How To Start A Lead Generation Agency Business (2022)

How To Start A Lead Generation Agency Business

For the past few decades, lead generation has been one of the best business models in most nations – since most companies are now interested in getting more leads for their products/services.

Thus, companies are now willing to hire some lead gen agencies – so that they can expand their customer base.

But the question is;

‘How can someone like you get started with lead generation business?’

That's what will be discussed in this article.

I will share with you a 5 step process that you can follow in order to setup and run your own lead gen business.

It includes the following steps:

Without further ado, let me explain each of them.

1. Pick A Niche

The first crucial step is to pick a specific niche i.e. you should ask yourself these questions;

‘What do you intend to focus on?’

‘Who's your target clients?’

‘How do you intend to generate leads for them?’

For example, you can target local gyms, or restaurants, or photographers, etc.

Then when it comes to how you intend to generate leads for them, you can use Google Ads, or Facebook Ads, or even YouTube Ads.

This is so crucial because it gives you a direction on how your business will be operated – unlike someone who's just trying to serve ‘everyone' in the market.

Thus, if you're asked ‘what your business does’, you should be able to answer that question in 1 line.

2. Expand Your Knowledge

Once you have picked your niche, it's important to expand your knowledge a little bit – so that you become more resourceful to the market.

If someone is paying his/her hard earned money for your service, that person will be expecting good results – thus, you should be very equipped with great knowledge and skills which helps to serve your clients better.

The beauty part is that, you don't necessarily need to stress about paying thousands of dollars to acquire a skill.

There's a lot of great tutorials on YouTube which are very helpful – and you can learn a lot through these free tutorials i.e. if you take them serious.

You can also take advantage of the free online courses which are being offered by Google, Facebook, Constant Contact, SEMRush, etc. – thus, you can gain some great knowledge for free.

3. Setup Your Business Website

Once you've acquired ‘enough skills', you should now setup your business website.

A website proves that you're a legitimate business which is trustworthy – because a website shows your business information (address, phone number, email, etc.)

Not only that, but a website also allows you to take bookings & payments – thus, allowing you to run your business on autopilot.

Thus, it's important to have a website for your business – so that you can have somewhere to send your clients.

The beauty part is that, you don't have to be a ‘professional developer' in order to create a functional website.

In this modern day and age, you can use tools like WordPress, Wix or Squarespace – since these tools are now accessible i.e. even if you don't have any coding skills.

Thus, you can set up your own website in just few minutes i.e. even without prior experience.

👉You can read this article if you want to learn how to create your own website without any coding skills.

*And by the way, you can get started for as little as $2.95/month i.e. if you use something like GreenGeeks.

4. Reach Out To Local Businesses

Assuming that you now have your website setup, it's now high time to start approaching your ideal clients.

For example, if you're targeting local restaurants, you can go on Google Maps – and you can search for ‘restaurants’ within your radius.

The beauty part is that, most companies displays their contact information i.e. email address, phone number, physical address, etc. – thus, you can take those details & contact these companies.

It's important to send out cold emails – or even phone calls – so as to inform them about your services.

If possible, you can also approach them in person (face to face) – because this tends to convert better than calls/emails i.e. most companies takes long to respond to emails & calls because they have a lot of things to focus on.

But if you approach them in person, they’ll see that you're a legitimate person whom they can do business with – thus, they’ll likely try your services.

Also, it's important to show them how your services will help to improve their performance – instead of just pushing for a contract.

It's also important to show your past clients' results – so that they can see you're actually capable of producing results for them.

If you're able to convince them properly, you'll be able to close some big deals.

5. Sign Contracts

Last but not least, it's important to sign some contracts with interested clients – rather than just using verbal agreements.

A contract sets the foundation of how you're going to work with them – so that if you get into a conflict, you can always go back and refer to the terms of the contract.

Without a contract, you can easily get ‘abused' by these giant established companies i.e. they'll take advantage of you & use you for pennies – knowing that you wont be able to report anywhere – since there'll be no written agreement between the 2 of you.

Thus, it's important to always sign a written contract with your clients – so as to protect both parties.

You can find some premade contract templates on the internet – and you can download & use them for your business.

Wrapping Up

So that's basically the 5 step process that you can follow to setup and run your own lead generation agency.

If you follow them, you can easily setup your own lead gen business in no time.


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