23 Free But Awesome Affiliate Marketing Tools & Softwares (Some Might Sh😱ck YOU!)

I know how suckie it is to spend hundreds of dollars on expensive softwares!

Things can even be worse if you're just starting out and you don't have too much money to invest in different tools and softwares.

But in this article, l will share with you some 23 free but awesome tools and softwares which you can use to start and grow your business.

These includes:

Without further ado, let's dive into more detail.

1. BeMob

BeMob - Free Tracking Tool

If you're looking for a free tracking software, then BeMob might be the solution.

Most people are familiar with ClickMagick, which is a great tracking software but it requires some subscription fees.

However, you can use BeMob as a free alternative for ClickMagick to track your conversions, traffic sources, link clicks, etc thereby helping to track the performance of your campaigns.

Thus, you definitely need to check out this software if you need a free tracking software.

2. Pexels

This platform provides some royalty free images and stock videos which you can use for your blog posts, ad campaigns, landing pages, etc.

And the beauty part about these media files is that they're copyright free meaning you wont get in trouble for any copyright related claims.

Thus, if you need some free media files, you can check out Pexels.com

3. Funnelytics

Basically, this software helps in mapping, planning, and visualising your sales funnel.

It allows you to create a whiteboard sketch design which shows how your funnel will look like.

For example, if you're planning to send people from social platforms > to a landing page > then into an autoresponder, you can draft the whole process using this software.

This helps in designing the overall outlook of your funnel before you create it.

They do have a free version thus you don't have to worry about any subscription fees.

4. Word Counter

If you're a blogger, lm pretty sure that you're familiar with this platform.

Basically, you can copy some of the top ranking articles related to your target topics and you paste them into Word Counter in order to check the length of those articles.

This gives you an idea of how much you should write about that topic since length is amongst Google ranking factors.

Thus, you should not ignore this tool.

5. Hemingway

Basically, this tool helps to fix your articles, emails, or any form of written text.

The truth is, we might fail to recognise some mistakes if we write our own articles.

But this tool helps to fix punctuation, readability, as well as grammatical errors.

Most people are familiar with Grammarly. However, this tool does cost some money.

But you can get similar services if you utilise a free tool like Hemingway.

6. Medium

Most people who're just starting out may not have some financial resources to launch a self hosted website.

Getting a domain can be expensive especially if you come from a third world nation where people live on extreme financial budgets.

But if you're so curious to put content out there, you can utilise a free platform like Medium in order to get started.

And the beauty part about Medium is that it ranks naturally on Google due to its high domain authority hence giving you a competitive advantage.

Thus, you definitely need to check out this platform if you want to start a free blog.

7. Google Sites

Similar to Medium is Google Sites.

Google has its own blogging ecosystem which allows you to create your own free website without paying a dime.

Google Sites also ranks naturally on Google due to high domain authority.

However, Google Sites is a bit complex than Medium in the sense that you should know how to configure the different pieces together in order to come up with a great looking website.

But you can learn through free tutorials on YouTube if you're keen to create your own Google Site.

You can also use Google Sites as a landing page builder, whereby you create a simple 1 pager site, which you can use to drive traffic to, before sending them to your affiliate offers.

8. CBSnooper

If you're a ClickBank affiliate, you must definitely check out this tool.

Basically, this tool helps in analysing various ClickBank offers to see which ones are worth promoting.

This tool gives you data related to top selling products, high gravity offers, high converting offers, declining products, etc.

This saves you time and energy which might be needed to analyse various offers by yourself since this tool does all the heavy lifting for you.

9. Cutt.ly

Its not a secret that most affiliate links are ugly in nature i.e. they comprise of random numbers, letters, characters etc.

For this reason, they might not be enticing to click.

However, you can shorten those links using Cutt.ly thus making them shorter, cleaner, hence more clickable.

10. Link Tree

If you're using Instagram to market your offers, then Link Tree might be the right solution for you.

We all know that its very difficult to put links in Instagram stories & posts due to the nature of this platform.

However, you can create a simple landing page with Link Tree and you put all your links inside your Link Tree account.

You can then take your Link Tree main link and place it in your bio.

This case, you will be directing all your leads to your bio in order for them to access your offers.

11. SimilarWeb

This is probably the most popular tool among bloggers.

Basically, you can use this tool to analyse your competitor’s sites to check their main traffic sources, top ranking pages, etc.

This gives you an idea of what you can do to your site in order to beat your competition.

12. Uber Suggest

Uber Suggest is also a great tool created by Neil Patel.

Basically, Uber Suggest is a keyword research tool which you can use to find the best keywords for your blog.

The tool gives you data related to search volumes of a certain keyword, as well as the level of competition of that particular keyword.

This tool is just similar to Ahrefs although Uber Suggest offers a free version.

And believe me, I use this tool to find topics for this blog!

However, the free version restricts you to only 3 searches per day and it also requires you to signup if you wish to explore more keywords.

For this reason, you might need to consider the next tool if you need a 100% free keyword research tool.

13. Google Keyword Planner

Most people underestimate the power of this tool, but it’s also a great tool for finding topics for your website.

And the beauty part is that it takes data from Google's own database hence it is more reliable.

You can find data related to search volumes as well as competition levels for each keyword.

