Why You Should Disconnect Yourself From Mainstream Media i.e. News📰

‘16 people were killed by the tragic accident that just happened at X junction, whilst 22 others were seriously injured...’🚨

‘Covid 19 just reached level 33, and the government has implemented new strict measures with immediate effect...’😷

‘In other reports, fuel prices just went up by 19%, as the rate of inflation continue to skyrocket...’⛽

‘A magnitude 4.8 earthquake is expected to hit the city in 2 weeks, and it's expected to last for few days...’🌋

’Meanwhile, 33 215 workers were laid off yesterday, as company X bought more machinery to replace manual labour...’🤦‍♂️

‘In sports news, all first league games have been banned till further notice, in a bid to solve the ongoing interclub disputes...’⛹️‍♂️

‘Thanks for tuning-in!’

‘And that ends, this news bulletin’

🎶(News Music)


Do you know that most successful people whom l know don't watch the news that much?

And it's not by coincidence, because I've also studied other great entrepreneurs who lived in the 19th century – and they also didn't watch the news as well.


Because news feeds negativity into your mental health.

Though there might be positive news here & there, most of it is just toxic to your mind.

Because negative staff gets more eyebrows👀 – that’s why most media companies puts out a lot of negativity.

And as a result, your mind will only be programmed to think about all that negativity all the time i.e. it puts you in a state of fear i.e. what if this happen, what if that happen, etc.

And if you're not careful, you'll live your whole life worrying about all that negative staff – which in some cases, might not even happen in real life.

That's why most successful people don't watch news – or in some cases, they totally get rid of their tv’s📺.

Because they just wanna focus on the positive staff that moves their life forward – and ignore all the negative staff that's toxic for their mental health.

Back in the day, I used to wake up & scroll through my phone i.e. checking what's popping on news sites.

Then, after consuming a lot of negativity, I'd then decide to finally start my day.

The result?

I wasn't able to make much progress during that stage of my life – because my mind would already be f*cked up before l even start my work.

I'd put my mind into reactive mode through reacting to those news – instead of putting it into proactive mode i.e. doing what's more important first (creating).

But as soon as I made the decision to change that habit, I saw a huge improvement in my business & life in general.

Even when l get some free time to consume the media, I'm so intentional about the content that I feed into my mind i.e. I only consume positive content that adds value into my mental factory.

For this reason, I subscribe to educational YouTube channels, blogs, or podcasts which are related to entrepreneurship, personal finance, and self improvement.

And I think it's also important for you as well i.e. instead of watching the news that feeds negativity into your mind, what if you decide to consume positive content that moves your life forward?

✏..... (Sign-off)

NB: If your business heavily relies on what's happening around the country, then sure enough you should watch the news – but be intentional though.

But if you're just an average person, watching the news does more harm than good to you.

(If the news is that important, then it will reach you somewhere somehow, as it will be viral in the streets)


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