reason, you might need to look for other monetization strategies – which will be discussed in a second.

(ii) Brand Deals & Sponsorships

This is another great way of monetizing your YouTube channel – even without a ton of subscribers.

This is whereby you partner with some big brands – and you mention their products and services in your videos.

This enables those brands to get exposure to your audience – whilst earning you some income.

Thus, brand deals are a win-win solution for both creators and big companies.

You can join platforms like Channel Pages in order to get access to brand deals.

(iii) Affiliate Marketing

Another great way of monetizing your channel is through affiliate marketing.

This is whereby you signup for different affiliate programs like Amazon Associates.

Once you get accepted, you'll get some custom tracking links known as affiliate links.

Simply copy those links and paste them in your video descriptions.

When your viewers buys something through those links, you'll earn an affiliate commission.

And the beauty part about this method is that, it is more passive in nature.

You can add some affiliate links today – and earn some commissions years later i.e. when people continue to buy those products.

But obviously, you don't need to promote random products – just for the sake of making money.

Instead, try to find products that are genuine i.e. which adds value to your audience.

That way, you can reach massive success with affiliate marketing.

👉You can read this article you want to learn more about affiliate marketing.

(iv) Patreon

If you have some exclusive content that is more valuable – then why not hide it behind a membership platform?

That's right!

You can add some exclusive content to Patreon – so that viewers can pay a monthly subscription in order to access it.

You can charge anywhere from 5 bucks per month (or even more) – depending on your content.

This is a great way of earning some side income from your most valuable videos – instead of putting them on YouTube.

However, you need to give free-valuable information 1st on your YouTube channel – before asking people to subscribe to your Patreon.

If you give people some free-valuable information, they’ll be keen to pay for your premium products - it's reciprocity!

Thus, focus on providing free-valuable content 1st before launching your Patreon.

(v) Selling Merch

Lastly, you can sell some merchandise on your channel i.e. branded apparel and clothing.

This can be done through integrating your YouTube channel with your Teespring account – thus, your products will start showing below your videos.

Again, this is more passive – since you only create the designs once – and you earn some income over and over again.

And the beauty part is that, Teespring takes care of everything i.e. manufacturing, shipping, customer service, etc.

You just have to come up with some designs – and leave everything else in the hands of Teespring.

However, you need to have at least 10k subscribers in order to show merch on your channel.

If you don't have 10k subscribers, you might have to manually advertise your products inside your videos – then direct people to a certain url.

But either way, you can still make some money from your designs.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained some value from this post, since l tried by all means to summarise the info.

Obviously, this article would have been longer – if l decided to write everything related to this topic.

But with this little information, you can get started with your YouTube career ASAP.

But before l conclude, l have to mention that, YouTube is a long journey which requires a lot of hard work and dedication.

Your videos might fail to get traction in the early days i.e. when your channel is still brand new.

But if you stay consistent, your channel will gain some momentum – and you'll start seeing some positive results.


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