How To Get More Followers On Pinterest: 7 Helpful TIPS!

How To Get More Pinterest Followers

Want to grow your Pinterest account?

I got you!

In this post, l will share with you some of the best tips that you can use to grow your Pinterest following – all for free.

Thus, stick till the very end if you want to learn more about this topic.

Growth Strategies

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Niche Down

The first crucial step is to niche down your content.

Look, if you post broad content, the Pinterest algorithm wont know exactly what you specialise on – thus, making it difficult to know exactly who to recommend your content to.

Thus, it's important to niche down your content – so that the algorithm can know exactly ‘who' to show your content to.

Not only that, but niching helps potential followers to know exactly what to expect from your account – before they decide to follow you.

When people land on your profile, they browse through your pins to see what you specialise on.

Thus, if your content is all over the place, they'll find it difficult to follow you – since they wont know exactly what to expect from you.

2. Optimise Your Profile For SEO

Next is to optimise your profile for SEO.

The truth is, Pinterest has turned into a search engine first – then social media later.

This means that, its algorithm now uses keywords to better understand your content – hence, showing your content to the right audience.

Thus, it's important to optimise your profile for SEO in order to be ‘findable’ on the search.

One way of doing this is to include your target keywords in your username & bio section of your profile.

For example, if you're a fitness coach, you can include it in your username like this;

Biological/Business Name | Fitness Coach

Then in the bio section, you can write something like;

I’m a fitness coach who helps fitness enthusiast to get in better shape .......

(Something like that)

This is so important because, when people search for that keyword, your account has the ability to showup on the search results i.e. if it is well optimised for those keywords.

3. Optimise Your Pins & Boards

Another important thing is to optimise your pins & boards.

As mentioned earlier, Pinterest is now a search engine – which uses keywords to better understand your content.

Thus, it's important to optimise your pins & boards for SEO i.e. using the right keywords.

You should write detailed descriptions for your pins & boards i.e. using the right keywords.

Also, hashtags are also crucial – since they also play a major role in Pinterest SEO.

Thus, it's important to optimise your pins & boards for SEO i.e. using the right keywords.

4. Post Valuable Content On A Consistent Basis

Another important thing is to post valuable content on a more consistent basis.

This is so crucial because people will only follow your account if they find some value in it.

Thus, before you post anything, you should ask yourself; ‘what value am l bringing to my audience?’

If you fail to do this, you'll end up wasting time posting useless content which does not gain you followers.

Also, consistency is key when it comes to Pinterest growth.

There's no doubt that its algorithm favours those accounts which posts more content consistently – over those which only post once in a while.

Thus, you should keep that in mind if you're concerned about your growth on this platform – since this plays a major role in your growth.

It's advisable to post at least 15 – 25 pins per day if you're just starting out – but you can slow down as your account gains some initial boost.

5. Leverage Trends

Another helpful strategy is to jump onto trends ASAP.

This is so powerful because it helps to expose your account to more people – especially if you're one of the few people to take advantage of those trends.

And you can gain a lot of new followers just by doing that – since you'll be able to attract a new set of audience in less time.

In order to see what's trending in your niche, you can head over to – which is a platform that shows you what’s trending on the platform.

This helps to jump onto these trends as soon as they arise – thus, exposing your account to more people.

6. Use Video Pins

Another important strategy is to use video pins.

The truth is, Pinterest is trying by all means to compete with TikTok – thus, they're trying so hard to promote this feature.

And we've seen that video pins has the ability to reach more people than the usual image pins i.e. more than 5x in reach.

Thus, it's important to take advantage of this feature – so as to reach more people in less time.

You can create some simple video pins using Canva – since this tool comes with some premade templates which you can easily customise to come up with your own pins.

Thus, you don't need to worry about recording your own videos – since this tool does most of the heavy lifting for you.

7. Join Group Boards

Last on our list is to join group boards.

This is so important because it helps to reach more people in less time.

For example, if you post a pin in a group that has thousands of people, your content has the potential to reach most of those people.

Not only that, but your content can also reach their respective followers as well – because some of them might re-pin your content on their respective accounts.

Thus, group boards are also powerful when it comes to Pinterest growth.

Now, keep in mind that different group boards have different rules & regulations – thus, some of them might give you restrictions when it comes to the type of content that you can post – as well as how often you can post it.

For this reason, it might be a good idea to create your own group board in the future – so that you can set your own rules – and you'll have more power and authority over that group board.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained some value from this post.

My advice is; ‘Go out there and implement these strategies – and you'll start to see some results in the long run'.

Of course, it might take some time to start getting some results – but if you stay consistent, you'll surely see some positive growth.


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