This gives you an idea of which topics to write and which topics to avoid based on these metrics.

You can access this tool via Google Ads platform.

This software is probably common amongst most affiliates, since it is the entry level software for most beginners.

Mailchimp is probably known as a Freemium software since it offers a generous free plan.

With the free version, you can build your list to up to 2000 subscribers, and you can also get access to some of the main features of this software.

However, keep in mind that this free plan comes with some restrictions since you wont be able to get access to some advanced features.

But if you're just starting out, you wont need most of the advanced features anyways!

15. ShareThrough

Share Through - Free Headline Optimiser

Basically, this tool helps you to write highly engaging headlines which are more clickable.

We all know that headlines have a huge impact on the CTR of our blog posts, YouTube videos, email newsletters, etc thus it is key to write great headlines.

With a tool like ShareThrough, you can test different headlines to see which ones converts better.

This tool gives you an overall score of your proposed headlines, as well as some actionable steps that you should take in order to improve the quality of your headline.

Thus, you definitely need to check out this tool if you do any form of copywriting.

16. Answer The Public

This platform is probably one of the most underutilised tools by most people.

Basically, this tool gives you data related to what people are searching for on the Google search bar.

For example, you can type-in a keyword like ‘Trucks' then this tool will pull data from a certain database.

It shows you some popular questions which people are always searching for related to that topic.

This helps in creating blog posts which are highly targeted to answer those particular questions (Answer Targets).

And the beauty part is that you can win some featured snippets related to those questions if you thoroughly answer those questions in your articles.

Thus, its a great tool to consider.

17. Muncheye

This platform shows you products which are launching in the upcoming days on platforms like JVZoo, Warrior Plus, ClickBank, etc.

Using this information, you can apply for various affiliate offers in advance thus giving you the opportunity to create content around those products before they even launch (launch jacking)

This gives you a huge advantage over other affiliates since this allows you to create content ahead of time and probably promoting the pre-launch version of those offers.

Thus, if you want to make money on JVZoo and Warrior Plus, then you must bookmark this platform.

18. Facebook Ad Library

This tool is great for spying your competitor’s ads.

You can see your competitors ad images, videos, text, etc since this tool gives you all the info.

You can also find how long those ads have been running i.e. longer duration indicates that the ads are profitable and vice-versa.

There is no need to reinvent the wheel when creating ad campaigns! Rather, you should model what is already working for other people in your industry.

I’m not saying that you should copy your competitor's ads 100%!

But you should just take some inspiration which you can use in creating your own ads.

Thus, instead of using expensive spying tools, you can utilise this free tool being offered by Facebook itself.

19. Short Pixels

Short Pixels helps in compressing your images, so as to reduce their file size.

There is no doubt that images takes a significant % of the overall page size of most articles/pages on our sites.

If you're not careful, your site might experience some slow speeds as a result of too much images which may be heavy to your site.

And we all know that speed is a ranking factor thus your pages needs to load faster.

But if you utilise a tool like Short Pixels, you can compress all your images in order to reduce their file size without loosing the overall quality of those images.

20. Viral Content Bee

Viral Content Bee

This is probably one of the less common tools amongst most affiliates.

Basically, this tool allows you to share your blog articles with other bloggers so that those people can share your content with their respective audiences i.e. on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, LinkedIn, etc.

This increases exposure for your content thus getting more traffic in the process (and hopefully sales).

Not only that, but it also helps to increase social signals which are also a major ranking factor.

When your content is being shared on various social platforms, it gives positive clues to Google that people likes your content thereby boosting your SEO rankings in the process.

21. IDplr.com

This is basically a platform where you can find free PLR products which you can use as bonuses for your marketing campaigns.

You can get access to various eBooks, video courses, articles, softwares, etc and most of them are free to use.

You can use these resources as bonuses to incentivise people to buy through your link, or maybe as lead magnets to get people's emails on your landing pages.

Although they have a paid version, they do have a free plan which gives you access to almost 200 free products which you can use for your campaigns.

22. Google Spreadsheet

This tool is useful when you're promoting various affiliate offers.

As you join various affiliate programs, you will get too much links and you might end up having some confusion based on which link belongs to which product.

But if you're using a tool like Spreadsheet, you can easily create an excel file which groups all your affiliate offers and their respective links.

That way, you can easily grab your links anytime you wish to share them with other people.

23. Canva

Obviously, this list wouldn’t be complete if we didn't mention Canva.

This platform helps you to design stunning media files for your campaigns i.e. Facebook images, YouTube thumbnails, Instagram images, or even Blog images.

The beauty part about Canva is that it offers some premade templates which can be easily customised in order to create your own images.

Even if you're not a graphic designer, you can easily come up with some great looking images using the templates provided by this tool.

Thus, Canva deserves to be bookmarked if you're looking to create some stunning images for your marketing campaigns.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained so much value from this post.

I tried to include the main tools which l think are helpful if you're just starting out on a limited budget.

Obviously, the list would have been much longer if l included all the free tools available out there since there is countless number of free tools and softwares out there.

But l believe that most of the tools shared in this post can be of great value if you utilise them to their full potential.

Let me know in the comments which other free tools you think are great but are not included in this post.


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